Closed Only Person I Care For

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Brevity Boone

brainy; messy; wasted potential
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (bisexual)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Whippy Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
06/2043 (19)
Brevity had last minute decided to invite Maisie to the dance. She liked the other girl, she was the only person at this school so far that she liked. Brevity didn't want to spend time with most others, but Maisie, Maisie was chill. Brevity was waiting for her, trying to not appear too eager for it, but she was a little. The last dance had been fun, but this would be more, because she would spend it with a friend. Properly and not just a dance and a conversation.
Maisie usually liked poofier dresses, but she'd just fallen in love with this one. Satisfied that she looked fabulous, Maisie skipped down to the hall. She lit up when she spotted Brevity, smiling brightly and opening up her arms for a hug. "Brevityyyy!" She giggled. "You look amazing."
Brevity glanced up at Maisie as the girl arrived, wearing something really nice, and it made Brevity's heart do odd things that she wasn't used to. Brevity did accept the hug, though. She let herself linger in it for a moment. ”Shut up, you look more amazing,” she returned. ”Come on, let's not waste time,” she went to take Maisie's hand and drag her to the dance floor.
Maisie giggled, letting Brevity pull her along. She loved dancing. "This song is amazing," She offered, swaying her hips and keeping close. "I love dances,"
It was not that surprising to Brevity that Maisie loved dances and loved this song. She seemed like a generally more joyous person that Brevity was. But she gave a half hearted grumble about dancing and then started moving with Maisie to the music, maybe watching Maisie more than she was actually dancing.
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