One Door Closes, Another Opens

Hayley Dalton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
Hayley Dalton sat at the Ravenclaw table of the Great Hall, her eyes down, fixed on her studies. She smiled through her tiredness, ironing out the wrinkle of her brow with her thumb. A small sigh escaped her lips as she pushed the books and notes aside and drew her plate closer, dosing up on eggs and spinach and protein-filled food. She was knackered. And as she pierced the fried egg a-tip the prongs of her silver fork, Hayley thought long and hard of the exams ahead. She could fail. She could get kicked out of Hogwart. Her parents would be bitterly disappointed in her.
How exciting.

Another mouthful of spinach passed before her eyes rolled up to note more students arriving for lunch in the Great Hall. Some of them carried notes and books, while others grinned and modelled their mud-covered clothes from a hard day of Quidditch. Oh, how Hayley would love to give the game a chance. But she'd been too bogged down with her studies for that. She'd missed the tryouts. Not next year, she silently vowed, popping another forkful of egg into her open mouth.
It was then, much to her interest, that another student seated themselves beside her. She watched from the corner of her eye, munching her food and swallowing before turning her body fully to greet the other student- who she wasn't entirely sure to which house they belonged.
"Hello," she grinned, "you alright?"
Kyle Cavanaugh was not feeling his usual happy, cheery and adventurous self. He was feeling the very opposite and this had never happened to Kyle before. The exams were so close and Kyle had not been revising enough because the Qudditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor too had been upon them. Well, at least that's all over now, he thought with a sigh as he put his broomstick down by one of the house tables and sat down. Wiping away the droplets of sweat that had formed on his forehead he pulled a plate towards himself. He wasn't feeling hungry after what had happened at the pitch but he was planning to have some good breakfast so he could lock himself up in his dormitory all day and study for the exams. He hadn't got to play once again and they had lost. He was not sure for which reason he felt more sad. Maybe it was because he didn't get to play, not that he thought that him playing would have made Gryffindor house win the Qudditch cup but because he felt useless. He had practiced with the team the whole year and he hadn't played in one real match and now because of all the evening practices he was behind on his studying.

Filling his dish with toast and pouring some cold pumpkin juice for himself he realized that he was sitting at the Ravenclaw table. "Umm...yeah" he said, a little surprised that instead of being thrown away from the house table where he did not belong someone was actually asking him if he was alright. He recognized the face of the girl. She was in one of the classes with him. He looked over behind his back. The Gryffindor table was almost empty. He assumed everyone was sad and was mourning or studying in the common room while the Slytherin table erupted with cheers as the Slytherin team walked in with their house cup. Some people were eying him as he was still in his Qudditch robes. Well he had not played so he did not feel the need to change right away but seeing how he was attracting some attention he planed to finish his breakfast as quick as possible and head out. He could not stand looking at all those Slytherins who would soon be wanting to taunt some Gryffindors. He ate his toast trying to look anywhere but the Slytherin table. He noticed the girl had books with her. She must have been studying for the upcoming exams. "Did you come down to the pitch to watch the match?"he asked her curiously wondering if she had noticed that Kyle was just wearing the Gryffindor Qudditch robes and hadn't been up in the air. "I'm Kyle by the way" he said remembering that introductions were necessary.
Hayley stared lazily towards the celebrating Slytherins, rolling her eyes and sighing a little. It was a shame Gryffindor had been defeated, and while she was not a lion herself, she'd sooner have seen them win by far. She turned back to the young Gryffindor boy beside her and smiled her condolences. "Yes," she said softly, "I did watch most of it." She had left most abruptly at the match's end, knowing that the outcome would not be good and that in a matter of minutes the entire Ravenclaw stand would be pushing and shoving to either reach the library, the common room, or the Great Hall.

