Over the Rainbow, Right?

Anthoney Hayes

Well-Known Member
Curly 9 Inch Rigid Cedar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
For one of the first times in his life, Anthoney was actually nervous. It was weird feeling nervous again after going so long without feeling the emotion. Although, he had been feeling nervous when he sent his little girl to school. He had wanted to homeschool her or something, but she had insisted. He had always been unable to say no to her. He wasn't sure if she used that against him - for he had used his father's and mother's affection for him against them and they had never realised it either. He fixed up his suit and walked slowly up the front steps. There was a nice little veranda with a table surrounded by chairs - probably a place to have coffee or something. He could actually go for some coffee. He pursed his lips at the thought and knocked on the door. However, he tilted his head as it swung open. With curiosity that surely killed the cat, Anthoney gently opened the door with his foot and poked his head inside the house. It was very neat and tidy, obviously Austiin was living with a neat freak - because Austiin had always been lazy and messy. Unless growing old and grey somehow made him responsible.
He felt a little weird just standing in his estranged brother's living room. His eyes lingered on many things, such as some of the strange sculptures, intriguing paintings and baby toys. Baby toys? Wasn't Austiin gay and didn't he have a strong distain for children? Anthoney shook his head. Obviously, he really had some catching up to do. It was eerily quiet as well. Anthoney couldn't believe that Austiin would just leave his front door open like that and the place as silent as a cemetery. Especially since it was Austiin. However, he was going on past impressions, it had been many years since he spoke to Austiin. Things were bound to have changed over the decade they spent apart.
He nearly jumped three feet in the air when someone touched his shoulder expectantly. "Aaahhh!" He spun around and staggered back into the wall, clutching his chest when he saw a very familiar face. Austiin hadn't changed one bit. "Merlin's beard Austiin, you don't sneak up on someone like that. What's wrong with you?" He shook his head weakly and grinned. "Anyway, I guess I might as well remind you of my existence. 'Ello big brother, it's good to see you again - but I've got to ask. What've I missed?"
Austiin fiddled with his hair a little more, before finally shaking his head and running his fingers through it once again in a downward motion. Up just wasn't working today. He turned to face Cameron, only to find that Cameron was no longer in their room. The only person there other than himself was Mae ling - but she was sound asleep in her cot and he wasn't about to disturb her and try to get her opinion of his hair, she could barely string two words together, let alone give advice. So, Austiin wandered through the house, checking the spare room, and all the rooms upstairs. He was probably downstairs in the lounge room or kitchen, so Austiin went on the move down the stairs, but quickly stopped dead in his tracks when he so some stranger in his lounge room. He was pretty sure it wasn't someone he or Cameron knew. The only people that would blatantly walk through his house were Jinxx and Andrew - but this was most certainly not either of them. He pulled his mobile from his back pocket. Admittedly, he didn't use it much. It was weird, but he had to call Abby for morale support before he possibly died from confronting a possibly dangerous stranger. "Abby, Abby," he whispered, poking his head from around the corner to observe the stranger. "Abby, there's a strange man in my house, I'm going to approach him. If I die - tell Cam I love him. And tell Tommy to brush his teeth."

