on wednesdays we wear pink

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Annie Cartwright

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
So I am back which means I am super eager to get some plots started as well as continuing the ones I had going!, bare with me I haven't written one of these in a while and since I'm lazy it will be pretty short, but I just need to advertise a few of my characters that I want to rp with more. :D</SIZE></COLOR></FONT>
Annie Urie
This is Annie, she's living in New Zealand, she moved after graduating from Beauxbatons. She's really kind, confident, and doesn't try to let anything get her down. Annie's the kind of person that will be the shoulder to cry on, she likes to keep her life positive and the people in her life positive, so to put it simply she's almost always happy. She's employed as a lifeguard and fills up her spare time with photography, so she spends most of her time outside. I have been wanting to rp with her a lot more and such, so for her I need girlfriends she can party/hang out with. I don't have any specifications on want kind of girlfriends I want her to have, but as long as they share interests and would get along then friends would work. I don't really see Annie having enemies since she's so cheerful all the time but there's bound to be somebody that thinks she's annoying, so if you want to have a thread like that then feel free to suggest it. I'm open to all ideas!
Amber Wilson
Next up we have Amber, she's a fifth year Hufflepuff and has been raised in a rich family. Amber hardly ever sees her family since they're too busy to spend time at home and as a consequence of this she constantly feels lonely. She does her best to hide this and be all around cheerful so nobody worries about her but she's now exhausted of pretending to be something she's not so she's given up on trying to seem happy, and on top of this she has one super best friend but lately she has been feeling confused because she is starting to think of her best friend as more than just a friend. So for Amber the romance department is pretty much filled up because she's so confused, but she really does need friends, I mean people to help her figure out what to do in this confusing time in her life, since she doesn't have any family to talk to about it. Amber loves nature and the outdoors, and can get along with a lot of people so for her I don't have many specifications on what kind of person would make a good friend for her, as long as they're nice there shouldn't be a problem.
Anton Dementyev
This dude right here is none other than Anton Dementyev, he's kind of a jerk, really sarcastic and at times brutally honest, which not many people take kindly to. He grew up in a rich family, and has finished his schooling now, but doesn't know what he wants to do with his future, so he is kind of in a limbo at the moment. He's one of those guys that has a really harsh exterior when on the inside they're actually pretty insecure. Anton finds it hard to trust people, so unless he trusts you he's just going to be a douche bag, basically. I need friends and enemies for Anton, friends he can have fun and party with, and enemies, who would most likely be the enemies of his girlfriend, Annalie. And I am most definitely not looking for romance for him, since he's whipped pretty bad.
Arielle Lemaire
I sometimes refer to Arielle as my 'problem character'. This is because she's just a handful to deal with. Arielle recently has become quite withdrawn and antisocial, because her best friend Annalie Darkhart got expelled. After she became friends with Annalie she started to adopt traits from her, so Arielle is just generally a b*tch now. She's fashionable, judgemental, you would pretty much describe her as a spoilt brat the first time you meet her. She's currently a Slytherin fifth year, and has no friends, so she is a loner basically. Since Arielle is such a b*tch and doesn't want to make any new friends, I'm not really looking for her to have friends, enemies are what I want for her. These enemies could be people who go out of their way to insult her since they just plain don't like her, or these enemies could be just other students that really get on Arielle's nerves. I can see her bullying a few students that get in her way, but that only is if they get in her way. If they leave her alone, she'll leave them alone. She doesn't want to socialise unless she absolutely has to. Romance wise, I don't want anything for Arielle, her final is all planned out too.
Clover Sheppard
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This girl right here is named Clover, she's impulsive, hot headed and opinionated. She doesn't have a filter for what she says, so she says pretty much what she's thinking. She also doesn't have much of a sense of boundary; she sticks her nose into other people's business without thinking about how intrusive she's being. She can be described as a child in that sense, but she isn't as ignorant as she seems. If she doesn't understand something she'll ask about it until she understands, and isn't quick to judge people. Clover aspires to be a professional Quidditch player, and is currently in her final year at Durmstrang. For clover I only want friends for her to hang out and have fun with, and an enemy or two. Clover tends to befriend more outgoing and quirky people rather than wallflowers, and since she's so hot headed it wouldn't be hard for her to get on someone's bad side. As for romance, her future is all planned out.

So feel free to pm me on any of my accounts if you don't want to reply here, and yeah that's about it.
:hug: Anna
Hey Anna.
I told you I would reply so here I am replying. I have Alyce here who could be friends with Clover. Alyce is pretty reckless. a bit of a party animal and really just about having a good time not worrying about the consequences. or maybe she would be a good fling for Samuel (Se is naturally blonde, but dyes her hair pink because she can basically) which my be interesting. They would both probably need a fair bit to drink first, as she tends to like girls, though a little alcohol in her and she will flirt and fling with anyone.
I also have Chayton who Arielle can pick on if she wants. He is part giant and shy tough is starting to come out of his shell a little. though he is still quiet.

