Out of Reach

Nathalie Blanchard

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Nathalie had always been told that she's extremely lucky. She's one of the richest and most influential daughter of France. The only child and heir of the Blanchard family. She's elegant and said to be the image model to the word "Prim and proper" other girls envy her life, boys admire her, she has everything that a person can ask for. yet, Nathalie always feels that there's something missing in her life, she always feels that she's always wearing a mask, she's not really herself.

Every moment of her life, Nathalie has to be the perfect daughter, the perfect girl. She needs to be always polite when she talks, she needs to always be graceful even if she had just woken up in the morning. She needs to be perfect even when was only eating. Nathalie is never allowed to do anything that is considered to be unladylike, she cannot run, she cannot sigh, and she cannot even talk whatever it is that is in her mind. Nathalie always have to hide her personality. She's used to it, yet there were these rare times where in she would get tired, tired of pretending and tired of being someone that she is not. That day was actually one of those rare times.

Trying to escape her so called friends, Nathalie had found her way under the large oak tree, it amuses her how every time that she needs to be by herself, her feet would always lead her there. Seeing that no one was around, Nathalie spread out her arms, her green dress dancing along with the wind and her golden locks framing her fair face. The breeze was so refreshing for her, she feels free. Without realizing it, Nathalie dropped to the ground, bending her knees closer to her body and started to curled up into a ball-like form. It is like a self-defense mechanism of her. When she does that she feels extremely comfortable, it's like she was in her own world. She stayed like that, entirely sure that no one would dare to bother her.​
Dyfan walked along the school grounds smiling. He felt strange visiting the school during the year but he was very excited for the chance to go somewhere new next school year. He wasn't sure if this was school but he hadn't really met anyone. No one besides teachers who don't really seem interested in anyone when they are on break from classes.

He skirted around bushes and trees just walking around the grounds not looking for anything. He walked farther into the trees and spotted a girl laying on the ground in what seemed to be the fetal position. Running over to her he kneeled next to her about to check her pulse. "Hello? Hello, wake up, are you alright?" Dyfan asked franticallyto the girl laying in front of him.
Nathelie was slightly irritated when she heard a voice near her. She didn't expect anyone to be around, it is HER place after all. From her knowledge, no one comes to that place at that time, or more precisely, nobody even bothers to go there at all, the bushy and uneven terrain of the hill is not something that the other students would dare set foot on. Thus, Nathalie decided to not stir at all from her position, deciding that she is just probably imagining the voice that she had heard earlier. However, when she turned herself around, she noticed a shadow over herself, that is then that she realized that there was indeed someone in there aside from her self.

Without any second to waste, Nathalie quickly stood up, brushing her dress off. She was extremely nervous, what if it was her classmates who had seen her on that position, they would surely laugh at her, thinking that she's doing something really weird. Her reputation would be at stake. Taking in deep breaths in order to calm her self down, Nathalie looked up, finally being able to notice that the person who had talked earlier was indeed real. However, a relief came unto her once she had noticed that the boy doesn't seem to be from the school, she hadn't seen her around at all. Therefore, he wouldn't be a threat to her reputation as a "perfect" lady even if he had seen him in that unladylike position before. "What are you talking about? Of course I'm alright, why wouldn't I be.." She said with a sweet smile,trying to maintain her prim and proper demeanor as she flipped her hair and straightened the creases on her dress. After she's done, she walked closer to the boy. placing her hands on her shoulder and standing on her tip toes so she would be on the same height as him. She looked intently at the boy's ayes, never breaking eye contact." I believe that I haven't seen you around here before, but nevertheless... I must make you promise me..." She said with a serious tone as she released him and turned her back on him. "You must promise me, don't tell anyone about what you have seen earlier.. never ever tell anyone alright?" She added, turning around and smiling gently at the boy. Though to every one in the school, Nathalie is a perfect lady, she really is far from being one. But still, even if she's just pretending, she needs to keep it at that, or else, she was sure that her parents would be really disappointed of her.
Dyfan was relieved when the girl looked at him glad she was fine. "Well you see, usually the fetal position is for those people who are hurt and I just thought that you were," he stated with a sigh. He watched as she got up and came up to him placing her hands on his shoulders. Glancing at her hands first he looked at her in the eye as she spoke wondering who she was as she turned away from him and continued.

