One Kid, Free to a BAD home

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Rory Tiernay

Well-Known Member
Alright, so, Rory has been getting little to no action lately, so I thought up an interesting plot I want to start putting into effect for her soon. Basically, her whole family is about to be brutally murdered, while she's there, because they did something someone didn't like. They're actually gunna be murdered by muggles. Because of some stuff her father got involved in when he was alive. It's a long story that's gunna take me awhile to even write in the first place, but I think it will be worth it.

Basically, what I'm looking for is an existing character that may in some way be related to Rory that becomes forced to take her in. Also, I want them to either be absolutely evil, or treat her like garbage. You wouldn't even have to RP with her all that much if you didn't want to. She's low maintence. For you people that like making horribly aweful characters that basically hate the world and love creating chaos and ruining lives, heres a perfect oppurtunity!
Well once Lilith is dead and gone I will be making someone by the name Daisy A'Dare she could be a Aunt by marriage or something.
Daisy would treat Rory like she was a turd under her size 7 pump. I promise if Rory lived with Daisy there would be plenty of tear wrenching rp's and lots of beatings
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