Either way they will have to wait until after my exams

So, I have Athena Zhefarovich, pureblood, fifth year Slytherin. I could see these girls not liking each other because they have similar personalities and Athena pretty much thinks she is superior to everyone in the dorm room since she's a pureblood and they aren't. And, being forced to sleep in the same room could add to any tension they might have.
Hey Anna,

For Amber I have Kate Moon. We rpd the two a while ago, I think maybe a year ago :r anyways I think Kate would be happy to help her figure things out and attempt to make her feel better. She loves to help people and make them happier.

So yeah that's it really, hope it suits ^_^ .

Anna! :woot:

Okay, so I'm stacked pretty high now, but I just remembered that we talked about this awhile ago and wondered if you'd like to start it now.
Jace and Anton meeting and being super epic together :r

So Jace is still pretty much the same. He plays Quidditch now and is a lot more relaxed with everything than he was. He likes having fun and traveling around, and he obviously loves his lady very much. He's a loyal guy and only expects that his friends treat him with the same respect and loyalty he treats them with.

So yeah. It's up to you, really. ^_^
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MCFLY! :hug:

I'm going to start with...

Yerik x Amber x Cosette
Friends? Yes? Okay? They can meet whenever you like!
As for Cosette, since she's feeling lonely for a while they could maybe meet or something to.

Enzo x Annie
The love department is always open for him, and he's always out there for the hunt. I was also looking for a long/short term relationship for him, if Annie is interested in him then we may have a shot. I mean who can resist a lifeguard like her? He'll be swooning his way, in which I mean more flirting. Teehee.

Ashe x Clover
Asdfghjk. I was thinking frenemies, eh? Like sometimes they'll get along then the next day they'll be hating on each other, a bromance but which involves disagreeing with such stuffs? What do you think?

My ears and eyes are always open for anything, so if you have anything to add or anything at all. Feel Free to throw it in! ^_^
Thanks for posting you guys! :hug: it's much appreciated! Apologies for the short responses.
This is for Amber I assume? I don't know much about Stefan but I guess seeing where it goes couldn't hurt! Should I start or would you like to? It's Annaleise by the way but most people call me Anna.

Hey there miacakes! So first of all, Clover and Alyce being friends sounds pretty fun, as long as the age difference wouldn't be a problem, which I don't think it would be. Do you think Alyce would be a bad influence on Clover at all? Just curious. The whole Samuel fling I really don't think would work to be honest, Alyce is too manly for him, to put it bluntly. But they could be friends if you want, maybe. But yesss Arielle should so pick on Chayton, I think it would be hilarious, like he could be so tall he's blocking her view or something and she starts throwing insults around the place, thoughts?

Athena's awesome omg, that idea sounds super awesome, they would clash big time because Arielle thinks she's better than everybody else too. It'll be just this big personality clash thing and I don't know what else to say, but it should happen, it needs to happen. Should we rp them straight away? Or would you like to wait a little?

Aha I remember that, I would love to rp Kate and Amber again! It would take a while for Amber to open up to Kate, because she's always had trouble forging emotional connections with people, regardless if how nice they are. But I can totally see them being friends and it's a great idea all in all. Should I start, or would you like to? I'm not really fussed.

Oh hey there! I totally remember talking about Jace and Anton and it's still one of the most perf ideas ever and that bromance needs to happen do you hear me because it will be epic from all aspects, more because of who their girlfriends are than anything else. Anton's really loyal etc too so they would get along well and yeah. Should we talk about this more on Skype or do you want to get straight into rping them?

