🌹 Rose Giving One or the Other

Leah Thorne

7th year 🧨 headstrong 🧨 bossy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 12 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
08/2046 (17)
Yellow rose for @Angelo Dela Cruz

Leah had just started her deliveries and while she knew it hadn't been her best idea to sign up, the reality of what was in store for her today really started to set in. She made her way to the Hufflepuff table after a brief misguided detour to the Ravenclaw table. She had tried asking around and was lead astray by someone thinking she was looking for the other Dela Cruz twin. She asked around again, knowing she was on the right path this time, and was finally pointed in the right direction. "Are you Angelo?" she asked, a little breathless after all her searching.
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Angelo had a lot of deliveries that he had to make, he didn't expect that it would be so hectic! He was sitting on the Hufflepuff House Table for a well-deserved break when an older student came up to him. He brightened at that, he didn't expect that he would be getting a rose but what else could it be. And then he thought that it was a little embarrassing to be receiving a rose. "Yes po," he said with a nod.
Leah was visibly relieved when he confirmed she found the right person. "Thank Merlin." she sighed before looking for the right rose and note to give him. "Glad I found you, was worried I'd be walking around the great hall for hours." she joked before giving him a yellow rose and a note. "Happy Valentine's day!"

Dear Angelo

Happy Valentines

Angelo did not expect that someone would have been looking for him, which made him feel a little bad. "Oh sori... I uh... have deliveries," he apologized and explained as he showed her that he was also delivering roses for the day. He supposed it was just pure luck that they came around one another. He gratefully took the rose and grinned at her, "Thank you po." Reading the note it came with, he smiled. And then blushed, mortified, that he was giddy about receiving a rose from another boy. But it was his friend so that was okay right?

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