Open One of the Lasts

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Nolan Burke

irish ☘️ | musical 🎶 | 60' grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Sturdy Hornbeam Wand with Fairy Wing Core
22 (10/2041)
Nolan didn't go to the Valentine's dances as often as he did during his time at Hogwarts. But he guessed that since it was his last year, that maybe he'd make the most of it. His romantic life wasn't the greatest, but that was okay. He guessed that maybe he could spend time with his friends or something. As Nolan walked into the great hall, he looked around to see if there was anyone familiar he could talk with, but so far, he didn't really see anyone familiar. Nolan felt a bit awkward being here but decided to make his way towards one of the tables and just people-watch for now.
Crystal had been saying she was gonna enjoy this year. But she felt like the year could go faster, only the win with Ravenclaw was something positive. The rest was terrible, she was pretending so hard to be cool but she was just not. No one liked her, no one would love her. She wanted someone to love her, like others had. But no boy would ever look at her that way. That was for certain. So sadly she was alone again and actually wanted to leave and go to bed. But this was gonna be her last feast at Hogwarts. So she just decided to sit at an table, putting a smile on to people walking by. Pretending like she had the best evening, but she didn't. She than noticed Nolan close, her classmate. She believed she had spoken to him before and was an friend of Eugene. So she sighted for an moment and than gave him a smile. '' Not feeling like dancing?'' She than asked him.
Nolan looked up when he noticed a presence. He smiled at his classmate, Crystal. He didn't really know the girl well and had only spoken to her maybe a couple of times. But Nolan knew Crystal was a friend of Eugene's. Though Nolan was glad that he didn't look like he was much of a loner anymore. "Hey, Crystal," Nolan says with a small smile. He chuckled at Crystal's question. "Nah, I'm not much of a dancer," Nolan says with a small smile. "How bout you? You gonna dance on the dance floor?"
Crystal smiled back to the boy, glad he seemed to know who she was. Otherwise that would be really sad. He didn't seemed like an mean person. She nodded at what he said, she didn't actually knew herself if she was. Crystal figured she wasn't. She would trip over her feet more than actually dance well. She put up her shoulders as an response. '' Not really feel like dancing alone.'' The blonde said, and looked at her hands. This was so not cool. '' Are you here alone?'' She than asked him, trying to find out if he was waiting for someone.
Nolan nodded his head, understanding. Not everyone wanted to dance alone, and that was okay. The Hufflepuff nodded his head. "Yeah," Nolan said with a chuckle. "You come by yourself also?" Nolan said with a small smile, deciding to return the question. It wouldn't hurt to try a conversation, he guessed.

Nolan looked back at the dance floor, the small conversation about dancing coming back to mind. "Um... did you wanna dance? I can join you if you'd like. But again, I'm not that great," Nolan asked as she gestured to the dance floor with a chuckle, remembering that Crystal didn't really wanna dance alone. But he totally understood if she didn't want to dance, though. The song currently playing was quite upbeat, and slowly, more and more people turned up on the dance floor.
It seemed he didn't thought it was strange what she said, so that was a relief. He was here by himself alone? Was there an chance she could get kissed tonight? She didn't tried to hope for it too much. And nodded at the question, it was painfully true but she was alone. And here he was, an not bad looking boy. Why didn't she ever spoke to him before? Well being away to Hogwarts Scotland didn't helped as well, but heh. She smiled shy as he offered to dance. She would never had dared to ask him herself. Crystal didn't tried to be too enthiosastic, but dancing with someone on her last feast on Hogwarts would be better than sitting here all sad and alone. '' Oh yes! I mean.. uh let's go. I'm sure we will be fine..'' The blonde said with an smile. And stood up trying to act cool she was scared as death but took his hand and pulled him at the dance floor to dance on the upbeat music. She tried to forget that everyone was looking, and even when that wasn't the case it seemed they did. Every step she take.

*godmod approved.
Nolan smiled happily when Crystal agreed to dance. Though he might have regretted it the moment he had asked, as he would be embarrassing himself with the non-existent dance moves he had in him. He was a little taken aback when the girl suddenly took his hand and took him towards the dance floor. Nolan was suddenly on the dance floor, unsure what sort of dance move to do. He awkwardly started moving side to side trying his best to keep up with the beat of the song.
As they stood on the dancefloor Crystal let go of his hand. And tried to hide her blushing. She watched the ground as she started to move and than looked back at Nolan. '' Well at least we can say we danced at our last Hogwarts feast.'' Crystal said. And than looked at him smiling sweet. And to her feet again, hoping she wouldn't trip.
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