Parallel Worlds

Ansel Blanchard

Active Member
Ansel hated it when girls cried.
It's not that he was a horrible person, or rude-...Okay, maybe.

It's just that when a girl cries, it makes him feel really, really awkward.
He feels like he's done something terrible even though this is,
most of the times, not the case, and feel like somebody's
going to blame him for something he didn't do. It happened once in
elementary school, when a girl tripped in the hallway- she began
to cry, and the poor boy just happened to be the one closest
to her- and without much discussion, the innocent boy was
immediately blamed for her tears.

Ever since that event, he merely walks away when a
girl shows the first signs of tears as horrible as this sounds,
he doesn't really understand girls in the first place. Sure, he's
been called 'heartless' and 'cold', but he still doesn't want
to get caught up in the mess of a crying girl. That's just the way he functioned.

It seemed as if nobody was capable of changing him.

It was a rainy day, and he walked into his classroom, he slightly
hummed to a favorite tune of his as he walked towards his
professor's desk, searching for a brown file she requested.
He looked around, and found a brown file labeled something he couldn't
figure out- obviously their professor was tired from all her duties
when writing the label, as it looked more like a doodle than handwriting.
He turned around to go hand over the file to the upperclassman when
he found something unexpected in the room.

Oops, no. Scratch that. Somebody unexpected. He peered over the figure.
He certainly didn't notice her here until now- obviously he was too absorbed in
his music. Thinking that he shouldn't be a bother at all, Ansel
had decided to move out without saying a word, but he failed
at doing that, for as he was about to head out, he had had almost
tripped over something that he cannot really figure out what. Almost
landing straight on his face he pushed himself back up again but in
the process he had hit her big toe on the wall. Muttering under his breath,
he turned to look whether the girl had actually seen what had just happened to him.
Adalyn had finished her paper work early and with the weekend looming over them she knew it would just get lost amoung the blank sheet music floating around her room. She left the library where she had worked on it and headed to the Professor's classroom, fully intending to leave it with her or on the desk with a note attached, just in case. When she arrived Adalyn noticed a boy in the room instead of the teacher, she crossed her arms across her chest and watched as he fumbled around with some papers. While he was sorting through the papers she could hear a tune coming and going, she smiled, he was into music too.

He noticed her and she stiftened moving forward to leave the papers on the desk as he left. Turning to glance back at him once he passed she watched as he wiped out on the floor. Adalyn stood there shocked her mouth slightly opened as she watched him get back up and look at her. "Oh."
Muttering under his breath again, he had tried to
get rid of himself of embarrassment by pretending that
nothing had happened at all. He can't quite live with being
humiliated because of his carelessness and clumsiness after all.
Scratching the back of his head, he decided to turn his
attention back to the girl. "You saw that eh?" He said,
mentally wanting to kick himself for sounding really pathetic.

Seeing that it was indeed a girl who was in the room
with him, Ansel had had decided to stay in the far end of the room
as far from her as he can. He didn't want to be associated
with a girl at any way, he's afraid that he'll cause one
to cry once more, and once again, he'll be blamed.
Turning his attention to the professor's desk, he saw some other
papers situated there, thinking whether it was included in what
his professor was requesting, he quietly moved forward
and picked the paper, "Do you want me to pass this to him?" He asked,
not really looking straight at the girl's direction.
Adalyn watched as the boy became more embarrased, she felt bad for him but had been his own fault not seeing whatever he tripped on. "I did," she answered her voice think with an Italian accent. Her hand held the papers over the desk as she watched him come closer. When he asked about giving them to the teacher she looked down at her papers and then back to the boy. "Are you going to see him?" She asked her hand moving the papers closer to her. He wasn't looking at her and it confused her slightly, she never thought she was ugly but he clothes were a bit strange to other people, that was true.
<COLOR color="midnightblue">Ansel was taken back by the girl's question
not because he didn't have an answer for it, but rather
because he didn't expect that she would actually start
talking to him. No one does after all, though he had
few admirers, no one did talk to him, they think that he's too aloof
to talk after all, but at least, he's more bearable than his brother.
"Probably, but if I see some upperclassman, I'll just have to hand it
over to them."
He said, his voice low and unsure.

Moving his eyes up, he had tried to look and observe the
girl, he was just around his age probably, but he's not quite sure.
She could possibly belong in the same class as him too,
but being him, he didn't probably noticed her. Sighing,
he waited until the girl give her papers to him. "Do you
have anything that you would want to tell him?"
Adalyn watched the boy as he spoke to her, he didn't sound very sure about what he was saying so she put the papers down on the desk. "I think I'll just leave it here for him then, it isn't an important homework anyways," she told him glancing at the paper then back to the boy. She wondered what he had been humming before, if it was someone else's song or his own.

