One and Two and Wham!

Ronnie Boneheart

circus performer; entertainer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Whippy Beech Wand with Acromantula Web Core
Veronica was excited to be in such an old castle. It felt old and it looked old and she knew it was most definitely older then her, though she wasn't quite sure by how much. Either way, Roni was happy to be here and she was even happy enough to not care about being in her sisters house. In fact, she was quite satisfied enough to be able to make a name for herself in her own house. Keiran had been in Slytherin when he was still here, but now he was in Beauxbatons, though Roni didn't understand why. Their mother had not said anything about it to her, she only knew that Kelsey was angry about it. Still, it wasn't her problem, she still got to write letters to her brother so it was very little difference for her, she had gone five years without him anyway, now she would just have to go longer, though she supposed because he was Kelsey's twin, that made things different.

Roni skipped along the corridors. She was heading up from the Great hall to her Common room. Roni wanted to explore a little on her way, so instead of going up the stairs completely, she was stopping to explore the corridors. As she got to her first corridor, she got really excited and decided that she would get places faster if she started to skip, though she was clumsy, she figured she would be fine, she was usually only clumsy when she was paying attention to her feet. As she began to skip along the corridor, she took some jelly beans from her pocket and smiled again. She preferred jelly beans to jelly babies, mostly because jelly babies were the sweet of choice for her siblings and she was compared to them enough as it was. However as she looked down to open the packet, she suddenly found herself on the floor. She blinked and looked up at what she had hit and was rather shocked to find some kind of giant standing there. Still in a slight daze, Roni gazed up at the tall man with an open mouth and only thought to shut it when she spoke. "Wow! You're so tall! Are you a giant?!"
Professor Styx walked along the corridors with Bothizar Styx, showing him around the school. However, now, that the two of them were back from the top of the castle, he shushed Bothizar along to find his brothers before he continued walking, toward the corridors that would lead him back down into the dungeons. Professor Styx had little reason to have anything else on his mind except the coming year, which he did not want to think about. The new professors, he did not know, and the fact that his girls are not happy yet. He cracked his knuckles under his gloves as he continued to walk, and stopped when he noticed that there was a first year heading right for him, and before he could move out of the way, the girl bumped into him, and knocked herself into the floor. She was definitely not a Slytherin, as he could tell. He did not know what house she was in, nor did he care.

He would be teaching her one of these days, but he did not know which semester. Then, she said that he was so tall, and asked if he was a giant. His emotionless face twisted into one of annoyance as he rolled his eyes. "Are you blind? Giants don't teach here. And before you ask, no, not part-giant either. Now, get up off the floor." His tone was cold, and expected her to do just as he said. First years were definitely not the smartest group in the world. He might have been rude, cold and indifferent toward students, but his teaching ways stuck and remained.
Veronica bit her lip as the giant man's face twisted into something that resembled annoyance. Obviously he was having a bad day. Roni felt sorry for him. She was having quite a good day herself. She felt sorry for this man, perhaps he needed to find himself a wife or something? She knew that her aunt was happier now that she got married and Kelsey was happy again now that she was dating that boy. Veronica sat up and nodded as the man spoke. "Are you always this grumpy, Sir?" She asked as she sat up on her knees and picked up her bag of jelly beans. Luckily, she hadn't actually gotten around to actually opening it. She would be spending a few minutes picking them up otherwise, although she was sure that Mr Giant Man would know a good spell to use. Standing up, Roni grinned at the man and held out her now open packet of Jelly beans. "Would you like one? They're my favourite! Though I don't really like the green ones, so if you could pick one of those, that would be great, but don't let me influence you or anything!" She told him, holding the bag higher, though the man was still a giant and she was surprised he wasn't hitting his head on the roof.