So, with wand in one hand and mobile in the other, Austiin approached the intruder. However, jumped back against the door and screamed himself at the reaction of the intruder. His eyes then nearly fell out of his face. "What?!" He stared at Anthoney as if the man had grown three extra heads. "This is my house, my f@#k!ng house! If anyone is allowed to go poking around it's me!" What was wrong with him. Austiin was never much of a fan of his baby brother, he was far too irritating, rude, abrasive, untrustworthy and was just such a total d*!k. He put his wand on the table in the hallway and held his mobile phone back to his ear. "Abby - get over here, your brother's in my house." He then hung up without listening to her response. Anthoney is her problem, not his. He was not taking responsibility for this - no way. He stubbornly folded his arms across his chest. "Anthoney, what in the name of Merlin are you doing in my house? I nearly shoot you with a curse - you are so lucky I decided to see your face first." He ran his hands through his hair. He did not need this new stress. He was just getting over not having Tommy around. He flicked his hand to the lounge to tell Anthoney to sit, while he looked back down the hall. "Cameron!"
Cameron Freedman was tired. He had been up all night with Mai Ling, she had some sort of bug or something, she was sleeping soundly now, but he had been vomited enough times to constitute a complete wash down. He kissed Mai Ling on the forehead, still warm and walked out of the bed room, ignoring Austiin's questions as he headed down to the bathroom. The one thing that always made him regret moving in here with Austiin, was the lack of bathrooms. Really? Only one bathroom for four people? Then when Austiin's kids were over there were even more people. It was the stupid really, who lived in a house with only one bathroom. He sighed and opened the door, stripping his orange-pink vomit covered shirt off as he went. It was extremely unpleasant being vomited on. Cameron had never stopped to think about it before. He supposed it had something to do with the incredibly unpleasant smell, coupled with the feel of it as it made its way up a child's throat and out onto pieces of clothing adults would rather have covered in vomit. He threw the shirt into the clothes basket, though admittedly he was just as likely to throw it out. He really liked that shirt. It was one of the ones that went with everything. He removed the rest of his clothing and turned the hot water on stepping into the shower. It was nice when he could have a shower with out being interrupted by Mai Ling or Austiin or Abby or Tommy. Today he would have none of that he was sure. Austiin was still in his room, Mai Ling was asleep, Tommy was at school and Abby, she wasn't due to pop on over in a while at least so he should have been fine to just stand in his shower and sigh.

Until, that is, he heard Austiin yelling his name. He visibly cringed and turned the water off, listening again for his name. Was Mai Ling awake? Was something wrong? No, there wouldn't be, Austiin would have called him again if something was wrong. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel off of the rack draping it around his body and looked around for his jeans. They were untouched by the vomit and so they would still be good to wear. He looked around for them, spotted them, pulled them on and walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair as he went. He walked out into the lounge room, running into Austiin as he went. "What is it Aussie, I was in the middle of-" He was cut off as he looked over Austiin's shoulder, his hair still dripping wet, towel in his hands. He caught sight of a man in the lounge room and raised an eyebrow. He was drop dead gorgeous. Who the hell was he? He smiled at the stranger and looked at Austiin, smile still evident on his features. "Whose the hottie?" He asked, loud enough for the man to hear. It was true, he was bloody pant worthy.
It had been a rather long day as Abby made her way home. It was strange, thinking of today as having been like, almost like it was over now. That wasn't right. It was barely mid day. She sighed and looked at her watch, cursing as she flung open the door to the hotel room she had been staying in for the last few months. She still refused to speak to Jasper. Eventually she would be willing to speak to him, but she was still angry. She couldn't talk to him whilst she was still angry, it would get her no where. She shook her head and placed her bag on the table by the door before sitting on the bed and sighing. She was about to go for a shower when her phone rang. There were only a couple of people that had her number and only one or two of them ever actually called her. So it was either Speed, or Cameron. Either way, it was likely important. She yawned and fished through her bag for her phone. The caller id identifying the caller as her brother Austiin. She raised and eyebrow and answered the phone. "Aussie? Aus, why are you whispering?" That was strange. Her brother was definitely not a whispering kind of person. Was he in a library or something? Why was he calling her anyway. I liked to talk her ear off any time he could about how wrong she was to not use magic. She even had a car, though Austiin could not fault her for that. He used to drive Cameron's car, well, before Speed broke the poor thing and they had sent him off to live with Jasper for a few weeks. That had worked out wonders really. He was much more responsible now then he had ever been previous. So, why was her brother calling her? "Aus, why are yo-" Her eyes widened at what her brother was saying to her. Was he crazy?! A stranger?! "Aussie, no! Don't go near- Aussie!" The phone had disconnected. He had hung up.

