Closed Other Half

Bijoux Laurent

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
5/2034 (29)
It had taken Bijoux a long time to get here, a lot longer than she had expected. Knowing that someone existed and actually tracking down information about them were two different things, as it turned out, and she didn't think she had any kind of future as a private investigator, based on her abysmal detective skills. In her defense, she had been looking for someone on the other side of the planet. But finally, at long, long last she was here. She had found a name, which had eventually led her to an address, though she hadn't been able to find much more than that. Her half-sister was elusive, clearly a much more private person than Bijoux herself. She didn't seem to have many contacts in the magical world, and the people who did know of her didn't seem to know much about where she had been lately. But finally Bijoux had gotten an address off a very nice man who claimed to be friends with October's step-sister. Her sister had another sister.

Bijoux didn't really know where to begin with all the feelings this journey had brought up in her, but the way she saw it... one way or another, the answer was waiting just behind the door in front of her. She had brought Simone for emotional support, endlessly grateful for her former roommate's presence as she gripped her hand more tightly than could possibly be comfortable. The moment had finally come. The end of years of searching, and the beginning of... something new. What it would be, Bijoux had no way of knowing. At least, not yet. Steeling herself, she took a shaky breath before reaching out and knocking on the door, unable to wipe the broad, nervous grin off her face. The time had come.
When Bijoux had told Simone that she had found her sister she thought she might have been hallucinating. In her defense she had gotten knocked out of a quidditch game a few days before and was still on the mend at the time. But it was all real, very very real. She wasn't the best when it came to dealing with big emotional events but she had promised her friend she wouldn't be alone. Thankfully her game schedule allowed her to come to New Zealand and hold Bijoux's hand through it all, even if the grip on her hand was getting a little painful. Simone did her best not to flinch and nudged her friend with her elbow. "Don't forget to breath." she whispered before the real action started.
After the fight with Sia had been resolved, October had finally started feeling like her life was settled, for the first time possibly ever. Though she was dancing as corps de ballet and occasionally an understudy, doing ballet for a living was everything she had ever wanted since she was a child. Her relationship with Sia felt like it had finally moved forward a step, now that there were no secrets left between them, and she was even getting along better with her father recently. Everything was going right. She had a rare day off rehearsals and had taken the time to spend with Sia, just finishing up getting ready to go out to the beach together when there was a knock on the door. "Are we expecting anyone?" October called out to Sia as she crossed to the front door, opening it to two unfamiliar faces and looking between them blankly. "Can I help you?"
Sia was currently arms deep in the linen closet trying to find beach towels. She knew they had beach towels, her aunt had given her some a few Christmas' ago and Sia was determined to actually use them instead of the nice towels for once. She heard a muffled noise, popping her head out from behind the cupboard door when October asked about expecting company. "If it's Sully again tell him to shove off-" Sia started, heading towards the door and lingering curiously near the dining table when October opened the door. It didn't sound like someone they knew and Sia didn't have to try hard to see over October's head to confirm Sia didn't know them either.
Bijoux couldn't suppress a sharp gasp as the woman opened the door, and all worries about whether she was in the right place fled in an instant. This was October - had to be her. The resemblance was striking, and Bijoux's heart clenched with nerves. She had to get this right. She clung to Simone's hand as she fumbled through the words she had practiced, wishing for the millionth time that she was more fluent in English than she was. "You are October Alcott, yes?" She asked, feeling her accent thick on her tongue. "My name is Bijoux Laurent, I have come from France to ask a very important question. Before I was born my mother was a surrogate, and I have been looking for her daughter. I believe that is you, my sister..." The word sounded wrong in English, but it was out there now, after so long. She gripped Simone's hand tight and tried to swallow down her fears and worries. This was it, the end of such a long search.
Simone immediately forgot her own advice and held her breath as the door opened and a short girl who looked an awful lot like her friend suddenly appeared in front of them. She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting when they knocked on the door, but she still felt shocked anyways. Part of her expected no one to be home. The reality of it all was hitting her and she wasn’t even related to anyone here. Simone squeezed Bijoux’s hand back when she was done introducing herself and decided to remain silent until spoken to. It had taken a lot of courage to do this and Simone wasn’t sure she would have been able to if she had been in her friend’s position. Whatever happened next, however this went, she wasn’t alone and it turned out October wasn’t either.
Whatever October might have expected to hear from the stranger on her doorstep, it wasn't this. Her first instinct was to back away, insist that this was all ridiculous, that this stranger was delusional. But taking a fresh look at the younger woman's face, the resemblance was undeniable. It was abundantly obvious that October took after her biological mother, and if what this girl was saying, it was only more proof. "Oh." She said, letting the idea sink in. October hadn't thought about her biological mother any more than she thought about the potential father who had left her dad before she was even born. They had never been part of her family, never had any kind of impact on her life. Until now. "You... you're serious?" She asked, switching to French in the hopes that this stranger would be able to communicate more easily in her native language. There was a lot October needed explained, and she needed it quickly. "And you... tracked me down? All the way in New Zealand?"
Sia wasn't sure what she'd been expecting from the pair of strangers on their doorstep, but the announcement that one of them was apparently October's long lost sister wasn't one of them. She hung back as the two began talking, watching for any sign that October wanted the strangers to leave or needed to her step in. Sia might not be a witch or anything, but after four years of uni parties she could kick someone out of her house like no one's business.