Casting another dirty glance back at the sneering Slytherins, Hayley faced the boy. She noted the outfit he was wearing and wondered silently to herself as to which position he had filled on the pitch. She could not recall having seen him play, but then again most of those involved raced past in a blur of red. "I'm Hayley," she responded cheerfully, curiously looking him over as though questioning him further on her speculations, "you look knackered." She shot him a sympathetic look but decided to press on and scooped up the remnants of her meal. "What position do you play?"
Kyle ignored the people who were looking at him and soon they seemed to be bored and give their attention to the Slytherins. Sipping some cold pumpkin juice, Kyle let the sweet taste freshen his mouth that was dry from sitting out in the sun. He looked at the girl and noticed her flashing a dirty look towards the Slytherins. That cheered up Kyle a bit. Somehow he felt that both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff house would rather have Gryffindor win the cup than see the snakes take it. Kyle tried to think that they he still had six more years at Hogwarts and somewhere in the coming years he would leave his mark on Hogwarts Qudditch History. Putting some butter on his toast he heard the girl saying she did watch most of the match. His mind was going to go back on thinking about the match just as the girl introduced herself as Hayley. "That's a nice name" Kyle said being nice to her.

Seeing that she was in Ravenclaw Kyle wondered if she was on top of her revision for the upcoming exams. "What classes did you have this term?" he asked her curiously. Kyle needed some serious help with Herbology because he found all the classes dull and had even missed one of the important classes where they made pumpkins grow. If Hayley was doing Herbology too maybe she could help him out. Kyle hoped that wouldn't be too much to ask from someone he had just met. As the subject was brought back to Qudditch, Kyle sighed as he replied "I'm just tired from all the sitting around during the match. I am an alternate seeker or chaser." Finishing his first toast, Kyle looked at the Slytherin table where the team was taking the cup out of the hall. "Playing when you are a first year is not so great. All you do is practice and get minimum time to study plus you don't play during the actual matches"he told Hayley, a lesson that he had learned this year.
Hayley's cheeks flushed bright pink. She was rarely paid a compliment, being a girl of few words and a book glued to her face on a nearly permenant basis. "Th-thank you." Hayley stammered, which was a little unusual for her. Kyle seemed very polite and friendly.. And his face was familiar, too. He'd probably been in a good few of her lessons along the way, and there was every chance they had met during her library visits. Although he did seem quite a different person to her; dripping with sweat, donning Quidditch robes of scarlet red, that boyishly handsome look about him. He looked the part of a warrior hero- something Hayley would loved to have been, given the chance. She intended to go in for the tryouts next year if she passed all her subjects this year with at least and 'E'.

"Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, and History of Magic," she smiled to him, though her face fell a little with concern at the future of her grades. "Though I think my strengths are more in Herbology and Astronomy." She realised how self-obssessed that sentence could be potrayed as, and she blushed once more, quickly adding "What subject's do you enjoy?"
She listened to his response on Quidditch. It sounded as though he was quickly growing bored with being planted on the bench all day. It must have been intensely frustrating. Like not being allowed to write a fantastic essay because you quill has broken, she mentally compared. "Wow!" she beamed, "You must be pretty fast, then. And precise. A good seeker is hard to come by and they're not lightly chosen. And a chaser.." Hayley caught herself trying to get a look at his arms for muscles. Stop that! she scolded, It's very silly. You're behaving no better than one of those screaming Quidditch fangirls. She sighed inwardly at that. Hayley loved Quidditch, both watching and playing it, but she had never really had the chance to express herself. She just wasn't very good at it.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Still, I suppose it will give you a better chance to beat the serpents next year." She smiled encouragingly, "Who knows.. Maybe I'll even stand a chance at making the Ravenclaw team and we'll do battle ourselves." Hayley shot him a cheeky devillish grin.
Kyle smiled watching Hayley stammer and blush. He did not like his father at various times but one thing that he was glad about was that he had been raised to be polite and nice. Kyle was not sure why Hayley had blushed on receiving the compliment. He could only guess that the reason lay in her not being used to compliments. Kyle knew some of his friends back in England couldn't wait to grow up so they could flirt and date girls. Kyle had yet to get to that stage in his life when he was attracted to the opposite gender and he was in no hurry. His elder cousins had told him how difficult relationships could be and liked this stage where he could just be friends with girls and not have to worry about all that. Finishing his pumpkin juice and toast, Kyle wiped his mouth with the napkin before turning his head to face Hayley once again. "I have History of Magic too this term" he said with a grin. It had been his favorite subject this term and he was looking forward to attempting the exam in that particular subject. "Last term I liked Transfiguration and Defence. This term I have Herbology and Astronomy together with History and Herbology is driving me nuts" he said opening up to Hayley.