Abby looked down at the phone in her hands. Was her brother pulling her leg. Was he actually stupid enough to go after a stranger in his house? Yes, yes he was. She quickly grabbed her bag and her phone and was about to rush out the door, on her way to Austiin's house when her phone started ringing again. "Austiin!" She stopped dead in her tracks when the words her brother was saying, finally sunk into her head. He hung up before she could say anything or clarify what had been said. Her brother? What did he mean? She shook her head and continued down to the lobby, nodding at the doorman before heading to the garage. She was going to drive, but on second thought, perhaps apparating was the best option. She slunk into an alleyway, looked around for witnesses and cameras, saw none and turned on her heel. She held head in her hands as she appeared on the side walk close to the house. She hated apparating. It always made her feel sick, gave her a major headache and never failed to remind her why she preferred to not use magic. She walked up the steps and flung open the door and was just getting ready to abuse the hell out of her brother, when she saw... her brother. "Anthoney?" She asked, utter disbelief making its way into her words. How the hell was Anthoney here? Why was Anthoney here? She stood at the door, jaw wide open, staring at her younger brother. "Merlin, this is just too weird."
Anthoney looked at Austiin's wand, and then at Austiin. He wouldn't use that old thing. If he was actually going to attack, he would have used his hands. He folded his arms across his chest stubbornly as Austiin continued to yell. Really, he was taking this the wrong way. "I'm just saying, whether it's your house or not, you shouldn't go jumping out at people. It's dangerous." He then watched curiously as Austiin used a mobile. He had never used one himself, not seeing the point in them, but it was curious to observe Austiin using one - to talk to Abby he presumed. He did, however, frown when he was described as simply Abby's brother. They were all siblings. He wasn't just Abby's brother. "I'm your brother too," he muttered, leaning his hip against the bench that led to the kitchen. "We both know you wouldn't have shot me with anything, you're too curious for that. Besides, I'm not exactly imposing or anything. I was wandering around, there's really no harm. You should close your doors properly - but that doesn't matter now. I'm just wondering who Cameron is." Was it the same Cameron he knew from school? The chances were thin. It had been year since any of them were in school, and France was rather far from New Zealand. He still had the accent, and missed the place dearly. New Zealand was so... islandy. France was always bustling with something to do.
"Ahh," he smiled as, presumably Cameron, entered the room, and was even so kind as to pay him a compliment. A very dear one indeed. He could almost hear the fury metre in Austiin's head raising. He bowed slightly. "Anthoney Hayes, the younger - and better looking - brother of Abby and Austiin. If you're Cameron, and I do think you are, I believe we may have met previously. Beauxbatons, to be specific. However, that doesn't matter very much," he grinned, for he was a very different person now. Well, mostly. "You can call me Tony, but not you, Austiin, it's Anthoney for you."
Anthoney turned his head towards the door, seeing Abby enter. She didn't look pleased to see him either. It seemed that the only person actually fine with him popping up was Cameron, and he really wasn't here to see him, or really interested in seeing him. "Hello Abs. You better pick up that jaw of yours - before you start drooling." He winked, for extra piss-off points. "How are you?"
Austiin stubbornly placed his wand on the table beside him, along with his phone. If he had things in his hands, he was going to throw them at Anthoney. It took all of his strength to not just transfigure into a horse and kick him to death. He could do it, he was quite sure he could do it. It was a perk of being a horse animagus. He could trot around, and leave hoof prints on people's chests when they p*ssed him off. Anthoney was already there. He was in a crabby mood, mostly because he had yet to have his three shot espresso. It was killing him. "I'll give you dangerous," the wizard growled, before sitting on the back of the couch. Austiin looked towards the kitchen longingly. It smelled nice in there, of cake and stuff. Cake was nice. With a wave of his hand, he brought some banana cake on a plate to himself with a fork. If he didn't distract himself with something he was going to have to hide a body. And until Cameron decided to show up from wherever he had disappeared to, he decided that it was probably best not to engage Anthoney in conversation. He stood up and paced through the room, waiting for Cameron to show up. Really, what was taking him so long?