Quickly losing track of the conversation when October switched into French, Sia stepped forward a little, trying not to interrupt would could be a tense moment but not particularly enjoying lurking in the foyer either. "Tobie, do you want to invite them inside?" She offered gently, stepping close enough to brush a hand over October's shoulder. "I can make us some tea."
Bijoux was relieved when her sister responded in French, glad that she didn't need to struggle through such a difficult conversation in English. She smiled helplessly when October asked if she had come all this way for this, nodding a little sheepishly. "I wanted to meet you..." She explained. "I don't have any other brothers or sisters, but I always wondered about you. I found out where your dad moved and came here to find you." It felt a little silly now that she was here, that Bijoux was blanking on what to do next. She had been so focused on finding her sister for so long that she didn't really know what came afterwards. "I was... hoping we could talk? Get to know each other? I... want to be friends, maybe?"
Simone stayed an ever silent observer as October processed this potentially life altering situation. She was surprised when the other woman switched for French but from her accent it shouldn’t have been that big of a surprise. Simone knew Bijoux’s English wasn’t that strong despite the lessons she tried to give her friend, so she was grateful they could at least communicate somewhat efficiently. She stayed supportively by Bijoux's side as she explained herself but noticed that who ever was living with October seemed to be just as out of the loop as she was. Or not exactly, at least Simone did know what was going on even if she couldn't do anything to help.“Tea would be great.” she said easily in English and placed a hand on the small of Bijoux's back to try and guide her inside, hoping to take this conversation to a more private setting.
October had almost forgotten Sia was here in her shock, jumping slightly at the sound of her girlfriend's voice. At least she wasn't alone. She nodded blankly when Bijoux responded, turning the situation over and over in her mind as she stepped aside, wordlessly gesturing for the two French girls to come in. She had never really thought about her biological mother much - her family had always just been her dad, and the Wards. But there was no denying the resemblance, and she swallowed as she adjusted to the thought in her mind. A little sister - another one. "And... you're certain about this?" She asked, unable to focus properly on the social chat. "It... I mean, this is just.... hard to adjust to. You saw... the paperwork?" October didn't know what kind of paperwork was involved in surrogacy, but she supposed it would be silly if there wasn't some kind of paper trail. Another thought hit her all at once. "What's... her name?" She asked, shocked at how small her own voice sounded. Her mother - she didn't know her own mother's name, and the thought was alarming. She was dimly aware that this whole conversation was incomprehensible to Sia, but she didn't quite trust that they'd be able to communicate effectively in Bijoux's faltering English.
October had never mentioned having a sister before, well, besides April obviously, and Sia had to imagine the strange women standing on her doorstep was a bit of a shock. She was glad when they took the conversation indoors, happy to busy herself putting the jug on and leaning against the counter as the others spoke more in French. As much as Sia usually found October speaking French to be madly attractive, she did wish she could understand what was being said a bit better. Being able to make tea helped Sia feel marginally more usefully, wordlessly bringing over a mug to October with a gentle brush of her hand over her shoulder before setting the rest on the table for their new guests as she went to fish the milk from the fridge. Sia couldn't help October navigate what ever was going on right now, but she could still be her silent support if she needed it.
Bijoux was relieved when Simone accepted the offered tea on behalf of both of them, following where she was led. This whole thing felt like an out of body experience, and she was relieved that at least her sister seemed equally thrown. "I'm sure. Mama has all of the paperwork still stored in her office. It had your name and your father's name, but no information after you moved to New Zealand. It took me years to find you." She smiled a little sadly when October asked about their mother, realising just how little the other girl knew about their shared family. "Marie Laurent." She explained softly. "We're her only children."
Simone usually jumped into things without thinking of the consequences. And this situation was no exception. She did her best to think on her feet and tried not to listen two closely to October and Bijoux as they went over the details of their relations. This was a private matter, and while she was there for support she wanted to be able to give space when it was needed. She was grateful for October’s friend? Partner? Brought them tea and she busied herself with making her and Bijoux a cup. She handed it to Bijoux without a word, just like she liked it. It was hard to know someone for that long and not know now they took their tea. Simone took a sip and glance back to the other woman. “I don’t think I caught your name?” she asked quietly, trying not to disturb the others.
Marie. October had never thought to ask her dad the name of the woman who had carried her for nine month, who made up half of her DNA. It felt silly, now that she thought about it. An entire side of herself October had never even considered. Studying the face of the woman sitting opposite, the resemblance was obvious. There was no doubt in her mind that this woman was telling the truth. For the first time, October's mind raced with questions about the family she had never known. She leaned forward as the conversation continued, excited at the opportunity to get to know this sister she had never expected.


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