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Sinhella LeMour

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sin was meant to be weird, different and probably get bullied once she starts Hogwarts. She the type to trust others way to fast and let them get close to her. Close that they would know a few secrets about Sin. The biggest one she holds is that her guardian is not her mother, but an ex servant to her once beloved empire. The LeMour that is, but Sin doesn't know about her family history. Her guardian had only told her that she was adopted (not true, her guardian had kidnapped Sin and a plaque had wiped out the entire LeMour family except Lucifer her brother). The reasons behind all this was a sort of revenge from the servant. Its a long story so I will write it out soon as possible. I just need a few people to play::

Her Bullies- This could probably be the whole school, but that's to much even for me. So a few I don't mind. I have a plot, that she gets into a fight with one of them in the great lawn. And if her only brother gets accepted as a keeper, He will be the one to stops it and drags them both towards the headmistress office. Etc.. He finds out that Sin is his what....

Close Friends::. Those brave enough to be Sin friends. Maybe she has already found them (Liam, Ceri, Briar). But its up to them not me.

Secret Friend/Bully::. Basically someone who teases her in front of everyone but than tries to befriend her behind close doors. (This will probably be the one to leak her secrets). Eventually she will figure out it was you and later call you an enemy.

Love::. Probably not. She's a bit to young for that. Maybe a crush would do mutual crush. Maybe someone that she likes, and he likes her back. But won't admit to it because he's like friends with the bullies? That probably may work.

Sin trying to run away from her abusive guardian. At first she loved the woman, but now she starting to realise what she doing is wrong. So when she finds Lucifer she may run away with him but that probably be in her 3rd Year. So for two years she will be with her guardian, by her fourth year her guardian finally gets caught because she found guilty for the massacre death of the LeMour empire and is sent to Azkaban. I can offer the Guardian role up if anyone interested? If not she will just be rp in my storyline.
Sasha could be a friend. She wouldn't be mean in front of other people about Sin, but nobody else could really know that they were friends. She is going to be in a group of popular people and she won't want to be kicked out for doing stuff with not as popular people. Sasha is actually nice and loves to read, but she is going to cover that up with the other people. She wouldn't tell Sin's secrets, but she could help her find out that someone is telling them. Are you interested?
So she will be a good friend but not really because she won't come to her defence? I like it at least your still somewhat of a good friend. Thanks!
Alyson would be her friend. She doesn't really care much what people think about her and will probably be a bit outcasted herself for her tiny frame, Luna Lovegood esque voice, and tendanc to pop up out of nowhere and scare the living crap out of you.
Alyson sounds great. She may scare Sin out of her wits but I see them being good friends. So yes I like them to be friends.

Will Post Sasha

I can offer you Elle White as either a friend, enemy or the Friend/Bully thing,

Elle is:
Quite rebellious. She tries not to be but it's in her nature. She is quite caring about others, and will stay well away from those who might hurt her. She likes to read, and hates dangerous sports. Elle can be a bit of a biatch, but that is only if she fears people will try to harm her. She loves life, and treasures it, meaning she is very bad with death. She loves life because her condition means that she will most likely have a short life span. She has the muggle condition CIPA, which helps understand the way she acts. There is a link to information in the signature.
Ally and Elle could be both her bullies, however with Elle once Sin realise about your secret she probably will befriend you at the end. If that works for you, than yes I don't mind.
well you have met Briar, you know what she is like. she would be happy to be your friend as she has met you before and liked you then. and she doesn't care about everyone else and is likely to stand up for the underdog. she is a gryffindor now.
I could be a bully if you want, because all her life Rosemarie has been tortured by her father because she has not pleased him, and her mother doesn't do anything as she died in child birth so Rosemarie would still be smarting, and would take it out on anyone else, besides Rosemarie is a plastic, and she wouldn't want to be kicked out as well, but maybe later they could befriend when Sin finds out Rosemarie's secret?

What house will Sin be in probably?
Elle- Sure when they get sorted and since you and Rose sort of doing the same. Maybe you could join as allies? Probably make a lot sense, since after these 3 will be friends.

Briar- Course I've been waiting for you! You and Sin can be the bestest of friends even if they are a little different.
Wow someone loves me enough to be waiting for me.
I know that they have met but I don't see them as best friends yet. How about I see someone picking on her and she helps her and sends them away (for the time being anyway I am not spoiling anyone elses plot) then they can become friends :D
just send me a link if you have anything you want me to join
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