Closed Panic

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
This was going to be a good date night for Killian Borisyuk and his long time girlfriend, Courtney Warby. Kirill and Kalia were both at Kieran’s home for the night, to give the parents a break. Killian knew what he needed to do too. He had this perfect meal fixed, and knew that this was going to be a surprise to Courtney since she was at work, and he was home a day earlier than expected. He wanted everything to be perfect since he planned on proposing, perhaps, or seeing how she would react to his thought of marrying her - even though he had no idea what she already thought of them as married without having the certificate. The entire premise of marriage still freaked him out. He was also in a whirlwind of emotions when he found out about Kaelan’s love life, and then Kieran had not one but two women on his arms - and both women knew of the other.

It just blew his mind. Killian wondered how anyone had the energy to do that. Courtney wore him out anytime he was home with her. He chuckled at the thought of having more than one Courtney. He would have to take frequent vacations. He took out his wand and waved it so that the mood was set, a few snacks on the table in the living room with wine and vodka, as well as candles illuminating the room. It was perfect. Now, he needed one thing just in case the time was right. He walked into the bedroom and opened his nightstand to look for that little box. He grabbed it, and popped it open with his thumb to look at… the empty box. Where was the ring? Killian felt himself start to panic. Has someone found it?
Courtney usually had her day down to a tee whenever Killian was at school. It was hard not to have a routine, considering she had two kids under her roof - two very young part-giant kids. If she just went on with her day with no plan in sight, she'd be run through the ground whenever her husband would find himself off teaching. Today, however, there was something odd that she couldn't quite shake the feeling off. It had started in the morning, and for some bizarre reason, both children were against her going to work and refused to be left with the babysitter. Then work, somehow, became impossible to deal with today. The ancient texts she needed to tackle kept blurring in front of her. Whoever thought that hieroglyphics were a smart way to write needed to be dead fifty times over. Anyway, when work was finally over - she'd had to stay back an hour later than usual, which was just awful - she lamented facing the rest of the night. But something wasn't quite right when she entered her own home, which had her pulling out her wand. The utter silence - which meant the kids were somehow miraculously quiet - was unnerving. "Hello?" she called out into the house as she stepped into the living room and found the whole setup, making her finally relax. Her husband has apparently decided to be home early to surprise her - he was such a dork. "Killian? Honey?" she called out as she went up to their bedroom in search of him, although there was a niggling feeling that she was forgetting something. As she finally finds Killian, she remembers what it was she's forgetting. He was home a day early, which meant she was still wearing the ring on her finger. The ring he had been unsuccessfully hiding for however long now. Oops? Would he panic less if she's wearing it or would he panic more? Well, she didn't want to have to continue hiding the ring when he was obviously panicking that it was gone. "Looking for something baby?"
Where the hell had it went to? Killian heard Courtney's voice from the within the house, and immediately went to look once more for the ring, and then heard her come in the bedroom. 'F**k,' he thought as he slammed the table drawer shut - which promptly broke the bedside table. That was definitely not suspicious at all. He winced as he slowly turned around to face his girlfriend. "No, no... Just, got frustrated with the table drawer. It got stuck," Killian lied, though it was a terrible lie to begin with. He could not hide the expression of panic in his green eyes, even though his face remained somewhat neutral.

But the fact still remained, where was the ring? How was he supposed to propose without it? He spent a hell of a lot of money on that damn ring. Was it Kaelan? What if Kirill walked around and got into it and ate it? There were so many options and he was not liking a single one - yet not one of the options in his head was the fact that his girlfriend could have found it, and was, in fact, wearing it. "Um, let's go to the living room and have a glass of wine." Although, with how he felt, maybe he should have gotten out his vodka.
It was perhaps a little mean to be amused that Killian had yet to figure out that she had known about the ring's existence for quite a while now. She didn't know when he bought the ring, but it couldn't have been for very long when she found it. She had a tendency to obsessively clean every time he would leave for Hogwarts. It was a good distraction. Of course, at first, she'd left the ring well enough alone, content to wait for when Killian would eventually propose. And then time just seemed to pass by, and there was a time she'd worried he'd changed his mind, but they never broke up. And so she'd relaxed and just convinced herself that perhaps he was still scared about her response. Nowadays, the ring is a comfort on her finger whenever he's off at school, and she just religiously remembers to put it back before he's due back. And well, it was quite the luck - whether fortunate or unfortunate remains to be seen - that he'd arrived a day earlier. She raised a brow at him, clearly unimpressed with the lie but she didn't call him out on it and instead waved her wand to promptly fix up the bedside table. She'd gotten quite good with that recently since the kids were still prone to breaking stuff around the house. "I saw the setup. The candles are a nice touch," she said as she stood there, arms crossed waiting for her kiss. Because she should always get one whenever he comes home from that school.
Killian stared down at her as she fixed the bedside table with a gesture of her wand, but his green eyes noticed something a little extra on her hand after she folded her arms across her chest. She was looking for something, he was not stupid. She wanted affection after he was gone for so long. He wanted to give her what she wanted, but there was something off. And his eyebrows furrowed. No, she wouldn't... It occurred to him. She absolutely would. It was just, so her. Killian approached his girlfriend and knelt down in front of her to reach out and touch her cheek. "You could say that I was inspired."