"I might be transfering here next year so I wanted to check the school out is all," Dyfan said as he watched the girls back for any change. "Not tell anyone that I found you laying on the ground? Are you sure you didn't hit your head," he said approaching her back to check for any bumbs or blood on her head. He wasn't sure what she was talking about at all. There was nothing wrong with laying in the grass enjoying the fresh air at all, especially during spring.
Nathalie raised an eyebrow at the boy's response. She didn't expect it at all. "Is that so? I believe the otherwise actually, it's a pretty comfortable position you know, especially if you want to be undisturbed." Nathalie said in a-matter-of-a-factly tone. She examined the boy in front of her, he seems to be around her age if not older.

"Oh, so you are indeed new here.... are you sure you want it here, if so, then, I must welcome you.." Nathalie stated in a soft tone, reminding herself to be proper and lady like since the boy would be staying at the school as well, if he did notice her improper behavior which is very much contradictory to her reputation as a perfect lady, then she'll be in big trouble, with an inaudible sigh and a shrug of her shoulders, Nathalie tried to compose herself, trying to act as a perfect lady once again. "Welcome to Beauxbatons Academy of magic, I hope that you will like it here.." She stated, bowing with the grace of a flower bending in the breeze and smiling like sudden sunshine. As she straightened up, she extended her hand to the boy as she introduced her self. "My name's Nathalie Blanchard, and you are?" She inquired, still maintaining her poise and her smile.

Nathalie looked at the boy in confusion as she felt him approaching her, it seems to her that the boy was thinking that she is weird, which she doubts to be true. "I didn't hit my head alright? It's just that..." Nathalie said, her voice trailing off as she tried to think of an appropriate way to express what she wants to say. "I guess I don't need to pretend anymore eh? You see, in this school, everyone thinks that I am what you call a perfect lady, they think I'm prim and proper, but you know, to tell the truth, I actually am not..." Nathalie said with a sigh, plopping down to the ground once more. "So you see, the position that you've seen me earlier, me lying in the ground, the people doesn't expect me to that at all, they think it's inappropriate, so, you must promise me, never tell anyone alright? I can trust you, can't I?" She then added, looking up to the boy whom she had shared her secret to.
Dyfan nodded his head to the girl showing he understood. "Dyfan Venturino," he said to her introducing himself polietely. He listened to her and watched as she went back down to the ground to sit and joined her side watching her as her emotions changed as she spoke. "I understand I won't tell anyone. but why is it inappropriate?" He questioned her wondering why people here thought someone couldn't just enjoy nature and lay on the ground.
"Dyfan.. It's a great name..." Nathalie said, smiling brightly at the young boy beside her. It was a first for her, to talk so casually with someone of the opposite gender, usually, the other person would stutter or she's the one who would avoid the conversation, she easily gets bored if she may say so after all.

