Closed One Foot Over The Line

Kellen Corvus

Kellen stared at the tree line. She hadn't explored the forest in any of her three years at school. Of course she'd considered it, but she didn't want to get in trouble. She was sure she was already disappointing her folks by not playing quidditch. They never said anything to her about it but she would be crazy not to think that. With her mom being a professional Quidditch player how could they not expect the same from her.

Finally she took a step closer, and then another. She was touching the trees now, looking around to see if anyone was nearby and watching.
Osiris Vale was no stranger to the Forbidden Forest. He had been there once with Miro so far, and was busted. At least he learned how to make fire without using magic, or a match. It just made his hands raw. He could handle that. He just hoped that he would not be caught outside again. Maybe he should not head in with a bright lantern so that he could hide in the trees. But before he could even enter, he saw a Slytherin girl, near the tree line. He watched for a few minutes, and only saw her take a step closer. He sighed and approached her, “If you are going to walk in, just walk in. Don’t be a chicken.” Ozzy walked past her and in the trees, just enough to turn around and smirk mischievously.
Kellen looked to the side at the voice, her large orbs narrowed slightly. "I'm not being a chicken, I'm being cautious. Calculating your next move can keep you out of a lot of trouble." She said to the young boy. "Aren't you in my house?" She asked, before taking another step into the tree line, turning after she did to face him. The taller girl looked him over, yes she was sure he was a slytherin, she had seen him before. "Trying to lose us some house points as well? Or just admiring the trees?"
Ozzy doubted that was the case, but he kept his eye on the Slytherin that was slightly older than himself. Actually, she might have been Astraea's age. Interesting. He could get more intel on his sister. "Someone sounds like they are scared of crossing authorities." If that was what she meant anyway. "Yeah, I'm a Slytherin. And it isn't the first time I've gotten in trouble for being in the forest. I just like the creepiness. Reminds me of home." Especially if he could find some acromantula webbing. Ozzy had no issues crossing into the trees, even looking up to see if he could find a tree to climb. "What year are you in?"
Kellen narrowed her eyes as she walked further into the forest. "Afraid? No way." She said, though she was a little afraid of how upset her parents would be. "Home? You live in the woods?" She asked before answering his question. "I'm a third year, so respect your elder or something like that." She said, though clearly didn't think he needed to respect her because she was older. "What's your name, kid?" Asked the student.
Ozzy did like it when the other Slytherin seemed like she was not scared. That was very good. He did not want to be around someone that was afraid. Even if they might be a little fun to mess with. Ozzy shook his head at her question, since he did not live in the woods, but what he meant, he would not spill. He shrugged his shoulders when she said to respect his elders. And then asked what his name was. “Osiris Vale, ma’am. You may call me Ozzy. Not Oz. Ozzy.” Ozzy would not allow anyone to call him Oz. It just did not sound cool.
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Kellen raised a brow as he just shook his head but gave no elaboration. She didn't mind she supposed, but it did make her curious. "Ozzy, got it." She said laughing a bit at how serious he took what she would call him. it was cute, like a little brother would be. But her actual brother was not cute - he was a pain. "I'm Kellen Corvus. Bad news for two trouble makers to be in slytherin, eh?" She said, holding out a hand like her grandfather taught her to when meeting someone new.
Ozzy was glad that she would not try to press the issue at hand, with his name. It was a personal preference. Ozzy nodded at her name, and thought that it was sort of interesting. Kellen. It sounded close to killing. Not exact but he liked it. "I think there are a lot of troublemakers in Slytherin. Just we are sneaky enough not to get caught." Ozzy smirked as he shook her hand, and then turned to start walking more into the forest. After all, it was a nice day out, and he wanted to see if he could find that tree he loved to climb.

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