Optional Hufflepuff House Gathering

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon was looking forward to a brand new semester. The previous semester had gone very well, and whilst Hufflepuff was currently nowhere near first place, Landon was still in quite a positive mood. He thought that perhaps treating his students might make them a little more motivated however. Even if they didn’t get first place, Landon was still happy knowing that they put their best efforts in.

The first morning back at Hogwarts, Landon put up a notice on the bulletin board about an optional get together for all Hufflepuffs that would be held in the Student Lounge that night, which would include some special treats for those who attended. He had been preparing for it all day, setting up a corner of the room as best as he could. He didn’t care how many people showed up and just wanted them all to have fun, whilst getting to know them better all the same.

He placed a rug on the floor with assortments of treats in the center, and beanbags surrounded this. He also lit some candles as he felt it was a little dark in the corner, and thought this was quite a good touch. As he waited for some of his students to arrive, resting in his hands was a clear container with small holes in it, and inside it was his leaping toadstool named Daisy. She was his favourite, but he daren't tell the others. Daisy was full of energy just like any other leaping toadstool, however she was his most obedient. She would be a vital tool in today's get together.

When he felt that everyone was there, he began to address them all. "Welcome back for another semester!" he exclaimed, smiling at them all. "I know you have all just had a nice dinner, but feel free to help yourself to some pumpkin pasties, or some chocolate frogs. Everything in the centre there is for you." He looked around at them, hoping they weren't going to find this activity boring. "What I wanted to do with you all today was simply get to know you better. I have my friend Daisy here with us today." He gestured to the container, where Daisy sat inside comfortably. She knew she had to be on her best behaviour today, and Landon was sure that she would be. "When she leaps into your lap, I would like you to all tell me one thing you did on your break, and what you wish to achieve this semester." Landon paused for a moment, letting those who weren't interested to leave. He trusted his students to look after his Daisy, to not hurt her, and to just enjoy their night off before they would be inevitably swamped with school work. "Since I have Daisy first, during my break, I spent a lot of time with family and enjoyed having ice cream with them by the water. This semester, I would like to build relationships with my peers." With that, Landon opened up the container a crack and Daisy leaped out, bouncing over to the next person.

OOCOut of Character:
Please feel free to join this optional RP for all Hufflepuffs! There will be enough beanbags for everyone ^_^ Daisy will leap between each person and feel free to godmod her!
Aine felt a bit bemused sitting down with the rest of the Hufflepuffs. It was probably something that was more helpful for the younger students, a feeling that didn't exactly dissipate when Professor Carter mentioned wanting to get to know them better. It just made Aine realize, once again, she'd be graduating soon. She was excited to finish up and do more of her own thing, of course, but it was a little bittersweet to think about. Over seven years, and despite her protests, this had become something like a home to her, and it would be sad to leave that security and routine. So it was the right thing to do to join in, she thought, even more so because she was obligated to be a good role model.

She flinched slightly when the leaping toadstool jumped into her lap, though she was careful not to startle it more than it had startled her. "Er, hi everyone, on my break I went bungee jumping." She said it so calmly and matter of factly, despite the fact that she had been scared out of her mind when she'd actually done it. "And had a belated eighteenth birthday thing. Um, I hope I can ace my NEWTs and give a memorable grad speech." She leaned back, letting the toadstool leap over to the next person.

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