Out of Bounds

Tesla Wilde

thunderers chaser · gym rat
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 16 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
(Continued from here...) Tess laughed as she ran with Asaiah towards the Forbidden Forest, admittedly wishing now that she had put on some shoes to avoid any mud but the girl went with it anyway. She avoided small rocks and pebbles along the way and when they both reached the forest she hesitated for just a moment to go in further. She looked over at her Slytherin friend and asked, "Nervous?" She smiled to make it seem as if she asked for his benefit rather than her own but the truth was that she was a little anxious standing on the precipice of the dark, forbidden forest. She had been in once before but only in shallow waters and she knew that they were to go deeper so they could meet any creature that might exist. Her friend knew better than she did what existed out there so Tess was left with a wild imagination, creating monsters that could terrorize a pair of Hogwarts students without blinking an eye - if they even had eyes. The Hufflepuff hoped that he was at least a little scared too because she didn't want to seem like a big baby, standing there scared.

Professors: If you would like to join that's fine but I would like the RP to have gone somewhere first so please PM me first so that it's sorted.
Asaiah immediately sat down on the ground when the two reached the Forbidden Forest, breathing heavily. ''Remind me to stop racing people.'' The Slytherin said during breaths. As a result of not participating in the football trainingsessions back home anymore, because he was at Hogwarts all year long, Asaiah's condition deteriorated. Apparently flying a broomstick and swinging around a bat didn't help very much. The boy swallowed and looked at his friend while standing up. ''A little bit,'' Asaiah said truthfully. ''But at least this time I brought my wand.'' he smiled and tapped on the pocket his wand was is. Hopefully professor Summers wouldn't be on patrol today, as he was quite sure that the man would give him detention this time if he caught the two of them walking in the forest. Although the man has been nothing but nice to him in the Transfiguration lessons, Asaiah still hated the professor for pranking both him and Marisol back in their first year. The Slytherin got his wand out as he walked closer towards the entrance of the forest. ''Are you ready to go in?'' He asked Tesla, giving her the opportunity to chicken out of she wanted to.
Tess was filled with energy, even if she was also panting with Asaiah, so she managed a small giggle at his comment and hoped that he wouldn't because it was fun running and playing around with him. He was honestly the most fun non-Hufflepuff person she had met at Hogwarts and she was so glad for it. He was honest too. More than she expected and she couldn't help but feel relieved to find this in him too because otherwise she would feel strange for being scared. "Me too," she admitted but Tess knew it wasn't as if someone had died in the forest that she knew of and Tess wasn't scared of the lake. As he asked her if she was ready all Tess could think of how cool it would be if they met a creature like the ones in the books her parents had read to her when she was very little and still read to her brothers and sister. "Born ready," she said, taking charge despite her anxiety but still not venturing too far ahead of Asaiah because she knew he was older, had more magical abilities then she did and was probably more brave too. She took her wand out but only held it, ready to raise it at any moment just in case.
Tesla took lead which was something Asaiah had not expected the girl to do. He followed her tapping the end of his wand against his pants whilst humming a song he had heard over radio back home. Asaiah soon sped up his pace so he walked next to his Hufflepuff friend and fellow Quidditch player looking around attentively because the forest was unpredictable and he didn't feel like getting jumped by any dangerous magical creatures whilst the two of them were looking for a friendly creature such as unicorns or centaurs instead. As they followed the dirt path that led them further into the forest Asaiah held his wand up and mumbled, ''Lumos.'' so that he could see where the two of them were going and if they were still walking on the right path. The Slytherin turned his head towards Tesla when he decided to break the silence. ''Are you excited for Quidditch practice?'' He asked because he didn't know what else to say. ''I know I am.'' Asaiah added smiling widely at the girl. Although he could probably guess what her answer would be, the third year was curious to know whether she was nervous to attend practice or not, because if Tesla was nervous about that then he was happy to practice with her after classes.
Asaiah's company was not only fun but at the same time soothing to the young Hufflepuff because he was so honest with himself and her. It was this that made her feel sure that whatever anxiety she had about their trip into the forest was normal and somehow that made her calm so Tesla smiled at her friend as he walked by her side on the newly lit path. She quietly walked by his side, not sure if searching for creatures needed silence or not so she would follow Asaiah's suit on that front. She didn't know how these wizarding things worked and she trusted her friend's judgement far more than her own. He was older and more experienced then she was anyway. "Me too. It's a pretty hectic game but it seems like I can do it," the Kiwi said. As the first game she would play would be against Asaiah's own team she added, "No feelings hurt when Hufflepuff absolutely slaughters Slytherin, right?" She gave him a goofy grin but Tess really did hope that it wouldn't cause a rift between them either way as she knew how some Slytherins could be. She didn't think her friend would act that way but here she was still.
As they continued down the dirt path Asaiah wondered whether Tesla knew how far into the forest the two of them would have to go in order to see any magical creatures because the Slytherin had only been into the forest once before and hadn't encountered any creatures at all at that time. Asaiah pointed his wand at their feet from time to time to make sure that they weren't going to trip over roots while walking further into the forest. He had never walked this far in the forest so couldn't help to feel a bit nervous as they kept walking down the path since everything he remembered from his last visit to the forest was already far behind them. The Slytherin shook his head and laughed at Tesla's comment. ''I'll try not to aim for your head when I send a bludger toward you.'' He replied back with a playful wink. However Asaiah wasn't even sure yet whether he would hit one towards his friend at all because his priority was dealing with the opponents seeker before it was too late. ''Hopefully I won't break my arm this time around.'' He said, remembering how painful it had been flying around the Pitch hitting blugders with his arm.

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