"Do you know my sister? Or maybe my brother? They're twins but they aren't in the same house. My brother isn't here anymore either, he moved to Beauxbatons, I don't really know why though... He was in Slytherin, Kelsey, that's my sister, she's in Hufflepuff. I'm in Gryffindor, so many different houses!" She told him thinking about her siblings. "Kelsey's a prefect, I think that's pretty cool but I would have thought she wasn't assertive enough to be a prefect, you know? She's kind of naive." She smiled up at the man. "You look really unhappy, Sir, are you married, because I bet there's a lovely woman out there that would be great for you, maybe someone bubbly and nice, like the Headmistress!"
'I swear, the next first year that calls me grumpy is going off the cliffs,' thought Professor Styx with a roll of his eyes. And now she was asking him if he wanted some jelly beans. He wrinkled his face with mild disgust before he said with a flat, short, "No." He did not want any of those things. He was a strict person with his diet, which had absolutely no candy at all. He did not explain why he was rejecting something like that, but for someone to offer him anything at all, it shocked him. He did not show it though. If she continued to hold out those disgusting things, he had half a mind to make them vanish with a spell. Then she continued to talk, and thought that he cared about what she had to say. He was here to teach, not to make little friends with students. Her sister was a prefect, so that narrowed it down a fair bit, but many Slytherins left the school, so he had no idea who she was even talking about. And then it went on to say that he needed to be matched up with someone like Professor Davershire. Now that was a sickening thought.

"Do you ever just stay silent for more than thirty seconds straight? I have no idea who your brother and sister are, and don't care to know. That information should be left to your Head of House. Finally, you are eleven. You have no idea who would be compatible with another. Take that little match-maker business and shove that elsewhere. It doesn't work, and it definitely won't work on me since I am married." Shaking his head, Professor Styx had enough. He started to walk away, expecting the girl to go about her business after her spill of nonsense information. He didn't need to hear her life story. He swore he knew more about her than his brother-in-law now.
Veronica was rather disappointed in the man. He did not want a jelly bean. Why would he not want a jelly bean, they were quite possibly the best inventions in sugary foods since the dawn of magic. Sadly, Roni took a jelly bean for herself before stuffing the packet into her pocket again. It appeared that the man was in a very sour mood and Roni felt distinctly sorry for him. He must have had a really crappy childhood if he was this kind of person as an adult. Roni knew this because she had a great childhood and she was a bubbly and genuinely happy person, this man almost looked as if a smile would crack his face and splinter it into tiny little pieces of star dust, but oh, how pretty that would be. Little specks of star dust just falling around his face and to the floor, Roni would have to see about retrieving them herself because such a task could not be left to unskilled hands. Those tiny bits of star dust could be important and not just a mere attraction.

Veronica blinked when the man, quite obviously annoyed with her, stated that he was married and that she should rethink her status as a match maker. Roni was shocked! If it were indeed true that he were married then rethinking her status as a matchmaker was precisely the right move! She couldn't have this on her record! She told no lies and saying she was the best match maker in the world was a lie if she tried to pair a married man! That was sacrilege! As he began to walk off, Veronica came out of her daze and chased after him, needing to run simply to keep up with the professor's such long strides. She had no idea of his name, but he was obviously a professor. "I'm Veronica! What subject will you be teaching me?" Now that she knew this information about him, she wanted to know more, she was also curious about what to expect from his class.
As Professor Styx walked off, he silently groaned as he heard footsteps rushing after him. If only he were able to apparate within the school grounds, then he would be in his office, away from the girl. Somehow, she could keep up, but it seemed like it was a bit of a workout for her. She stated her name, and asked what subject he would be teaching her. He pinched the bridge of his nose and uttered in Bulgarian under his breath, "Why am I still teaching at this school?" He looked down upon the small girl and he said in English, "I don't need to know your name until the class actually starts. You can look at your schedule and figure it out. Otherwise, you can stop following me unless you want to walk yourself into a detention." Perhaps he could summon one of his sons to guide her away before he got too aggravated with the mess that she was causing him right now. As long as she wasn't going to follow him much longer. But right now, he just needed to get things taken care of before the semester begins. He had a lot to do, and some brat following him will hinder the process.

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