Outside Doesn't Seem So Magical.

Ademar Nacht

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Ademar really hadn't given much though to how far away from humanity he had really been. He had done his classes, and just went back to the dorms to sleep until dinner. He had been lazy, and a bit depressed about his situation. He hadn't received mail from home, which meant that things were going great without him. It didn't even matter that he was gone. Ademar kicked at a small mound of dirt, trying to keep his thoughts away from him. He felt like he was alone at this place. And maybe that was his fault. He hadn't tried to make any friends, really. He sighed, maybe this was all his fault.

He looked around at all the students having fun with each other. Some of them reading, others talking. He didn't know what to do anymore. He was just a kid, and he had no home, no family, nothing. He didn't know what to do now. He sat down and reached into his small bag, and pulled out a book. it was the one he was using for History of Magic. He didn't really want to read it, but what else was he to do? He had nothing to do, no one to talk to. Ademar buried his nose in the book and sighed, maybe he'd get out of here quicker if he learned more.
Alice had finished her Potions class, and was leaving the dungeons to go to the kitchens and grab some more food. She had missed breakfast due to sleeping in late, and having had her stomach rumble all lesson to tell her off, she had now decided that after being highly embarrassed, she would go and get some food at least. Lugging her heavy bag, she paused at the top of the steps from the dungeons and looked on to where she needed to go for the kitchens. Her bag was heavy, and she knew that the prospect of carrying it all the way up to the Ravenclaw common room after her snack would be too exhausting in the moment, and perhaps to get rid of it now would be the best idea. However, pausing for too long had meant that the perfect sunshine outside had caught her line of sight and produced the perfect excuse to just slip outside for a second or two, and take in the calm yet warm rays of light. Balancing her decision for a moment or two, she decided to give in to her craving for sun and wander outside. The moment her feet touched the pave stones, the sun glinted down into her eyes, and seeing a bench in the shade nearby, she smiled to herself before meandering her way over.

Recognising a boy a little younger than her a few feet away, she smiled to herself before tilting her head to the side a little. She couldn't quite put her finger on where she thought she knew him from, until her brain clicked into gear and she realised it was from Ollivanders, where all the first years had been. Even if she hadn't served him - which she couldn't quite remember - she still recognised him from where she had been sitting near the back of the shop. Nodding to herself as it fell into place, she took a closer look at him. The subject under her watchful gaze seemed to be kicking dirt around, and wondering what the intention behind this was, she hovered a little closer, before taking the pressure off her legs and slowly sitting on the bench. Pausing for a minute or two, she smiled softly and began to talk to him. He was engrossed in a book, and deciding that she wanted him to hear her, she made her voice a little louder. "Hey there, are you alright?" She asked, her tone full of friendship and warmth, full of only concern for the younger student. She wanted to be seen as a nice person to them, and hoping to carry this out for the next couple of years, she continued to wait for a response from him.

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