You posted yay! This is going to be epic. We already know Yerik and Amber will make great friends and they'll be all supportive to each other and stuff, and Cosette and Amber could make pretty good friends too, but well obviously have to thread them first to see how it goes since they might end up hating each other for some reason. But if they're both feeling lonely I don't see why they wouldn't be friends anyway! Omg Enzo and Annie, that could work pretty well I guess, Enzo plays Quidditch and he's athletic and gorgeous so I think they would hit it off. Flirting for the win, we could just start something with them and see where it goes? Asdfghjkl frenemies sounds perfect omg I haven't had a frenemy plot before. It sounds super fun, and you know I adore Quincy. So should we start stuff for all of these dudes now or should we talk about it a little more first?
Yay! I'm ready whenever you are. ^_^
Annakins: I didn't realise how young clover was. maybe try them and see what happens. but yes I think Alyce would be a bad influence on her.
Alyce and samuel. If he is more into the girly girls then thats fine. friends, maybe, I am not sure if they will get on, he may be a little moody for her to be honest.
Arielle and chayton. that would be good. I really do think he needs people to pick in him. I will skype you about it after my exams.
One more sugestion. Tara could be a fiend for Amber. though to be honest I haven't really been able to get into taras head easily though i am always willing to give it another go
(and by always read when i have dome the exams)
Amber Wilson said:
Thanks for posting you guys! :hug: it's much appreciated! Apologies for the short responses.
Oh hey there! I totally remember talking about Jace and Anton and it's still one of the most perf ideas ever and that bromance needs to happen do you hear me because it will be epic from all aspects, more because of who their girlfriends are than anything else. Anton's really loyal etc too so they would get along well and yeah. Should we talk about this more on Skype or do you want to get straight into rping them?
Yes, their girlfriends is what makes it funny. I think they'd go quite well, I don't really see Anton getting on Jace's nerves, and I don't think Jace would manage to get on Anton's nerves. If you'd like to chat more on Skype, I'm a message away. :p
Whenever you feel like rping with the two, just tell me and let's start the topic. More yays! Enzo and Annie could meet up somewhere and let the whole thing follow through, though I'm thinking about the beach? Since she's a lifeguard after all, I mean Enzo can sure swim but he'll pretend to drown just for the sake of getting her attending. As for Ashe (she hates being called Quincy btw xD ) and Clover, they could meet around Durmstrang and get to know each other. It would either involve like or hate at their first meeting, so it would be epic for sure! ;)
Yay :D

Don't worry Kate is used to waiting and she wouldn't mind at all.She's learned from Stefan. That's great though. ^_^ Could you start please? Things are abit hectic at the moment with rehersals for the show. That would be great if you could!

Well now works, Should I start or would you like to start? If you want me to it would probably take a while because I have a lot of topics to start, just saying.

Bad influences for the win! And I really do think theading Arielle and Chayton would be hilarious, but I'm not sure about Tara and Amber, but we'll talk about it more after you finish your exams, sound good?

I'll message you on Skype later about it then!

I pm you a link sometime tomorrow!

I'll be sure to let you know! Annie lives on a beach pretty much, so it's the most likely place for them to meet. I don't think him pretending to drown would be such a good idea though, because she would be in lifeguard mode, which means she won't really be talkative. Maybe they could meet right after one of her shifts or something? Ashe and Clover will be epic omg, should we talk more about this on Skype later?

I'll start it tomorrow and pm you the link when it's up!
I don't mind starting it. I'll PM you once I do. :)
Hey Anna,

I have Elijah here who could either be a friend/brother figure for Amber unless the age difference would be an issue?

or a friend for Clover? or even both?

Elijah is quite an odd person and hasn't had the best start in life. Having grown up in care he knows what it's like to feel lonely and he likes to help others out so he'd be more than happy to look out for Amber.

His style sense is throw it together and see what happens so just in appearances he is quite quirky, he can be quite loud at times and in general just wants to have fun. Most of the time he wouldn't mind that Clover is opinionated and most of the time would find it amusing however he does have a temper if provoked.

What do you think?
Hey Robyn!

I actually love both those ideas! I think Elijah would be more of a brother figure to her, purely because of the age difference, I hadn't thought about Amber having a brother figure before but the idea of it is perfect! Although we would have to figure out how they meet and why they could stay in contact, since Amber's busy at school most of the year. Maybe we could just have them meet sometime during the holidays and let them send letters while she's at school? As for Clover, they should totally be friends! I can see them being stupid together, you know? Clover might provoke Elijah's temper though, but it would depend on what provokes him. Does this sound good to you?
sorry i haven't been more detailed :doh:
This sounds great :D

I can start a topic if you'd like (I'm at home sick anyway so it will give me something to do :) )

If you do want me to start do you have any preference as to where it is?
Anna Darling,

I has a surprise for you!

Okay, so this here is Lewis Davids, and in case you didn't know, he is Tamalia's future hubby. So I was thinking, for maybe Lewis to enter in on the Jace/Anton plot. Tenile already said yes. And I'm sure Mel would be fine with it. If I manage to get hold of her. Anyway, so let me know what you think. I know we have so many plots. But I love rping with you and stuff, so yeah.

Lemme know,

It would be awesome if you could start the topic! I'll reply as soon as i can once it's up!

I'm all good for it! Just as long as Melissa agrees, do you want me to try contacting her about it? I wish i could say more in response but i can't think of anything at the moment :doh:
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