On the hunt

Sierra Woodlock

Happy | Clumsy | Seeker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
In an Open Relationship
Sexual Orientation
Sierra was on a mission. Armed with her pink rose, she was eager to find out who sent it to her. Sierra was definitely curious about other people, but she didn't think that she felt any way other than a yellow rose. She was wondering if she should send out pink roses herself, instead of yellow, but what did pink mean to the person that sent it? Did they just forget to attach the note - did they mean to send pink, or did pink just mean you're really cool instead of just, normal cool.
Sierra was planning on asking everyone she knew, but one person that hadn't really crossed her mind was Lars. She had subconsciously stayed away from him since Tyler told her he was mean, but upon seeing him in the Gardens, she figured it wasn't entirely fair to him. He hadn't had a chance to defend himself, and Sierra had never actually seen him being mean. The Gryffindor girl made her way up to the boy, wondering which question to ask him first. "Hey Lars. Did you send me a rose?" An easier conversation, she figured.
Lars enjoyed the gardens at Hogwarts. Something about the variation of colors made him feel like he was in a painting, and occasionally he went there to get some inspiration for a new drawing or painting of his own. He didn't quite dare to actually sit down and paint there, as Blake or Tyler would undoubtedly bother him. Lars was staring at some flowers, lost in thought, when he heard someone step up to him. He looked to the side to see Sierra, who asked him a question. He blinked, looked at her rose and then back at her. "Uh, sorry... no..." He said softly. He'd noticed that Sierra hadn't sent him one either, but since he'd been occupied with Elliot he'd only sent him one. He wondered who had sent Sierra a pink one, but had no idea.
Sierra frowned when Lars said he hadn't sent her the rose, but at least that was another suspect crossed off her list. "I'm sorry I didn't send you one too. I just - " She said with a quick sigh. She was beginning to feel really bad that she hadn't sent him a rose either, but she still didn't know if her sadness was justified - what if he was mean, and he didn't deserve to get a rose? Even the thought didn't sit well with Sierra, she didn't think anyone didn't deserve to get a rose. Everyone should get one, and feel loved and happy. Still, she came to find answers. "Are you a mean person?"
Lars blushed a bit when Sierra apologized for not sending him one, wondering what her reason was. She was quiet for a moment, and Lars waited awkwardly. When she asked her question, Lars' eyes widened and he gasped a little. "W-what?" He asked, immediately feeling a bit upset. "A..are you asking that because I didn't send you a rose? I... I forgot... I'm sorry... I only sent one to Elliot..." He stammered, not sure why else Sierra would ask that.
Seeing Lars' reaction, Sierra felt bad. She didn't think she had ever made someone upset because of what she said (obviously her brothers would think different). Sierra shook her head immediately when he asked if it was because of the rose. "No! Because I didn't send you one either." She gasped. "Does that mean I'm a mean person? I don't think you're a mean person! I just - someone told me you were a mean person, and that I should be careful." Sierra said, feeling worse than she ever had, even worse than when owls were around.
Lars felt vague panic at the idea of Sierra thinking he was a bad person, and had no idea why she was asking this. He was only more confused when she said it wasn't about the rose. What else could he have done wrong? "No.. you're not mean.." he said, confused. His confusion morphed into anxiety when Sierra said someone had told her he was mean and that she should be careful. He stared at her, and then had to try his best to hide the tears gathering in his eyes by quickly looking down. "W-who?" He asked quietly.
Sierra felt a bit better when Lars said she wasn't mean, she wasn't sure how she had expected the conversation to go, but it didn't feel like it was going right. Lars looked down, and Sierra watched in horror as it looked like he was going to cry. She didn't know how to deal with this! "Tyler said you were mean behind people's backs but I didn't know because I didn't think you were mean but Tyler said to be careful." Sierra said again. She liked Tyler and was sure he'd have a reason for saying what he did, but Sierra felt really bad. She looked down at the rose in her hand before holding it out to Lars. "Do you want my rose?"
Lars kept looking at the ground, blinking fast. Sierra thought he was mean. She... she thought he wasn't a good friend. Just because someone had said so? Lars winced when she said it was Tyler, and his hands balled into fists. Why was Tyler always trying to ruin anything good for him? He had seen him, whispering in Blake's ear about him, and now this. Why? "You... you just believed him?" He asked, his voice soft but steady. He looked up at Sierra, tears still swimming in his eyes. "You just assumed he was being honest? That I'm mean? Just... like that?" He felt betrayed, and at her question about the rose he nearly scoffed. "No." Was all he said.
