On the Look Out

Dyfan Venturino

Well-Known Member
Dyfan enjoyed his school, he transfered in during 5th year and now as a 6th year things were looking up. Everything was going according to plan and soon he was going to be out in the wizarding world as a full wizard. He studied hard and purposed thoughtful questions to his professors during class and was appointed a Prefect even. He studied his french and now was almost fluent in the Lanuage however he learned most students at the school spoke English which he decided to stick with on the most part. Being an Aussie native, alot of people had questions for him, some were pretty crazy others simple, like can you surf? Of course he could, if he wanted too. Though he wasn't very good at it, more of falling off all the time then actually staying on, Jace was better. Dyfan was more of a studious boy then his brother and sister. That was why he was sick of being tutored and requested of his parents to send him to Beauxbatons and after a year and a half he had learn plenty of things. Of course he never made much time for making and mantaining friendships but that never bothered him much.

Pushing the door open he emerged from his room into the halls andmade his way down to were he was suppose to meet his new Prefect buddy. After patrolling everynight for the past few weeks with one annoying boy, he requested a daytime shift when he had a free period to walk the halls. He didn't know much about the girl he would be going around the castle with. She was in his year and her name was Amelia, or something similar. He leaned against the wall waiting for the girl to appear, though he wasn't anxious to go.
Amelia Jones had always been a somewhat of a lone bird in terms of Prefect Patrolling partners. She had been a Prefect since the start of her fifth year, so about a year and a half now, and had always done her duties on her own, mainly the patrolling duties as the overlooking of events and guiding first years when they first arrive was done as a team thing but even then she would remain by herself, of to the side or stay hidden. It wasn’t because she didn’t like doing what she done, in fact she loved being a Prefect and she felt that it was one of the greatest honours she could receive during her time at Beauxbatons, but she knew that not many people liked her and never wanted to pair with when it came to doing patrolling. Although, after a while Amelia didn’t mind and she quickly got used to doing it on her own and found the time quite relaxing and peaceful; especially around exam time. Amelia didn’t mind patrolling inside and over the past year and a half she had gotten to know Beauxbatons Academy a lot better than she had in her five years before that and she had even gotten to know some of the portraits along her routes, some of which had a lot of interesting stories to tell, after all they had been there for years and seen many students pass through the halls, some famous, some not so famous but all with interesting stories. Then there were the ghosts who would sometimes accompany her on her walks and likewise, all with interesting stories to tell, be it about their own lives and their lives within the castle and those of past students.

Although tonight’s patrol was going to be different as the Head Girl had informed her that she was going to be getting a partner from now on. She didn’t know much about her new partner, his name was Dyfan; he was in her year and had transferred to Beauxbatons last year – hence why she didn’t know much about him but she had an idea of who he was to at least know who he was when they met up later. Finishing off her last piece of work Amelia quickly returned to her dorm room and left all of her things there before making her way to the place she was to meet Dyfan. Walking up the corridor she looked around to see if she could recognise any faces that would resemble what she thought Dyfan looked like. It wasn’t until she reached the bottom of the corridor did she see him...at least she hoped it was him. “Dyfan?” she asked in a bit of an unsure voice. “I’m Amelia Jones, I believe you’re expecting me.” she said with a sweet smile.
Dyfan twidled his thumbs as he waited. He honestly had wanted to be able to protrol alone for once, but the Headgirl insisted that he join this other prefect in his year. There was the hint that possibly they would become the Headboy and Headgirl next year, but nothing was certain so it would work well in their case if they worked together well enough when the Headmaster could see them. Hence the new day shift, though he wasn't sure if he liked the idea of being set up to be given the part, he wasn't sure if he wanted it anyways. Turning when he heard his name his reconzied the girl. She had been at meetings, but always stayed quiet, like wall paper. "Yes," he said back to her answering her questioning tone. "Jones, that's what is was," he said to himself shaking his head at not remembering her last name. He got her and the other Amelia confused, both were very pretty but completely different.

