One More Mask!

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Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
So I was talking with Sam Prince who was meant to be my Sloth but Louse said that he was growing so now I need one more mask to take up the mask of Sloth. :D

And *cartwheels out* Let's get it on!
Looks like your brother is here to safe the day. Tohoru could do this and have a lot of fun with it. I know he seems like he would be lust or even man ho if there was a mask for that but Sloth also fits him very well....
Lazy S.O.B of course you can be Sloth :D

I knew my little brother couldn't stay away from mayhem for long :cuddles:
Yay. After Eden of course I would become lazy and not wanna do anything.
Crawl your way to the Great Hall and help me brake the fashion show that Wrath has put on :cry:
Ok I'm on it. Gosh so bossy. Remember I could still beat you up. lol :p
Excuse me sir? *flash knock down with a shap heel in his back* You do not beat up you big sister brother dearest.
There you can go and play now I posted though I wonder where the other sins are? I'm sure Lilith would wanna play if you would let her. Eden wont any longer she is busy with Chase and Luxen. Something must be done about her.
Hey someone has to carry on the Koshiba evil now that Hoshi's out of that family for good. Besides, I'm sure evil b*tch step mom will put Eden in her place :p
Not going to happen Eden has something planned for her and I fear for this pure blooded women she knows not what Eden has planned now that she is going to have to call another person mother. Lets hope this women takes the Koshiba name or her offspring will have no standing in the family. Not that it matters. Eden has claimed your place and no one can take it from her.
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