Paper Airplane

Eddie Bliss

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OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
After carefully weighing the pros and cons, Eddie had decided in the end that he didn't particularly enjoy having a common room located in the dungeons of the castle. Sure, the Slytherins den was relatively close to the kitchens, but not enough for trips there to be either frequent or convenient; the distance was far enough that the snakes weren't as friendly with the house elves as the Hufflepuffs (although granted, this might be more a problem concerning personalities than distance) and the snakes had a better chance of being caught by a professor. This thought led to a tiny, involuntary frown and furrowed brows. If he recalled correctly, there was a rumor that they kept trolls in this part of Hogwarts, too... So, Eddie thought, absentmindedly folding and unfolding the scroll of parchment before him in half, in addition to every night being eerie to the point of concerning, there's the added bonus that he might get to run into a troll. Holding either of the paper's top corners between his large thumb and forefinger, he folded them so that they both met in the middle. Ah the mind of an eleven year old when trolls made one excited rather than scared. But there was something else he didn't like, he thought, taking a moment to glance through the windows and up at the sky, only to be met with the critical gaze of some medieval Slytherin. Oh, right. Shaking his head and not wanting to hear another lecture on how great Slytherins were back in the day, the boy looked down at his paper plane in the making. There were no windows to look through. "Of course, that wouldn't make any sense, being underground and all." He said quietly to himself.

Staring at his forefinger, the first year winced as he watched a tiny trickle of blood move slowly along and into a small drop. It was weird how something almost as fine as a strand hair could sting so much. If he hadn't ever noticed it, would it even still hurt? He wondered, pulling out a simple, navy-colored handkerchief from his pocket. It was a little much for a tiny drop of blood, but he would much rather use this than get small drops of blood on his belongings. If he saw them later on, they'd probably drive him mad, being a somewhat neat freak and all when it comes to his comic books, as some of them were limited edition. He even had an entire trunk just for his comic books, his mom and dad grew irritated with him that they agreed to bring it along. Looking quite satisfied after dabbing away at his cut, his attention quickly turned back to the paper airplane which had been finished for a few minutes now. It seemed stupid now, making a paper airplane for fun when he lived at Hogwarts... not! Why not have a little fun, even if it may be childish? Holding the bottom of the plane gently in his right hand, he aimed right between the ear of student passing by. There must have been some extra fold he'd accidentally made in the wing, though. After a flick of his wrist and a light throw, why else would it suddenly swerve left in midair and barely miss the back of the student he was aiming for. "YES!" he exclaimed with a fist pump up on the air, he didn't missed the student after all, close enough.
The sudden boredom that came over the pre-teen Slytherin was almost enough to drive the boy to tears. Preston had even made a brief attempt at working at an essay to alleviate the feeling of wanting to run around like a madman. It hadn’t worked though, not that he had expected it to. An essay on Merlin the Magnificent was not enough to soothe his weariness. Eventually, the Slytherin decided to leave the confines of his common room, hoping that something in the castle would be able to get his interest for more than a minute. Having already been dressed for a couple of hours and with his pockets filled with the sort of things that only a twelve year old boy’s pockets could hold, Preston looked around his room for his left shoe. After he laced up his trainers, Preston wasted no time in escaping Slytherin house. The common room had been empty, making him wonder if the other Slytherins didn’t feel the same way. Preston briefly wondered where everyone had gone off to. Thinking that he might stop off in the kitchens for an apple or something, the Slytherin walked without paying much attention to his surroundings. He didn’t notice the younger student who would be sending a paper airplane his way in just a moment.

It wasn’t until he felt the familiar whoosh of something grazing his ear that Preston came back into the present and focused on his surroundings. He heard a loud exclamation behind him as he slapped his hand on his throbbing ear, the Slytherin saw what it was that had hit him. A paper airplane. The boy whipped around to see who it was who had been bold enough to throw something at him. “What the hell?” Preston exclaimed, his hand dabbing at his ear now to see if the paper had drawn blood. After touching his ear twice and seeing no sign of red, he dropped his hand to his side. Preston stared the other guy down for a moment and then stalked over to the paper airplane that was on the floor. He was next to it in several quick steps and then it was in his hand. Glancing at the workmanship, Preston was impressed. He could tell that the guy knew what he was doing. It would almost pain him to do what he was about to do. Almost. Looking back at the boy, his hand slowly crushed the beautiful airplane into a ball, his other hand coming to do help finish the job. When he was done, Preston threw the perfectly crumpled ball towards the guy and turned away, walking as he spoke. “I believe that belongs to you” he stated as he continued on. The boy continued down the hall, not even considering that the boy might consider volleying the paper his way again.
The hour was just past three in the afternoon. The corridor in question was only moderately filled with the bodies of students shuffling along here or there. It wasn't a main artery for people-moving within the castle on most days, so it wasn't unusual that it wasn't clogged. What better place to pause for a spell and just kick back? The Dungeons. Eddie had hoisted himself up onto the sill of one of the many windows cut into the stone at set intervals, and after a bit of shimmying he had managed to find a position that wouldn't result in his losing a battle with gravity. He was sort of bent in on himself. One leg was hanging over the edge, while the other was braced against the wall. If he were to relax just a little too much he could have easily slipped and collided with the floor, but for now he was aware of himself enough to keep that from happening. Instead of putting the blame on him, the first year manage to keep it cool and sat on the edge waiting for the boys reaction, he was extremely fast when he positioned himself. He looked back at the boy, the one who he decided to annoy this particular day. Then, he clapped his hands, both of it. It amused him to hear and see the boy's reaction, typical Slytherin. It was such a waste when the boy crumpled the paper airplane he just made, near to perfection as it was. "That's my masterpiece, Mate. he mused with his awkward Canadian, Irish accent. The slytherin didn't looked mad at all, as a matter of fact he grew more amused of the event. "Well, I can always make one. Cranes too. he thought as he received the paper ball that was once his paper airplane. As the boy turned his back on him, Eddie felt the need to do something to really get his attention.

Kicking the paper ball as hard as he can wouldn't make a difference, so instead he placed it in his hands and flickered, rather snapped it out and pointed it directly on his butt. This time to really piss the student off, he didn't care who the boy was, it was his way of getting notice or having fun. After all this time is his play time and it just so happens that the boy was passing by the Dungeons when he could pass by the corridors. Eddie stayed at his position, he remained seated. "That still belongs to me!" he yelled, while waiting for the boy's reaction, if he would reconsider to get mad at Eddie. Whatever reaction it might be, he is prepared, actually excited to see the boy glare or shout at him. Stretching both of his arms, he leaned on the stone wall and motioned to fix his spot. Perhaps tonight he would go to sleep early or lurk the corridors at night, anything that sounds fun. Eddie wondered if he could make a spell that would make paper cranes to follow a student, just out of the fun of it. Make it levitate and float, maybe they would learn that during their lessons here in Hogwarts. He just hopes he would like it, after all being a muggle-born and living like a muggle means he's new to magic.

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