Nathalie would have laughed if she can when she heard the boy's question. It's not that it was a nonsensical one, but rather, it was because of the way that the boy had phrased it. Usually, one wouldn't care about such things. "Well you see, a proper lady wouldn't just lay on the ground without anything to cushion her or to protect herself from getting dirty, a proper girl wouldn't risk getting some dirt on her dress just because she would just want to take a rest and lay on the ground, and well, everyone here thought that I am a proper lady, so, they think that I wouldn't do such a thing.. do you see my point?" She replied in a dreamy tone as she put a finger on her chin as if she was in deep thought. "Speaking of which, you said that you might be transferring here right? Why here of all places?" She inquired, tittling her head a little in an adorable manner as she waited for the boy's response.
Dyfan nodded to her compliment of his name, it wasn't his decision for the name but he did think it was a nice name to have. Sort of unique really. "Well that is alot of things for a proper lady to remember isn't it?" He stated more then asked he thought on it for another moment before saying more. "However I have to say right now I don't see any proper women out here, do you? Anyways dirt isn't so hard to get off of clothes, jsut don't roll around or sit in mud," he said in a secretive way to her. He wondered if she was ever aloud to have fun now that she was this 'proper lady'. "There aren't many good schools out there anymore and I requested to get away from down under," he said in his familar Aussie accent he has been working so hard to get rid of.
Nathalie giggled still in a very demure way as she heard Dyfan's statement. He was indeed right, to be a proper lady, one must remember lots of things. "Well, you are correct Dyfan, there's too much that I must learn and remember that I sometimes forget what I should do, it gets tiresome sometimes actually.." She said in a very honest way. It was actually true, trying to be proper lady is a really hard task to do. One must always watch her actions and words if she intends to be one.

"Hmm.. now that you had said it, I probably won't get dirty by sitting around here anyway, but the dress might develop some creases in it, you know, some students around here are very observant that a little change would instantly be noticed.."
She said playing with her blonde hair as she scanned the area around them. There were only the two of them there, so she was indeed right that no one from school goes to that place at that time. Lucky for her if she may say so, at least she can have little fun if she may. "Well, I guess I can see your point, but honestly I wanted to be in Hogwarts, but you see, my father insisted that I go here.. Don't know his reason actually.." She stated frowning a little as she remembered her father. He was just so strict that it suffocates her sometimes. "So, you got any siblings studying here?" She then asked, tilting her head a little in deep curiosity.
Dyfan watched as she giggled and he put a smile on his face glad he could please her. "Someday you should get away from it all," he said to her. He felt bad for the girl being pressured to be prefect all the time usually in stories the girl rebels and things turn out alright but this was the real world it might not.

"Well you know muggles have created all sorts of things one they have gets rid of creases using steam so if you just heat some water the creases would be all gone," he said knowingly. He didn't know much about muggles except what he learned in muggle studies but they were a very creative people. "No my brother and sister will still be in home schooling and our younger sister is still to young for school though maybe she'll come up here for schooling as well."
Nathalie shook her head a little at Dyfan's statement. It was a rather optimistic opinion for her. She was a realist, yes she can be optimistic at time but she is sensible enough to know that life is complicated, she cannot just run away from her responsibilities. "I doubt I could do that Dyfan, I'm an only child see... so all expectations are up on me..and besides, I cannot let my parents down..." She replied with a wistful smile. She never regrets being an only child, however, there were still those times where in she gets tired of all the expectations and responsibilities that are put down on her.

Nathalie smiled as Dyfan talked about how muggles had invented ways to make their life easier, it was rather amazing. "Muggles are really great aren't they... I mean, they do not have the ability which we wizards possess, yet they can always find a way to make their life efficient.. creative they are.." She said, she had always admired how the muggles live their lives, yes she's not that knowledgeable about them but she had heard enough to conclude that they really are imaginative and creative beings. "you have a lot of siblings don't you? That's great..."
Dyfan nodded his head to the girl he understood where she was coming from. "Sometimes it's tough to even get attention at home. Four competitors for our parents attention and they feel as though since I'm the oldest I should have the most responsibilites and well it does get tiring after a while," he said placing his hands behind his back while looking up at the sky.

Dyfan looked back at her when she spoke of the muggles with the same fasination he ahd about them. "Sometimes I wish I could just go and live amoung them for awhile, get away from all the magic and just live a life," he admitted to the girl. Suddenly an owl called out and landed on his out streched arm. Taking the letter he thanked the bird and watched it as it flew away. "Pardon me for a second," he said to Nathalie as he unfolded the letter. Smiling he looked at her, "Well looks like I'll have to be moving my belongings into my new dorm room here."
"But it does make you a little proud, doesn't it? I mean, when you think about it... they do put a lot of responsibilities on our shoulders because they trust us don't they? They would give us hardships and duties if they don't think that we can do it.. having those responsibilities can somehow help us surpass our limits..." Nathalie said, smiling a little. Yes, having so many responsibilities in her shoulder is really tiring, yet, at the end of the day, when she thought about it, it makes her feel great, to be able to fulfill her duties and make her parents happy, it was a great feeling.

