One more can't hurt

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Diane Winters

Gossip Columnist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Boomslang venom Core

So I'm terribly behind on replies but. This little beauty needs stuff.

Diane Winters | Third Year | Slytherin

Diane is a one time quidditch player, HM writer, vain, touchy feely and all round a warm friendly person. Except to Reuben Lagowski apparently. I count the number of friends she has on one hand and have fingers spare so she needs more. I'd also like for her to have a relationship, she starting to come to terms with her sexuality so I think she needs to date a girl so she is really sure and can go on to pursue her final. I'm flexible on age, though ideally older sort of in the 4th/5th year area.

Sidenote: if I owe you a reply give me a gentle nudge. Alternative all my characters are available for plots so feel free to check my tracker.
I wish I had girls to offer you for relationships but I don't :cry: but I'd like Amber and Diane to be friends! Amber is always looking for more friends :p
I can offer you Audrey Crawley :r
She's a fifth year Durrmy tho
Holiday fling?
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