out of sync but in time.

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
Selene was happy with her patrol partner this year. She had enjoyed patrols with Cyzarine last year. the Gryffindor was fun and bubbly and she would miss her. but Lars was someone else she knew she would enjoy patrols with. At least so long as things didn't get awkward given what she had done at the end of last year. he was closer friends with nell than he was with her and she hoped that nell hadn't hold him a version of the story that made her look like a heartless person. especially as it was similar to what she had vaguely heard had happened between him and Eliot.
The plan had been to meet in the prefects common room and go from there. She entered the room and put her bag down. they could pick it up before heading to the upper floors. she had books in it that she had borrowed from the library and she didn't really want to carry them over the whole patrol. she grabbed a banana out of the fruit bowl and peeled it as she waited for lars looking at the noticeboard with the roster and the list of people wanting to switch patrols most of them seemed to be because the person had quidditch practice at the same time. she took the pencil and put her name next to someone who wanted Saturday afternoon off. she had no plans and there wasn't too much homework to do yet.
Lars had initially been happy to be paired up with Selene for the patrols, but then he felt awkward telling Nell he was patrolling with her ex girlfriend. So... he hadn't. He could only hope Nell wouldn't think it was a big deal, and it wasn't, but it was probably for the best if she simply didn't know. The Ravenclaw headed towards the Prefect's common room and spotted Selene who was waiting for him. He hesitated, then cleared his throat. "Uh, hey. I'm here." He said, as Selene probably hadn't noticed him looking at the noticeboard. "Are you ready to go?"
"merlin" Selene said when a voice behind her made her jump. She turned around with a jolt only to see lars already in the room "Hello Lars, you made me jump, Sorry. i didn't hear you come in" she said relieved that it was just her partner ready for their patrol. "how do you want to do things? start on the lower floors and then head up so we end near ravenclaw tower?" she asked, thart was how she and Cyzarine had patroled last year starting outside the great hall after dinner and ending up on the seventh floor where it was easy for them to each go to their own houses. butthe main reason for the question to keep things business focused. she wasnt sure what to say on a social level. she didnt want to make things awkward but also didnt know how to avoid it.
While it had been a little painful to help Nell through the breakup, hearing how similar her story with Selene had been to his with Elliot, he was still glad to see Selene. He liked the girl, felt a strange sort of kinship with her. He just decided to avoid the subject as much as possible. "Sorry." He said sheepishly as he realized he'd scared Selene. "I guess you were reading something interesting up there." He joked lightly, as he was pretty sure there had never been anything that interesting on the noticeboard. Her idea was a good one, and Lars nodded. "Good idea." He said as he considered it. "That would save us from having to go all the way back up again afterwards." He paused. "So... ready to go?" He asked again.
Selene shrugged when Lars apologised. "it is not a problem. She said. she really had been off in her own world. "no just the list of people wanting to switch patrols. [/B]she said. "it seems a lot of the quidditch teams have training before the first round of matches. and people need people to cover them" she said.
As lars asked if she was ready to go she nodded. "Yes. I'll leave my bag here and get it as we go past. saves me lugging my library books the whole way she said. as she made her way towards the door. "When is it Ravenclaw training?" she asked. she didn't really care about quidditch but she was wondering if it clashed a lot with their patrols. and it was a somewhat safe topic of conversation for them.

OOCOut of Character:
sorry it has been so long
Lars nodded as Selene explained what she had been looking at. Lars largely ignored that list, he never really wanted to patrol with a stranger, which was why he was glad he had been paired with Selene. He nodded when Selene explained a lot of teams seemed to practice around now, his own team was included in that. "That's smart." He told her when she said she would leave her bag there. "What kind of books did you get?" He asked her, wondering if there was some sort of homework assignment he had missed. "Ravenclaw is training next week." He told her as they headed out of the prefect's common room. "Our first match is against Gryffindor, so we have to train a lot. They're pretty good." He said quietly.

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