One from each there house

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James Killian

Growing old is an awfully big adventure
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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10'' Rosewood with Unicorn tear core
12/2014 (39)
Okay as the first semester is coming to an end Jamie has been studying the history of the orginal Hogwarts and has decided that he wants to be legenday like the founders of the school. What I am looking for is a student from :


These three people and Jamie would be like a new age version of the founders and should mirror at best some if not all of the qualities that there house stands for, you can of course put your own spin on it since the times have change since way back then.

So who would be interested?
Male and Females are welcomed and I am only looking for one person from each house for the time being!
I have a Ravenclaw, Rosemarie Wilkinson who I haven't been able to use lately, and I think she would be perfect. She's a third year, and she's a real brain, and she loves reading. She's a typical Ravenclaw in other words. Her favourite and best subject is Charms.

She's friendly, but you have to earn her respect, by showing her your wit. Even though she's a bit older than James, I think she'd be great. She's fairly undeveloped, so it's up to you. :)
Hi.. I have Maite Perroni for Hufflepuff. She's a first year and very adventurous student.
I have also Katie Mcgrath for Slytherin. Also a first year student but she's not as nice as Maite, her stepsister.
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