Just as Kyle said this he realized Hayley enjoyed the two subjects which he liked the least. Maybe enjoying harder subjects was something that came as a trait for the Ravenclaws. "I missed the class with growing the pumpkins. Had some contagious flu that week and I have been lagging behind ever since. And Astronomy...well I'll just say I like to spend my nights sleeping" he told her following with a laugh. He seriously was trying to enjoy Astronomy but it was just hard for him to stay awake as his parents had made sure for a very long time that he followed his bed time very strictly. "Last term I got Outstanding in all the subjects but this term I will be glad to pass in Herbology and Astronomy" he told Hayley hoping that she would still want to continue chatting with him after knowing that he was probably going to fail the two subjects she liked the most. Kyle smiled widely as Hayley beamed at him before she started complimenting him on his Qudditch skills. "I think I'm just a seeker for now. I would call myself good after winning something" Kyle said honestly. "I'm hoping that once the seventh years graduate the Captain would think about the alternates before she picks anyone from next year's first year batch" Kyle explained Hayley what he had secretly been wishing. "That would be fun. What position will you be trying out for?"he asked Hayley. He hoped she wasn't trying out as a keeper or a beater because she would be risking herself with some serious bludger injuries if that was the case.
On the subject of Herbology and Astronomy being Kyle's worst subject, Hayley smiled softly though a little excitedly. She could make a friend out of this. Or at least gain a study buddy. "Well, you know," she started with a coy nod of the head, "if you're really struggling to grasp either subject, I could always lend you a hand." She looked a little awkward at the suggestion, wondering if it sounded a bit strange as they hardly knew oneanother, but she was more than happy to help someone, especially if it resulted in her making a new friend. They could spend time in the library researching the available books.

Kyle seemed very modest in his abilities. Certainly not the boasting sort, which came obvious when she had unintentionally thrown him the opportunity to show himself off. She pondered for a moment as to what position she would choose to play, given the chance. "I'm sure you'll make a more permanent position on the team next year," she said encouragingly but honestly, "they don't normally even let first years on the team as back-up. You must be good to have snagged a spot in the first place." Her eyes twinkled as she smiled again, her eyes chancing a glance at her incomplete studies and wondering how she would ever fit Quidditch around her classroom life. "Thinking about it," Hayley paused, "I'd probably like to try for something like a chaser. I don't think I'm fast enough to be a seeker. Although, being a keeper might be more my style. I would have no chance at becoming a beater." she laughed.
Kyle was surprised at how easily he could converse with Hayley. He was usually good with new people but this was definitely an improvement. He knew that the credit for this went to Hayley because she was proving to be friendly which some people would not do so easily. Kyle's smile grew wider as Hayley offered to help him. He nodded happily and admitted "I was kind of hoping you would help me with Herbology." They had very little time and he knew Hayley needed to do her own studying for the subjects that were actually on her schedule. He could not ask her to help him with two subjects both of which she wouldn't be studying for. "It would be great. You would even know the kind of questions you had in your tests. I could go through them with your help it would help me a lot" he said happy to finally see chances of passing Herbology.

Kyle had heard this before. The part were people told him he was good as he had been selected as an alternate despite being a first year. He remembered his conversation with Liam, another fellow Gryffindor first year who had been surprised to hear that Kyle was allowed a broom. "I guess you're right" he said. He noticed Hayley's eyes twinkle as she began talking about trying for a chaser or a keeper. He laughed with her agreeing that she was not having much chances on becoming a beater. "I will have to look out for you if whether you played as a keeper or a chaser, if I played as a chaser"he said thoughtfully. It would be fun having to play against someone who was your friend and shared classes with you. They could even place bet on whose house would win.
Hayley was pleased to hear Kyle taking her up one her offer of aiding him in his Herbology studies. She looked forward to helping someone else, for a change. It would help them to get to know each other, also. She beamed a great pearly-white smile in his direction before realising just how little time was left in the school year. They would have to work hard and fast to get all sections of Herbology covered if Kyle hoped to pass. Then again, Hayley had no doubt that he was really a lot smarter than he felt he was. Something about him told her that Kyle the Gryffindor had a lot more to him than one may initially assume. Handsome and smart. Now that just wouldn't be fair.