"Dyfan Venturino," he told her so she would have the knowledge of his last name as well. The thought of her being quiet suited him, he didn't like to talk much when looking out for trouble makers. Though he didn't like talking much in the first place. A thought once said and forgotten would be lost forever on the minds of people who didn't care. No, he saved his thoughts for people who would listen, and actually think about them as well. "I believe we are to go along the west wing, second and third floors at this time from now on?" He asked her making sure the facts were right between them. It wouldn't be good if they had been given different places and confusion set in.
Amelia wondered what it would be like to have a partner to patrol with. She had been on her own for patrolling since last year and while at the start she had wanted some company she soon became used to her routes and knew every corner like the back of her hand, knew every portrait, ghost and secret passageway that were along her routes. While she changed her routes every so often so she knew about all the nooks and crannies that there was within the walls of the great Beauxbatons Academy there was still some areas that she wasn’t too sure on and this new route that she was to take with Dyfan was the main area that she didn’t know well. When Amelia was on her own patrolling she found it easy to explore and stand around talking to ghosts and portraits whom often told her what secret passageways there was so she would be able to investigate during her patrols – and almost all the time the information came in very handy. Now she was to patrol with someone else she wondered with someone else she was, for a moment, filled with doubt that she wouldn’t have the same sort of freedom to talk to portraits and ghosts and possibly scare off her new partner due to her slight weird habits. Although she soon forgot about it, patrolling with a fellow Prefect was all about teamwork and putting their attributes together to fulfil their duties as Prefects to the best of their abilities. She just hoped that Dyfan was easy to work with.

Amelia could get along with pretty much everyone if they were nice and easy to get along with too and didn’t make trouble for her or go out of their way to not be nice to her – but even then she liked to see the best in people as much as much as she could. She knew that the reason Dyfan was paired up with was because he didn’t want to work with his last partner, she just hoped that it was the other partner who was the reason for the split and not Dyfan because then that probably meant that Dyfan was the hard one to work with. For now Amelia tried to push that to the back of her head and let time tell as to how Dyfan was and how the pair would work as a team. She nodded her head softly as he said his full name, allowing a few strands of her golden hair to fall over her eyes. Pushing the hair out of her eyes she smiled, “Nice to meet you, properly, Dyfan.” she said in a friendly voice – it was always good to know some people in her own year, finally. When he mentioned the areas that they were to patrol she nodded her head in agreement. “Well, that’s what I was told so I assume it’s right.” she said with a small laugh. “So where do you wanna start?” she asked, not really bothered which way.
Dyfan smiled at the girl as she told him it was nice to meet him. It was a very formal thing to say but Dyfan didn't mind, he barely spoke his mind anyways so it wasn't something he was going to waste thoughts on when he wouldn't speak up about it anyways. "The same to you," he replied back to her. He was wondering if she was going to be the type of girl that feel for his Aussie accent as it seemed many girls did. Dyfan wasn't sure why, it seemed like a pretty normal way to talk to him so he was always confused when girls would come up to him and ask him to talk more. He barely talked in the first place which made the entire situation difficult but luckily there'd be atleast one sane girl in the bunch who'd pull the rest away.

Thinking on her reply and question he figured top to bottom always worked best. She didn't seem to care either way which was nice, as his last partner put up fights with him about everything they did, and though Dyfan did enjoy a good debate, some of the things the boy had issues with, seem so juvenile. "Third then Second?" He asked slowly moving back towards the stairs so the girl had time to process his question and not get left behind. Though Dyfan was a male, and was comfortable taking the lead, he never wanted to leave the other person behind very far, it never seemed fair. Plus they were partners now so it had to be all equal between them.
Amelia wished that she had more experience with interacting with people, or at least talking to more people. She was usually so reserved and kept herself to herself it was like at times she didn’t know how to act like the teenager that she was. It wasn’t really her fault, she was brought up without her parents around much and with just her older nanny as any real company she would do everything she did which included many things a seven year old would never dream of doing, watching the news, reading the newspaper and speaking properly, just like the way Sharline, her nanny, did. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing for a child to grow up with, manners were so hard to find, but on some occasions as Amelia watched her fellow classmates running around having fun, she often wondered if she would be even capable of doing that. She liked to think that she could act like a normal teenager if she wanted but then she figured that there was no point in starting now. In a year from now she would be in her last semester of Beauxbatons and she would definitely have no time for fun and games then and after that she would have to graduate and find a job when she had to act like the adult one should be at that time in their lives, so she figured it was just easier for herself to remain the way she was for now and she’d be happy when in a few years she would already act the way she was expected too and be a step ahead of her fellow classmates.

