Ooh look, *drama!*

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Justine Brookes

Active Member
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So, hey guys... Long time no see, right?

Here I have an awesome topic made by me and Ceara. Its pretty awesome :D .

Anyway, we need people as spectators to the awesome-ness, as we have a lot of drama ahead. (No, Aroha is not the one causing it. Well she is a bit... ish.)

Provided you don't care about RPing watching someone die, I suggest you join in.

BUT. We ask that you don't join in 'till we say. I'LL be the one saying it ( :glare: ), so keep your eyes peeled. I'll post here when I've announced it.

So, who's in??

Thanks, Olivia and Ceara xx :wub:
Amélie could be a spectator, she already talked a few times with Elspeth... and could definitely use some action (she is totally boring so far, I don't know what to do with her) Amélie would probably in total shock witnessing a death, but who wouldn't?
So let me know if/when you need me ^^
LIVI! CEARA! :wub: :hug:

Lea could be a bystander, and it would totally bring back memories of her parents dying, and make her all sad and stuffs...I don't know, I'm not t=in a particularly creative mood right now, and dad's laptop is unnerving..so yeah

Bitty :)
Oh my public embarrassment...sounds like something Cynthia would love to laugh at...
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