The idea of taking Kyle on during next year's Quidditch season as an opponent was certainly and amusing thought. He'd have the upper hand of having played on the Gryffindor Quidditch team throughout his first year, even if he had spent most of it benched or just practising. Hayley would have to get in some practice sessions when she saw Landon during the holidays. Perhaps she could stay with him for a week or two and really get to know her Quidditch moves. She nodded to Kyle with a grin. "Well, it would be good to have a go at playing you." Hayley thought longingly of the Quidditch pitch and of the fun she could have at school next year.
Kyle was glad that he had decided to come to the Great Hall for some breakfast instead of just heading up to the Gryffindor tower. All of a sudden all the Slytherin's cheering and their losing did not seem a big deal. Hayley had helped him improve his mood and he had also landed with someone to help him study. One thing that was not in their favor was time. "Are you free today evening, we could meet at the library" he asked hoping that Hayley would be able to fix some time for him. He didn't mind adjusting to any time she wanted as long as he could learn. "You better do some good practice during the holidays if you want to get into the team" he said with a grin, slightly teasing Hayley. He had not seen her fly but something told him she would be good.

For Kyle holidays were not always fun. Many times he had to attend big parties and behave but his mother had promised him that he would get to meet all his relatives as she was throwing a party for the family. That was sort of exciting and of course there was Rose Bellard whom he had invited to come spend the holidays and see London. Thinking about his holidays he realized he did not know anything about Hayley's family or where she lived. "Where are you going in the holidays?" he asked curiously wondering if she lived in New Zealand like some people or lived some place else on the globe. "My house is in London so I'll be spending it there with my mom and dad and some cousins. Plus I invited one friend from Hogwarts" Kyle told Hayley excitedly.
Hayley sat up quite suddenly at the mention of studying that same day. She hadn't really thought about when the two of them would cram in some study time, but now she actually allowed her mind to graduate in that direction, it did cross her mind just how little time left they had within the term. Her look of surprise at the suggestion switched to a softened smile. "Yes," she said, accepting the idea, "yes, this evening is good for me." She was rather looking forward to it all, now. But her face cracked into a broad grin. "Well," she said, knowing he was probably right and that come the break she would really have to work on her flying technique, "maybe you could help me?" She flushed a little at her own suggestion, wondering if he'd think it silly.

"Oh, wow!" Hayley responded with equal excitement, though for a different reason. "I'm spending it in New Zealand, this year, with my parents and brother.. But we used to go back to England for the holidays- that's where I'm originally from." She paused, listening to herself, before adding "Although, I grew up, for the most part, over here. That's why I don't really have a strong English accent." She shook her head with a frown, having never really thought about how she must sound to the people around her, to those who had grown up listening to native speakers. She must sound very odd, Hayley speculated inwardly. "But that sounds like a lot of fun," she smiled, returning to the topic of friends for the holidays, "I don't really have.." Her voice fell weak and she stopped it in it's tracks. "I mean, I don't really feel I know a lot of people here that well."
Kyle was a little shocked to see Hayley surprised. He knew he was asking a lot here especially from a Ravenclaw. Unlike him people from this house were actually contributing time to studying and he was asking her to teach him things so close to exam. He was going to say it was okay. His father would have to understand that all subjects were not equal. But then Hayley agreed. Now he was surprised. He tried to hide it but failed. "Are you sure. If you have something else we can always do it later" he said with a slight shrug not being entirely truthful about that but he had to at least be polite about it. Kyle was so consumed in all this that he was confused when Hayley said he could help her. She was smarter why did she need help. Then after a minute he understood that Hayley was talking about flying. "Sure thing" he said with a huge grin. He had recently helped, or so he thought with Tybalt Archer who was afraid of heights. Hayley wanted to actually play and he considered that with her it would be more of Qudditch techniques and stuff. His face lit up with excitement. He wouldn't feel very guilty anymore if he did something in return"But it has to be after exams" he said before he could stop himself. He cursed himself knowing it must have sounded plain rude. "I mean...of course I would love to help you. How about we do it the day our exams get over" he said trying to rephrase his thoughts hoping Hayley wouldn't leave and be upset.

