Ooooh, wow!

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Elijah Tine

musician | <3 Kynleigh
OOC First Name
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Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
4/2013 (34)
Elijah "Eli" Tine is looking for a yuleball date

Elijah Tine is currently seeing someone, yes. But he hasn't seen her in a while. He's been in his room working on music and doing nothing but writing. He's not gone out much and is wondering what to do with himself. But the yuleball is coming up, but he doesn't want to ask his girlfriend. Because he hasn't spoken to her in a while and in his mind believes she is mad at her. So, I had an idea. A girl. 2nd year to 5th year. Not too bothered what age but not too old. Could be alone. In a pretty dress, looking very pretty and Elijah would go all OMG, stumbling over words. Following her slightly. Repeatingly saying how pretty she is and asking her if she wasn't anything. She needs to be the kind of girl who would take advantage of the poor boy. He doesn't have a type of girl so she can be grunge/punk/tomboyish/girly. It's nothing serious. It would be an only yuleball thing, like Cinderella. Only he would never go looking. If you think it could go onto something else then say. Because plotting is fun.
I understand this is short notice. But Elijah is the I'll wait until the last minutes.

So any takers?

I could offer Riley, she will be alone attye Yule Ball because her date got auctioned to somebody else at thr Brotherhood auction.I can see her being upset about it and easily thinking of taking advantage of Eli because she wouldn't take him so seriously because he is younger than her. But yeah I can see her filling the role quite nicely ^_^
briar could if you want. she wouldn't be seeing him as anything more than a friend. but she wouldnt take advantage of him.

Well, I had gotten the weekend wrong.
But, Um. Such choices. I think I shall go with Riley. I think it would fit better.
I could see him following her slightly and not even noticing henwas being taken advantage of.
Riley, I hope you're still up for it. I'll start something right now and PM it to you
thank you both.
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