Adalyn smiled lightly at him when he looked up, she felt bad for him he seemed to be a nervous type. Hanging out with older students and being in a band took care of her nerves and she never stuttered anymore like she had when she was a first year. That had been a bad year for her, she was still learning english and was nervous about everything, then she learned just not to care. "No, I don't think he'll mind if it stays here, and anyways I have you as an alibi to say I turned it in," Adalyn told him shifting her weight to her other foot. Just standing the heels on her boots where taking a toll but she didn't mind, she was used to it.
Ansel nodded in understanding as the girl said that
he doesn't need to pass her homework for her.
Actually, that would be good, seeing that he need not
to meet the said professor personally, cause in all honesty,
he didn't really like the said professor. "If that is what you
He said shortly, moving out once again
to see whether he could just pass the papers to an older
upperclassman, and fortunately enough,
there was one standing just outside the hallway.

As the older student moved out to head to the
professor's office, Ansel had decided to went back
into the room, not to start any small talk,
but rather, for him to at least have some quiet time to
himself. The girl didn't seem to like to talk as much as him
so he figured that it wouldn't really matter at all.
"Would you mind if I stay?" He asked her, going over to the
desk at the back of the room.
Adalyn nodded to the boy looking down at the desk as he left out into the hallway. Something intrigued her to find out more about him, he seemed slightly socially awkward in which case he'd be alot like her. Sitting down at a desk she decided to pull out some other makeup work she still needed to finish. Pulling out the paper she looked over the work before sighing.

Looking up when she heard the boy enter she crossed her legs under the desk before answering. "Sure, it's an open class. Someone could jump in through the window and I wouldn't be able to say no to that," she told him her blunt honesty coming out of her like usual. Adalyn never talked much to begin with but when she did it was all honest, she barely lied to anyone. Busying herself with her work she began to hum one of the more like songs her band wrote not even meaning to.
Once Ansel was back inside the room, he was quite
intrigued by how the girl was putting some more make up
in her face. He had always wondered why most of the girls
bothered to spend too much time for putting the said
thing, it doesn't made sense at all.

Raising an eyebrow, Ansel had settled himself on the chair, his
legs on top of the desk while his hands were behind his back,
balancing himself in order to prevent himself from falling.
He was about to close his eyes when he heard a small tune being
hummed by the girl. It was quite catchy, that tune was.
Sitting properly right at the moment, Ansel had cupped his chin
in his hands, "What song is that?" He inquired softly, not meaning
to start a conversation, but because of his curiosity,
he was forced to. He then tapped his fingers on the desk
patiently waiting for the girl to reply.
Adalyn watched from the corner of her eye as he sat down, her hair was blocking most of her face as she continued the makeup work for the teacher. She hadn't been on doing it now, but the room was quiet and peaceful enough to do work. Alot of the students didn't know what quiet was. Everyone yelled in the halls and threw curses and hexes down the corridors at each other.

Turning to look over at the boy as he questioned her, her quill stilled in the middle of a sentence that she had been forming on the paper and blotched the paper. But she didn't noticed yet she was looking over towards the boy surpised he was actually talking to her. "Everyboby want something from me. What were you humming earlier?" She asked knowing he wouldn't know about her song before now, he was still underclassman he wouldn't be invited to the band jams down in the dungeon unless he was apart of an upperclassman band like she was.
<COLOR color="midnightblue">Ansel was actually a bit relieved when the girl had replied
to his question, for all he thought, she wouldn't even bother to
talk to him. Nodding his head to show that he had understood her,
Ansel had decided to get back to his own world, that is, before she
had asked her question.

Hers was typically just the same as his inquiry, she was also
wondering about this tune that he was humming before.
"Burn my dread. . quiet a simple song actually." He replied back,
actually, that song was something that he had composed before,
it was his personal song actually, and it was the first time
that he had actually said it's title to someone whom he barely
knew, yet, since she had granted an answer to his
question, then he figured that it would be only civil
to answer her question as well.​
Adalyn nodded to what the boy told her, it actually sounded like something she might listen too, from the humming he did and the title. Of course she was pretty much sterotypical based on her looks what music she liked. It was all rock for her, nothing else exstited. "Sounds interesting. Your own work?" She asked for some reason. She didn't actually know why she kept up talking with him, but there was always something that made her speak more when she spoke with other musicians. The himself had an interesting look, the dark hair with blueish eyes, he could easily pass for many genres of music making.
Ansel nodded when the girl asked whether he
had composed the said song. It was quite a wonder
though, for usually, he would just keep quite, especially
if it was a girl that he was talking to. Yet, when
it comes to his interests, he cannot really help himself.
He's quite talkative once something interests him, well,
if you call answering questions as well as being polite
to be talkative, then yes, he was right.