Nathalie then looked up at the sky as well, following Dyfan's action. A small smile appeared on her face as she watched the clouds forming different shapes. It had always been a past time for her, watching the clouds amuses her to no end even though iit was just a simple thing to do. "Yes, I guess you are right... you know, sometimes I wonder what it's like to be normal... to not know magic at all.. to live as a muggle..." She said, nodding in agreement at Dyfan's statement. "But you know, they have their own story, we're not a part of that... we have our own story in this world where we live in... but surely, it would be great if somehow, our world and their world happen to cross..." She added, smiling at Dyfan. She was then taken back a little when an owl with a letter with it came and landed at Dyfan's arm. She wondered what was written on it but did not dared to ask. Luckily enough, Dyfan seemed to have read his thoughts as he had announced what was written on the said letter. A bright smile appeared on her face as she heard the news. "Seriously?... That's great Dyfan.. really great.. I'm speechless... "
"Nah, if anything it really puts me down. Sometimes it seems they only care about the others and just force me to do all the work," he said shrugging his shoulders to her thinking about what she said. If anything Alexa was the proud one, high and mighty Lexi. Whenever she broke a nail mom and dad were there to comfort her but she didn't even need them.

Dyfan looked back over at Nathalie as she looked up to the sky like he did. "They do, when wizards marry muggles and the muggles find out about our world. Or muggle-born children cross into our world," he said but stopped from going on not wanting to be a know it all. "It is great isn't it! I better go soon and owl my parents for them to spend my stuff up here."
Nathalie looked at Dyfan when he informed her that he should get going to owl his parents for them to send his stuffs there. She didn't want him to go but if he must, then she would have no other reason to stop him. "You're leaving already? Now?" She asked him, hugging her knees close to her body as she listened to the chirping of the birds that sounds like music to her ears.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry, this post it too short :)
Dyfan watched as she hugged her knees and settled himself down on the ground next to her. "Well, No. I don't have to, but I do need to inform my parents before I need clean clothes which'll be with in the next few days," he said with a laugh before pausing to look over at the girl he had just met. Leaning back on the grass unafraid of grass stains he looked up through the trees to the sky. "Nice day isn't it?" He asked her unsure of where their conversation should go. Even though he usually was the more knowlegdable person in the family social conversing was harder to do for him.
"Hmm.. so you'll be staying here then? With me?" Nathalie inquired, titling her head a little to get a better view of the boy who was currently next to her. Not that she wanted him to stay with her there for the whole day, she just wanted company, one who understands who she is. "Indeed, indeed, a very nice day.. " She said with a smile as the boy talked about how nice the day was. A few moments of silence then passed between then, it's not an awkward one, but rather, a comforting kind of silence. No words are needed to be spoken at the moment. That silence was broken though, by Nathalie's sweet voice, "So Dyfan, what classes are you looking forward to? Have you met any friends here already?" She asked,thinking whether they would have the same class, or whether they'd be on the same dorm.
OOCOut of Character:

Dyfan nodded his head to girl, he would be sorry when he had to leave her alone in the woods. She was interesting to him, like a puzzle that was missing a few pieces and you'd never know exactly what the picture was till you found those pieces, he only hoped he would find those pieces to her. "No I don't have any friends here yet, I don't think I'll make many either. I like all my classed just about the same really, which is why I won't make many friends I study alot. Practically all the time, I hope to go back to New Zealand after graduation and getting a job in the ministry," he admitted to the girl turning his head from where he was laying so he could see her.

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