out and about

Tys laughed, "You sound like I'm getting you drunk or something."

Tys then finished off his Milkshake, and looked, and smiled at Morgan again, but this time, it wasn't going to turn awkward, like last time...
Morgan rolled her eyes at him the giggled and looked at her frothy drink and swirled it around with the staw. She took it out and licked the end of it then glanced at Tyson and grinned. "You wish you were." She dipped the end of the staw back in the milkstake then flicked it on Tysons face. She laughed.
Tys laughed as the milkshake hit his face. "Oy you, and Me? Drunk? Nah, I'm Okay, I'm smiling enough as it is..."

Tys also didnt like the thought of being sick the next morning, he didn't wanna put Morgan off...not seeing as she was just starting to flirt.
Morgan smiled at his response then stood up. "Im just going to the loo." She turned around and walked into the Ladies and went in front of the moiror to re-do her make up. She never usually wore make up but her family were visiting her and she dressed up for it. Although that diddnt really matter anymore as she was here and not there and she had run out before they had arrived and she wasnt going back anytime soon.

When she had finished she went back to her table and sat back down and shifted her hair out of her face and put her elbows on the the table and rested her head in her hands and took a si[ of her drink. " So Tyson, do you have any family?"
"Okay." While Morgan was in the loo, Tys took the oppurtunity to give his hair a quick ruffle, and make it look better then it did. He then spotted Morgan walking back, he turned his head to look at her and smiled. She had done her make-up, and Tyson instantly thought that she looked beautiful.

As Morgan Spoke About Families, Tyson smiled at the thought of his family, "There's Mum, Dad, Nan, Gramps, and Me. What about you?"

Tyson laughed a little, and decided to joke around and flirt a little bit, "You know, you don't have to wear make-up to impress me, you're pretty enough as it is..."
Morgan nodded as he said that he had a large family. "Well there is me and my mum and dad, but they arent together anymore and i live with my dad and when i am 16 im going to live with my mum." She then did whatTyson had done and now understood why he had done it. She took a long sip of her milkshake and then finished it.
Tyson felt sorry for Morgan as she told him that her parents were no longer together.

Ty's smile faded, "Well I'm to sorry to hear that...when did they split?"

Morgan had just done what he had done earlier...finished her milkshake...it was only a small action, but when Tys had done this, he had done it because he felt awkward, and that probably meant that Morgan was feeling awkward talking about her parents.

Tys, feeling sorry for her, gently put his hands on top of hers. "Are you okay?" Tys then gave a weak, but sweet smile, in attempt to make her smile.
Morgan could feel tears in her eyes, she hated talking about her parents. She felt tears begin to stram down her face. She stood back up and ran to the toilets again and began to cry. She missed her mum and her dad wasnt the best compant and when he takes the mick out of her and her mum, she felt like a stranger in her own home.
Tys could see that Morgan was about to burst into tears, and as she ran to the toilets, he followed her.

She was upset, and he really wasnt bothered about walking into the girls loo's at the moment. Besides, he did have a perfectly reasonable excuse.

Tys walked into the girls loo's and gave Morgan, a big hug, "Hey, don't cry...wait...I really shouldnt be in here should I?" Tys said, trying to make her laugh a little and cheer her up a bit. Tys then released the hug and held his hand out for Morgan to take hold of. "Come on, lets go for a walk ey?" Tys gave Morgan a sweet a smile and then pushed the door open whilst waiting for Morgan to follow him.
Morgan laughed only slighlty when he came in. She could feel her legs about to buckle when she felt Tyson hug her tightly. She was grateful for this and it felt like it was keeping together and stopping the peices from falling and shattering on the floor.

she looked at herself in the mirror but diddnt like what she saw. She sighed then got rid of the black splodgeson her face and cleared all the make up from her face which he found irritating considering that she had just put it on.

She walked over to the door and took his hand in herown and walked out. Thanks for that Tyson it means alot." She smiled at him the kissed him on the cheek and then giggled a little.
Tyson smiled when he saw that she was cheering up a little. "Anytime, apart from the whole girls loo thing...don't make me do that again." Tys laughed and then smiled as she kissed him on the cheek. Tys decided to be brave and gave her a small kiss back, but on the lips. He kept it short, so if it was to soon, at least it was over and done with...but if she didn't mind, then it would hopefully continue...
Morgan was shocked by Tyson. He was nice and she liked him but diddnt want anything yet. She had too much going wrong in her life and diddnt want to drag anyone into it. Shelet go off his hand and faced him. "Please dont Tyson. I have too much that is going wrong in my life and i dont want to drag anybody into it with me. Its just not the right time for me." She hoped that she diddnt hurt his feelings and that they could still be friends.
Tys was dissapointed, but understood, and was quite happy with being just friends.

"That's absolutely fine..." He said softly. He then gave her a friendly hug, as they began to walk out of the cafe together.
Morgan was glad that Tyson understood her and then she followed him out. "So where are we going to go now?" Personally Morgan diddnt mind where they went, she was just happy to be with Tyson.
She nodded then began to walk. She Kept her hands in her pockets and continued to look down. She felt uncomfertable after what had happend and diddnt know what she would do.
Tys could see that Morgan was feeling uncomfortable after what had happened earlier on...He could see that she was looking towards the ground, so tried to make her feel more comfortable by joking around a bit.

Tys smiled cheekily then looked at Morgan..."Is the ground really that interesting?" He giggled slightly.

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