Open On Your Good Side

Kauri Morales-Tipene

positive 💛 helpful 💛 sunny 💛kids entertainer💛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Flavio) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
8/2032 (31)
(Yellow for Alice Holland, open after Daphne)

Kauri was maybe more nervous than he should be about his next rose delivery. He had been on cloud nine all day about his conversation with Rose, but at the same time, the thought wouldn’t leave him that just about anything could go wrong. His last relationship had ended in disaster, and a glum, gloomy part of Kauri that he usually did his best to ignore was insistent in reminding him that it would be all too easy for things to go wrong before they had even started. And one of the things that could go wrong would be Rose’s family disliking him. She had an astonishing number of sisters, and Kauri wanted all of them to like him. He was vaguely familiar with Phoebe from lessons, the two of them two of the most talkative people in their year, but didn’t know much of anything about any of her other sisters. He was fairly sure Alice was the youngest though, and he knew she was one of the other people delivering roses, which meant she could be anywhere. After looking for what felt like ever, Kauri spotted the girl just down the hall, grinning brightly as he hurried to catch up. “Alice!” he said cheerfully, smiling as he approached. “Hi! I’ve got a rose delivery for you!”
Alice loved Valentine's day so much. It was great to deliver flowers to people and make them happy, and she felt completely in her element as she walked around with a basket of flowers and a crown of roses in her hair. She beamed at anyone else she saw who was delivering them. It felt like she was part of a cool club. As she walked through one of the corridors, Alice heard her name. She turned around and smiled as Kauri approached her. She didn't know the boy personally, but she knew of him. Mostly, she knew that he had danced with Rose at the yule ball. And that was definitely interesting. "Hi! That's so great, thank you!" She said happily. "Can I see?"
"Of course!" Kauri said cheerfully, glad that Alice seemed happy to see him. He reached into his basket, picking the rose for Alice off the top of his pile, and handed it to her with a bright smile. "Here you are, happy Valentines day!"

you're a very bright person and I admire this. happy valentine's day.

Alice took the yellow rose from the boy, twirling it and sniffing it for a moment before opening the note. "Aww!" She said, grinning. She hadn't sent a rose to Gracen, but she was very happy he had sent her one. She would definitely have to thank him later. For now, she had to take the opportunity to talk to the boy Rose had been dancing with at the ball. "So... you were with my sister at the yule ball, right?" She asked him, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Rose?"
Kauri was getting ready to head off on his next delivery when Alice asked him a question and he paused, smiling nervously. "Oh... um, yeah." He said awkwardly, hesitating. He didn't know if Rose wanted her sisters to know about their plans for the dance, but he supposed it was hardly going to be a secret for much longer anyway. "We're actually going to the dance together tonight as well." He said, deciding that when in doubt, complete honesty was always better.
Alice's big blue eyes were full of curiosity as she looked at the boy, the boy her sister possibly liked. "I thought so!" She said, grinning. "I saw you dancing!" She said happily. She grinned and leaned forward as the boy said he was going with her to the dance. "As a date?" She added with a small giggle. "You're going together as a date?" She felt like she should know this stuff, it wasn't nosy to ask about her older sister, it was just showing interest.
As soon as he saw her reaction, Kauri knew that telling Rose's sister everything might have been a bit of a mistake. She looked gleeful with the knowledge, and he wondered if Rose would have rather he keep it secret. It was too late now, so all he could do was clear up the misinformation, shaking his head quickly. "Just as friends." He said, not wanting to give her ideas. "Rose said she wasn't ready to date anyone, so we're only going as friends. Nothing else."
Alice looked a little disappointed when the boy said they were going just as friends. Rose had been sad about Charlie long enough, in Alice's opinion. And Kauri seemed nice! She wondered if there was anything she could do to push them together. Pondering it, she was quiet for a moment, then she nodded. "Okay! Have fun tonight!"

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