Kyle listened to Hayley as she explained about how she had grown up in New Zealand and that was why she did not have an accent. " Of course you have an accent, its just not British. Its more like southern...Australian" he explained with a face that showed Hayley that she was clearly mistaken if she thought she didn't have an accent. "There are so many people here all with your accent so you think you don't have one but trust me you do" he explained his theory to Hayley. It was a little sad that Hayley didn't have any friends to spend holidays with. "First year is always like this. Even I don't have any proper friends apart from Rose. And she...well we went to the yule ball together and she wanted to see London so I told her she could stay at my place" he explained her the way the situation really was. He knew a bunch of people, yes but he didn't have close friends yet.
"No, no," Hayley interjected quickly at the suggestion she had something else, something better to do. The truth was that spending time with Kyle that evening would probably be the most fun she would have had with anyone all year. She had hoped to get to know Rory a little better and spend more time with him but he had not been around much of late. Far too busy with his studies. That boy would go far. "I mean, it would be good fun to help someone else out. I may even learn something, myself." She laughed, wondering just how much she really knew about the subject and how much the library books could come in handy where she was uncertain.
"Oh, of course," Hayley nodded eagerly once Kyle had agreed to help her with her Quidditch practice, "that would be great." She was practically glowing with the thought of being back up in the air, soaring through the clouds.

Hayley giggled as she learned that others really were aware of her accent. She supposed that growing up here had helped her grow unaware of the various regional dialects. The only accents that really stood out came from across the pond. Hayley nodded empathically. She remembered her own attendance of the Yule Ball to have been a quiet and lonely one. She had spent most of the night sipping from her punch-filled cup, sadly watching the other students dancing around with their friends and loved ones, and finally slipping off back to the girls' dormitory to have a few hours sleep. Hayley wondered if Kyle and this Rose girl were more than just friends. But the notion merely entertained her mind for a second before fizzling out as none of her business. "That was very kind of you. Perhaps the three of us could all go back to England, some time. Make a proper trip of it." She smiled, hoping it didn't sound too ridiculous. It wasn't as though she would be meeting them right there and then this year. She would wait and see if the three of them got on. And she certainly did not wish to intrude should Kyle and Rose wish for time to themselves.
Kyle sighed with relief as Hayley said it was okay. She was nice. Some other people would have misunderstood him and thought of him as rude but she hadn't. He would have loved to have gone flying with her right now but he had risked too much and now he couldn't waste any more no matter how tempting it was. Kyle was looking forward to meeting up with Hayley and studying. He knew not many people would have agreed to help him and he was always going to be thankful to her for this. He would even send her a nice gift. "Hey, when is your birthday?"he asked her. It might sound a random question but Kyle wanted to know and be prepared to do something nice for Hayley. He waited for Hayley to respond. He hoped it was not during the holidays or else he would miss it. When Hayley suggested making a proper trip to London, he nodded. "Yes, for sure. You know Rose is from France. Maybe we could visit both the places" he suggested with a smile.He had only been to Paris and Monte Carlo in France. But Rose had described her home town, Nantes to be very nice as well. Kyle loved traveling and doing that with friends would just be the most fun. It seemed like a nice idea but for it to work smoothly he would have to introduce Rose and Hayley to each other. Maybe they could make a group of five or something because he knew girls often wanted to do things like shopping and for those times he didn't want to end up feeling out of place. His pocket watch started making a nose and he took it out to see the time. He stared at the golden watch with diamonds, a little surprised that time had gone so fast. It was almost noon and he had to rush to showers because he would start stinking soon if he continued chatting whilst in his Qudditch robes. "I need to go take now but I'll meet you in the Student Lounge"he asked Hayley hoping she would be okay with the time.
Hayley beamed at her newfound friendship. It looked as though the year could only get better from now on. With Kyle's help she could actually stand a chance of being on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. "It's the second of May," she responded matter of factly, wondering internally why he had asked her this. She decided to enquire the same of him also. "What about you," she smiled, "when's yours?" If they could make a real trip of going to London some time, that would have been the greatest thing yet. Her first holiday away with friends. She would have to make a point of reading up the proper etiquette for such circumstances. And at the suggestion of holidaying to France, also, caused a wide grin to spread across her face. "That would be wonderful," she said in thought, wondering how different France was from the English and kiwi streets she had ventured. Hayley was a little saddened that they had run out of time to talk for now, though Hayley knew she would have to crack down on her own studies during the next few hours and that Kyle would probably have much of the same. "Yes," she nodded eagerly, "I'll see you at seven."

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