"I did write it, do you want to know how it goes?" He said,
checking his bag to pull out a small black book, something
where he would write all his thoughts, it also holds
all his art works as well, incoherent doodles, drawings, everything
that could possibly speak out about him.
Adalyn smiled at him when he nodded his head. She was pleased she could pick up on and make the call that he was a follow artist like herself. Standing up at his offer she moved over towards where he was sitting. "Actually that'd be really cool," she said noticing he took out a little black book. It was alot like the one she used but hers had red vines twirling around it, making it sort of girly. Plus her's was written completely in Italian, a few English notes put in sometimes by her fellow band mate that translated her work and made it sound good in English.

Sitting down in the desk next to him she crossed her legs. A smile was on her face and she wondered what the lyrics of the song would be. The title was very intriguing and she really wanted to know how it sounded.
Ansel cannot help but to smile when the girl
had actually agreed to read his work. Honestly, this
would be the first time for him to let anyone read that.
But, this girl seemed to be like him in so many ways, so
he figured that it wouldn't hurt to let her look and take a peek into
his inner thoughts.

Handling the notebook to the girl, Ansel had his chin
cupped in his hands, patiently waiting for her reaction.
Most people do not understand what he writes, and he would want to
see whether the girl would actually understand it or not.

Dreamless dorm, ticking clock, I walk away from the soundless room
Windless night, moonlight melts, My ghostly shadow to the lukewarm gloom
Nightly dance of bleeding swords, Reminds me that I still live

I will burn my dread
I once ran away from the god of fear, And he chained me to despair

Burn my dread

I'll break the chain and run till I see the sunlight again
I'll lift my face and run to the sunlight

Voiceless town, tapping feet,I clench my fists in pockets tight
Far in mist a tower awaits, like a merciless tomb, devouring moonlight

Clockwork maze end unknown, in frozen time a staircase stands
Shadows crawl on bloodstained floor, I rush straight ahead with a sword in hands
Cold touch of my trembling gun, I close my eyes to hear you breathe

I will burn my dread

This time I'll grapple down that god of fear and throw him into hell's fire

Burn my dread

I'll shrug the pain and run till I see the sunlight again

Oh I will run burning all regret and dread and I will face the sun with pride of the living
Adalyn smiled at him before looking down at the words written across the page. She knew her reading skills in english were alot better then her speaking ones so she smiled glad she could make sense of the words. Reading through she had to stop and re-read a few things to see if she could figure out the meaning. After she was finished she looked up and headed the small book back over to the boy. "I like it. The 6th stanza or section really stands out, Clockwork maze and unknown," she said so the boy knew what she was talking about.
Ansel smiled a bit when he heard the girl's statement.
Rarely was it that someone had complimented and understand
his works, most would think of it as weird and too deep, most
wouldn't even understand what it was that he was trying to convey.
Nevertheless, he didn't really mind it, after all, that
was the purpose of his songs, to express his thoughts
as well as to keep it hidden to someone who don't deserve to
know it.

"Glad that you liked it." He muttered, taking the notebook
back from her, lyrics were forming on his mind now, and he
didn't mind if he would have to write it down sometime later for
surely, he would still remember it. He wanted to have to talk
to this girl now, try to see whether he could write something
about this new encounter of his. "What about that song,
Everybody want something from me, you wrote it?"
He then inquired,
quite surprised with himself that he was managing to talk to the girl
which he didn't even know the name of.
Adalyn nodded glancing at his black journal of songs. She wondered what other songs it held. Of course she knew he was going to ask about her song but she didn't know how to explain it to him, she never had the english versions of the song with her. "I write in Italian," she said with a shrugg of her shoulders. Pulling out her journal she opened it to the song he wanted to read, but everyword was strached out in Italian a few english notes written here and there by the band member of hers that translated the songs wrote in while he was working on it. Out of all of them he was the best in english, having grown up partly in Italy during his younger years and summer and then moving to America when he was about ten.
"It's fine, I can understand Italian." Ansel said, shrugging
as well, he didn't know what it was that had made him do it, but
he had been learning different languages for as long as he could remember.
It was probably something that interests him aside from music. Their
family do travel a lot too, and his father, being a business man that he was
was often associated with people from different races. That was probably
what had provoked him into learning to speak in different languages.
It gives him advantage though, for at least, he could understand what
the others were saying, while them on the other hand, would
often get confused when he talk.

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