He smiled slightly when he heard Cameron's voice. However, this soon dropped as Cameron continued. This was payback for Alex, Austiin knew it. Gripping his plate a little tighter than he should, he refrained from glaring at Cameron, as he knew that it would only start another fight about his tendency to not remain faithful. But he had been going to well lately. He rarely even looked at other people, man or woman, magical or muggle. "That is An-" He cut himself off as Anthoney spoke. Dear Merlin, did he really dislike his brother. The plate in his hands nearly broke, and he ran his tongue over his teeth to stop himself from speaking. "I wouldn't dream of calling you Tony, Anthoney. Now, get out of my house before I shift and push my horse foot through your face." He looked over when Abby appeared and frowned. He was well and truly displeased at Cameron, and Anthoney - and he still had not had his three shot espresso! "Abby, get him out of my house." If he did it himself, he'd kill Anthoney.
Cameron smiled as Abby walked in the door and turned to give his best friend a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. The fact that she was almost catatonic at the realisation that her brother was back, was more then a little funny. He shook his head and walked back to where he was, tipping his head slightly to Anthoney as he spoke. The guy spoke like he was choosing every word carefully. He was an artiste of words, that's for sure. His French accent was rather appealing and no matter how much time Cameron had spent in France, he had never managed to pick up the accent, which infuriated him more then a little. Abby picked up accents so well after all, when she was in France, she was speaking like she'd lived there her whole life. Austiin was much the same really, though the day Austiin comes to Cameron and complains about not being able to speak in a British accent, is the day Cameron walks out, or punches him in the face, either would be good really. Cameron nodded as he finally recognised Tony as the younger boy from their time at Beauxbatons. He hadn't had much interaction with him as he had been in a higher year, but that didn't mean he hadn't met him. "Ah, yes, Tony, the one who made all the girls cry. I do believe I remember you now." Cameron said as he smiled.

Cameron turned to Austiin and frowned. He lifted his hand swiftly to connect with Austiin's head and shook his head unhappily. "Don't be so rude. It's your brother." Austiin should have known how Cameron would feel about this. After all, Cameron would love to see his siblings again, he missed them and hadn't seen them in many years. All attempts to contact them were often met with scepticism and he was often rejected. Bailey was the worst for that really. Then again, she did have two very sick children so Cameron didn't blame her, she was so busy with them in Russia, she couldn't blame her at all, she may not have even been getting his letters. It was why he really kept trying though. "Well, who wants some coffee, or tea maybe?"
Abby still couldn't believe what was actually happening in front of her. Ignoring the fact that Cameron was half naked, Anthoney was standing right there. Actually standing right there in front of her, like some ghost from the grave. It was insane! What was he even doing here? After all, he was mother's favourite. Had he actually finally gone and down something irreparably damaging? Did her mother and father not love her dear little brother anymore. He, that got everything he could ever ask for, whilst she and Austiin has to make do with whatever love they might have had left over. Her mother was the worst one. There was a time when Abby could have come home and told her parents that she had created the cure for cancer, or Squibs and they would have been much more interested in whether or not Anthoney had passed his exams. It was horribly toxic living in that sort of environment as a child. Then what had he gone and done the last year of school? Completely wrecked his life. Her parents had almost thrown him out, and there is where she had lost track of him. From what she had heard, he had gotten a girl pregnant, but she didn't know much more than that. She didn't know anything after that fact at all really.

Glaring at Cameron and then quickly closing her mouth after the words of her brother, Abby frowned and moved over to Austiin, resting a hand on his arm comfortingly. "Aussie, you really have to reign in that temper of yours, can't we all just sit down and talk about this civilly?" She looked over at Cameron as he spoke. "I actually think, Cam, has the right idea, why don't we sit down to tea and biscuits, or coffee. Personally, I think that is a fabulous idea. Way to go, Cameron." She moved away from Austiin, to stand by Cameron, at the ready should he need a hand with the coffee. "By the way Anthoney… It really is good to see you. Austiin might not agree with me, but I did miss not seeing you around all the time.' Maybe he wouldn't believe her, but it was true, at least it was somewhat true. She missed seeing him, because he was her brother, not the way she, or Austiin, was treated, that she could have done without.

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