When Lars looked up, Sierra could see he was crying and her heart broke, a pit of unease sitting in her stomach. She didn't mean to make him cry! Sierra opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, feeling terrible, especially as he said no about her rose. "No...well yes - but that's why I came to ask you! I didn't think you were mean, that's why I asked!" Sierra had never been so stuck on her words before, she didn't think she had ever upset someone this much. "I told him I didn't think - I'm sorry Lars." Sierra said, her stomach feeling even worse than before.
Lars wiped at his eyes with the heel of his hand, roughly wiping the tears away. It was that sort of thing that kept making other boys pick on him, he knew that. But why did no one else have to cry so much? It wasn't like he did it on purpose. But Lars wasn't just sad. He was a little angry too, and that almost felt good. "You asked because you thought it could be true." He said. She apologized, and a small sigh escaped him. He nodded in acceptance, then hesitated. "Sierra... people lie, you know? Asking someone if they're mean won't tell you anything because mean people would just lie and say they're not. You can't trust everything someone says to you." He wanted to add something about how she definitely shouldn't trust Tyler, but bit his tongue. It was clear they were close, and she probably wouldn't believe him.
Sierra bit her lip when Lars responded. He was right - she thought it was true and she didn't even send him a rose. And now he didn't even want her rose. Sierra was glad that he seemed to accept her apology but she still felt horrible. The gryffindor was going to have to find a way to make it up to her friend. But he continued talk and Sierra's eyebrows crunched in confusion. Someone had once called her stupid, but Sierra knew that they were just being silly, but she was definitely feeling stupid right now. She couldn't even figure out what was happening or what Lars was saying. "So ... does that mean you're lying? Or Tyler?" Sierra asked, hoping it wouldn't upset Lars again. But it almost felt like he was saying that he was lying! But he was also crying so he couldn't be, right? "I don't think you're lying. " Sierra added quickly.
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Lars felt bad, he could tell his words were upsetting Sierra. But he didn't know what else to do. If she kept on believing everything anyone told her, it would be easy for her to be manipulated. Which Tyler was already trying. Or maybe she just liked him. He was more popular than Lars, for sure. "I'm not lying. But if you asked Tyler if he was... I bet he'd say he wasn't too." Lars said with a shrug, putting his hands in his pockets. "You'll have to think of who you trust and what you believe... if you think I would say mean things about someone behind their back, then maybe you should believe Tyler. If you don't think that... then maybe you should wonder why... he told you that." He said, his voice turning a bit hesitant. "Maybe Tyler just heard a rumor or something... but it's not true." He was afraid of painting Tyler as the bad guy in case it somehow got back to him, the boy was already going after Lars a lot. "He doesn't really know me that well, he may have been mistaken."
Sierra nodded her head, believing Lars when he said he wasn't lying. She frowned when he said if she asked Tyler, he would say he wasn't lying too. She still wanted to ask him, she believed both of them, they were both her friends. Sierra's eyebrows were still furrowed with confusion as Lars kept talking, talking about who she should trust. Sierra just wanted to be friends with everyone! But she knew that she had to apologize when she did something to upset a friend. She didn't know why Tyler told her Lars was mean, but she nodded her head when Lars said maybe he was mistaken. Looking down at her rose, Sierra held it out again. "Are you sure you don't want my rose? I am sorry."
Lars could tell he was upsetting Sierra and felt bad about it. Sure, she had upset him too, but that had clearly been unintentional. But if Tyler was trying to use Lars' friends against him, shouldn't he try to warn them? But was Sierra even his friend? Or was she Tyler's friend? Lars nodded at her question. "It's okay, Sierra... you can keep it. Someone sent it to you, someone who thought you were special. You should keep it." He said softly. "I'm not mad, okay?"
Sierra frowned when Lars said he didn't want the rose again and she lowered her hand as he continued talkin, a small smile on her face. She did like the rose. When he said he wasn't mad, her smile grew a bit, before she moved forward and wrapped her arms around Lars in a hug.
Lars was happy to see Sierra smile, and as she hugged him, he wrapped his arms around her too. Whenever Sierra hugged him he realized how tall and awkward he was, but it was nice anyway. He patted her back for a bit. "Sierra... are we friends?" He asked uncertainly.
Sierra moved back and looked up at Lars when he asked if they were friends. "Yes! Are we? I think we are." Sierra responded, wondering if he'd still want to be her friend. She still wanted to do something to say sorry again, she was thinking maybe she'd make him a friendship bracelet or maybe a finger painting of the two of them.
Lars gave Sierra a small smile. "I'd like to be." He said softly. "We're friends, okay?" He said after another pause with a small nod. "You're a nice person, Sierra... I like hanging out with you, and... I like being your friend." He said shyly. He knew Sierra probably had loads of friends, but it was still special to be among them.

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