Open OWL That You Could Hope To Recall

Aine Thompson

Most Interesting (Head) Girl In The World
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
18 (21/9/2043)
ooc: i'm posting it early to give people the chance to casually post over the semester but here's an OWL study/panic thread for fifth years!

Panic was starting to set in. For all the reminders that 'your OWLs are coming up', it didn't actually feel real until they were getting stuck into second semester, and the exam schedules were starting to be organized. Aine's was the most miserable week she could possibly imagine, and still not as miserable as Monday's. Thankfully Occlumency wasn't being tested, and if it was she would probably fail horrifically and spiral into a deep crisis, if Professor Styx didn't send her to St. Mungo's first.

Aine wasn't exactly the best at organizing things, but she'd just passed around a note that she'd have snacks and study sessions out on the Great Lawn. Sunshine would help, she felt more comfortable chatting outside the library, and hopefully enough of them would be willing to put up with her that they could all struggle their way through this semester together and pass the OWLs as a team. Of course, most of the year level hated her because she was an objectively terrible person who nearly set one of the people she was actually good friends with on fire and was overall obnoxious and generally detestable, but details. "I can't remember any of my dreams to save myself. Do you think I just write an essay saying I dreamt I was falling in to a dark chasm and say it represents my fear of failing the OWLs and call it a day in the Divination exam?" she asked to nobody in particular, puzzling over her Divination notes.
Silas wasn't the most academically oriented. He did decent enough in his classes, but he was no one his professors would recall as being exceptional at any form of magic. To be honest, even though he grew up in a wizarding family, knowing how to transfigure things or creatures to avoid were not really in his lists of interests. But it didn't matter, as he was here at this school, and he had these very big exams coming up that would determine a lot about his future. He didn't have a set career idea, which maybe lifted a lot of the pressure off of him, but he still figured studying was good. Plus, his parents might be upset if he didn't at least try to do well on his OWLs.

The Hufflepuff was looking over his notes for the Wit-Sharpening Solution, something he could probably use right now, when Aine interrupted his thought process. He didn't taken divination, but it seemed like Aine might have missed the point of the class. "You could, as long as you sold it the right way. Do you have to remember all your dreams?" he asked curiously.
Zagreus had spent most of his break stressing about the upcoming OWLs, and that hadn't really changed now he was actually back at school. In fact, he just found himself worrying about them even more than before, which really was not great. At least Aine had organized a group picnic and study session so he could stress with other people instead of just sitting around in the library or in the common room just stressing out by himself.

He was sitting off to the side a little, anxiously chewing on the end of his pencil as he stared at the Astronomy notes he had taken over the years. Some of the earlier stuff was easy enough, as that was everything he had already learned about in Muggle school. But some of the things they had learned in the past few years were new, and he'd have to try and remember it all for his exams. Though, he was distracted, looking up as he heard the conversation about Divination. "Isn't most Divination just making it up as you go along?" That was the impression he had gotten from the very bare-bones research he had ever done on the subject.
"Most of magic is about selling it, when you really think about it," Aine lay on the ground, placing her notes over her eyes and groaning. "Are we not...what's the word, charlatans? In the eyes of those without magical capability?" She knew she was being melodramatic, but sometimes she just couldn't help it. Part and parcel of being a teenage girl, naturally. "I suppose a strongly worded letter trying to convince the school that we shouldn't have to do the exams won't work though." She eventually pulled herself upright, looking over with a helpless look.
Demetrius had seen the note Aine had passed out that there'd be a study group out on the lawn for fifth years. He was still in a weird space about her - after their interaction in the common room he couldn't say he disliked her, but he was wary of her. She'd probably forgotten all about it by now, was his reasoning, since it was way at the start of the year and so he didn't feel too strange coming along to the gathering. He did feel a bit weird that so far they were all strangers to him. He lingered on the outskirts of the group before deciding to bite the bullet and take a seat. He'd look silly withdrawing now, coming all this way only to walk back to the castle. He took a seat at a slight distance from the others and took out his notes. He decided to study charms, since there were so many spells to remember. He kept an ear open as he read, paying attention to what was happening around him but not directly engaging - at least not yet. He felt stupid for coming, but at least he was getting some work done.
Silas wasn't sure if he knew what Aine was talking about, as she seemed to be on another planet. He just wanted to, like, pass his OWLs. Not even well. For all he cared, the Ministry or OWL committee or whoever graded their exams could think he was the wizard, but as long as they gave him an A in a few things, that would be okay. "I mean, I suppose if we all protested taking the exams... well, they wouldn't fail all of us in every subject, would they? It seems like that would screw them for the next few years, and other countries would probably look at the school a little weird." He wasn't sure if any of that were true, as Silas still didn't comprehend how adults thought so differently than he and his friends did. "What if you made up a dream about something terrible happening if we take our exams?" he suggested, rolling over so he was looking at his book while laying on his stomach.

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