The part-giant wrapped his hand around her back for a bit of a hug, though he stopped to look down at her hands. That was where the ring was. Right on her finger. The one he picked out just for her, and she was already wearing it - right where it needed to be. "Now, where did you find that ring, Courtney? If some other b*****d proposed to you with my ring, you should tell me now so I can go hunt him down."
Courtney knew that Killian's propensity towards violence could be a little off-putting for others, but it was something that she'd never been particularly against it. She even found it amusing sometimes because he could be a little silly sometimes, like right now. He sure had a convoluted way of thinking though he supposed he needed that to be a good History professor. History tended to be quite convoluted because of all that "history is written by the victors" kind of thing. But this was just silly. Did he think someone broke into their house, looked into his draws for a ring, and then proposed to her? It was very, very, very hard not to be amused, and it was likely showing on her face. And where did she find the ring? Really? Does he think his drawers just remain miraculously clean every time he's away? "If you didn't want me to find the ring, maybe you should have been bringing it to Hogwarts and not left it in the house I obsessively clean," she says, quite amused. "I've known about it for a good, long while now. And have been wearing it for a little less than that." It was just so hard to resist egging him on. "Have you never wondered why my colleagues call you my husband?"
Killian truly had his hands full when it came down to Courtney. And she brought up an obvious factor. If he didn't want her to find the ring, he should have kept it with him. He mentally kicked himself for that, though he was afraid he would lose it should it remain with him. She did keep everything shining. He was impressed with it, even though he himself wasn't messy. He was never really home to be messy anyway. The fact that she knew about it for this long. And not said anything. She respected how freaked out he had been about commitment - the real reasons. "I thought they were just saying that because we have kids." That was still a hard pill to swallow. Wait, she never corrected them either. "I'll admit, it took me a while to even consider proposing. I worked up the nerve and then you told me you were pregnant with Kalia. I was going to ask tonight but you are already wearing the ring." This was helping him out more than he'd care to admit. "Maybe instead of proposing, we could elope. I hate the idea of wearing a suit. I'd look too much like Kaelan."
Courtney could no longer hold back the snort that came out of her because of his defense. Perhaps it was easy to think that her colleagues had started calling him her husband after they had the not-so-little ones. But also, it was because she'd had the ring on her finger for so long. She listened intently as he told her all about his initial plan to propose, her man was such a dork. A big dork. They'd been together for so long that while she had gotten impatient about him proposing to her, him coming home to her, to the house and home that they'd had together was enough of a reminder sometimes that he was hers. She did raise an eyebrow though at him inviting her to elope. Well, she had no objections about eloping. She did have some objections though. "Nopenopenope. I've waited so long for this and you don't get to skip this part," she said with a shark-like grin. "You're already on your knees Borisyuk. Pop the question, let me say yes, and then we can elope."
How she found Killian amusing was beyond his comprehension. Killian was not the type to say something without following through. His threats were never empty. Courtney, to no one's surprise, said no several times, and then explained why. Her smile made his heartbeat relax a little more. She wanted him to propose properly, and then they could elope. He was unaware that he was even holding his breath about this whole thing. "Considering that you are already wearing the ring, I don't have to worry about you saying no." He glanced down at her ring that was still neatly on her finger, where it needed to be a long time ago. It wasn't like he ever loved anyone before. Not like her. Never like Courtney. "Courtney Warby, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He did have a speech planned for this, but since she was already aware of it, he could do it during their vows. He was sure that they could use vows during eloping, right?
Courtney would have laughed hysterically if she hadn't been waiting for this proposal for so long now. With every date and anniversary, she always hoped that he would finally pop the question. Because she knew he would. The ring that she wore on her finger - that he'd been hiding from her for years now - was proof that he wanted to take that next step with her. To spend the rest of their lives together. As it was, she did give a wet chuckle because he really didn't stand up and continued to kneel in front of her. And she was looking at him, waiting and watching and holding her breath, because this was finally happening. And then he said it. He asked. He proposed. And she didn't hold herself back from throwing herself at him, knowing he would catch her. "YES!"


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