Although Dyfan seemed to be a man of little words as well, and his words were well spoken at that so it helped relax Amelia a bit more. She picked up on a bit of a different accent at his words, but she couldn’t quite place it. She wasn’t an expert with accents, only English and French. She didn’t want to seem forward and ask him in case he was offended so she decided to play it safe and waited until he said some more things so she could maybe pick it up herself, some accents were quite distinctive so maybe she would get lucky if she got him to talk a bit more. When he replied to her question she smiled and nodded, “Top then bottom, always works best.” she said, glad that they at least seemed to be on the same brainwave, that was a good thing, right? Taking his lead Amelia made her way towards the staircase and started walking in the right direction. “So...” she said as the two continued to walk. She felt so awkward that she couldn’t come up with something to say. “I guess I should say this now, I’m not much of a talker, so I apologise in advance if I’m a bit quiet and..boring.” she told him in an apologetic tone, she really didn’t want him to feel awkward around her.
Dyfan nodded to the girl as she agreed with him and he set off up the stairs, trying to stick with a pace that she set for them. It was strange patrolling the castle during the middle of the day instead of at night, and with a girl. Everything was different for the young Beauxbatons boy, but then again everything had changed for him when he came to the school the previous year. He had learned a bit of French before he went off to the school and then he learned even more once he got there. Dyfan managed to stay on top of all his classes and at the end of his fifth year he was offered a spot as a prefect for the following two years, unless he was promoted to head boy, or broke the rules and was demoted. Neither of which he could see happening but the former would be wonderufl if it did. Though he still wasn't sure if being Headboy was something that he wanted to be, it held alot of responsibility.

"Don't worry, I'm afraid I'm the same way. Spent most of my life in my room studying so I've never been given the opportunity to really say much, not that I would anyways. It's a shame, you know, when something good and right is said and yet it just floats over people's heads. That is why I never bother to say much," he told her just as they were coming up to the second floor. They had another flight of stairs to go before they reached their starting destination and he didn't mind much if she remained quiet, but he would let her comment on what he said if she wished to do so.
With a route decided upon Amelia began to feel a slight bit more relaxed as she was worried that her new partner and she would seem to disagree of everything. It was a silly thing but it was important to Amelia that the two could at least agree on things that they would have to do. Having never had a partner to patrol with before she wanted it to be sure that her first time went well and didn’t have any problems with him. She had overheard other Prefects moan and whine about their partners in the Prefects Common Room and she didn’t want to be like that. Then again, up until she was told about having a partner she never thought she would have one so it never seemed like a problem to her – until now that was. Although, so far so good, the two had easily agreed on a route and started to make their way around said route. While she was starting to feel comfortable, Amelia wondered if she’d ever get used to patrolling with someone else, especially a boy – she didn’t get on with many girls and got on with even less boys. She still had the small worry that he would want to change almost instantly when they finished their patrol once he learned how strange she could be. She enjoyed talking to the portraits and ghosts along her walks – not many did that. Taking in a deep sigh she decided to just let the whole scenario play itself out, she could simply be over-reacting and her brain was over imaginative at times so it was a possibility and it might turn out that everything would go swimmingly – one would have to wait and see.

Amelia bit her lip and bit it lightly as she told Dyfan about her being not much of a talker, which could be an understatement depending on who you asked. She was alright once she got to know someone or if she didn’t feel awkward around them but she didn’t get much experience so it was anyone’s guess. She turned her head lightly as Dyfan spoke in response to what she had just told him. It was a rare thing to find someone who was on the same boat as her. She smiled softly, she liked rare things so this made her feel a lot more relaxed, the fact they had something in common was a great help. “Couldn’t agree with you more. I only save my voice for people who bother to listen to me, and that’s not many people.” she said with a soft laugh. “I tend to go unnoticed by pretty much everyone.” she added with a shrug.

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