Closed On the edge

Terror Zhefarovich

all in the name
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13" Unyielding Ebony Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Terror Zhefarovich walked along the edge of the Forbidden forest in thought. This was rather common for the older twin, as he was more of a loner than the other one. Even though he could consider some people his friends, he only considered them that because they had such strong personalities, there was no way they could be deemed weak. He knew several in his year that could be considered weak and they needed to be reminded as such. He shifted his red eyes toward the horizon to see that the sun was setting, which meant that the curfew would be on his shoulders soon enough. Terror knew that his twin loved to push boundaries and such, but Terror was a little more calculated than that. He had his hands in the pockets of his pants as he continued to walk along the line that was so tempting to cross, but he had yet. He heard the stories of the Forbidden forest. People have died there before. He just could not remember who and why. A professor once, and a student. If not multiple. And then there was what his father did. For a school open for less than half a century, it sure did have a lot of spilled blood, didn’t it?
While there were plenty of things that bothered Chase about Hogwarts there was certainly one that was at the very top of that list: the forbidden forest. It seemed impossible for him to wrap his head around the fact that something that was supposedly dangerous was so close to a school full of students. And even if it had already been there he was sure there were plenty of ways it could be better guarded. Now all they got was someone preaching about they shouldn't enter while there was literally nothing else warding them off. It seemed odd and he although he didn't exactly care he was still curious as to what the forest was all about. So, there he was, lingering near the edge as she tried to decide whether heading in would be worth it or not.
Terror continued to walk the line of the forest to see that someone else was lingering on the line as well. He recognized him as a Hufflepuff from classes, but beyond that, Terror did not know nor care to. Most people he only knew the names of if they had done something spectacular to gain his attention. The Slytherin decided to stop his walk to stand near the Hufflepuff. "Are you curious about the forest as well?" Terror asked, his tone neither friendly or hostile. He was curious, since he knew a lot of the stereotypes of houses. It would be nice to see some that ventured outside of the norm. His father was one of them that did so. After all, he was basically a cruel person up until he was expelled, and he wore the yellow tie. There was also Zion who somehow ended up in Slytherin who he swore was afraid of his own shadow.
Chase had been lingering at the edge of the forest for a second, trying to decide whether to head in or not. He'd debated looking at the pros and cons before realize he didn't specifically care. There were only a few possibilities of what could happen anyways. Either he'd be in and out without anything interesting happening, he'd come across something or he'd get caught by a prefect or a professor. None of those sounded terrible. At least if he had went in he could form a solid opinion on whether everyone was making a way bigger deal out of the forest than it actually was. "Curious is a big word." Chase shrugged when another kid approached him. "Mostly wondering why they'd make something labelled as 'forbidden' so easy to access. Sounds dumb."
Terror shoved his hands into his pockets as the Hufflepuff answered him. His red eyes went back to the forest, seeing as curious was an overstatement. He did question the sanity of some of the people here. "At first, it might be because they have something to hide, but the history of the school has a lot of blood spilled. Many of which were in the forest. At least, that's what I was told." Terror did not know how much of it was true, but it would be nice to know exactly what was true and what was a rumor. "If something were so dangerous, would they not magically place a barrier or something to keep innocent students out? How careless." Terror decided to test it, as he stepped just into the forest where the shade shielded him. "Nothing here that prevents us. Go figure."
Chase frowned slightly when the boy talked about blood being spilled at the school. Either he came from a wizarding family with plenty of knowledge about Hogwarts in the early days or he had some strange interests. Either way, the information the boy told him didn't particularly change his opinion on the subject. If the forest was forbidden they should do something to keep them out. If not, surely it couldn't be that bad. "Talk about careless." He shrugged in response. As if the idea of walking into a place he wasn't supposed to go, that was supposed to be dangerous, wasn't just as careless. Chase watched as the other boy stepped foot into the forest, scoffing at how easy it was. Hogwarts was one strange place. "So," He said, stepping right in after the other boy and taking a couple of steps past him. He was here now anyways, might as well go for a little stroll. Not so much to see what was there, but mostly just because he could. "You coming?"
Terror wondered how calm this Hufflepuff was. This was by far the most interesting lad from that house that he had met, and wouldn't mind his company after this, so long as he didn't scream in a high pitched tone if a tree branch fell. Or rat him out. Terror did not like the idea of betrayal that well. He reached into his pocket and took out his wand. He verbally cast Lumos to help light up the area a little more, especially as the Hufflepuff followed after him and even went ahead. Well, if something were to lunge out, the Hufflepuff would be the first to go. "Just so I am aware, you are Campbell, correct? I am working on remembering people's names." Terror felt that he might have to, for his own purposes. Who knew what they were though. He walked further in, lowering his wand so that he doesn't blind the two of them, and walked next to him. "If something does come out of the forest, remember that I will not hesitate to leave you behind." Terror smirked at the sheer thought. One didn't need to be a track star to win. They just needed to be faster than the person they were with.
Chase wasn't sure whether this boy was anyone he would be glad to be around but talking to him certainly didn't mean he'd have to be his friend. And going into the forest with someone else might be more interesting than doing so on his own. "Chase, yeah." He nodded when the boy asked about his name. It was a little odd that he'd start with his surname, but then again there were plenty of strange kids at Hogwarts. He was also confident this boy was one of those with an odd name as well, but he didn't care about getting to know his classmates enough to ask for it. "Suit yourself." Chase shrugged at the boy's remark, which almost made it sound like he would run at the first sign of trouble. Not very 'I'm curious about the forest' of him. Then again, Slytherins weren't known for their sense of adventuer. Nor were Hufflepuffs for that matter. "Just make sure not to scream when you do." He added stoically.. Perhaps he should've just tried to drag Leah along to the forest. Surely if he had, he would be bombarded with questions rather than being told he'd be left behind.
Terror mentally took note of his name, just in case someone needed to identify a body - should anything bad were to happen. The odds were not exactly in their favor, but perhaps they were. It had been a while since someone perished in here. Perhaps the danger had subsided. Then, the rules should have been lifted, right? One would think that anyway. Terror worked on how to word things should they be caught, but honestly, was there a good excuse? Likely not. A small chuckle escaped from his throat as Chase informed him not to scream. "That would imply I am a coward. Although, I value my life more than others, which is why I'm not a Gryffindor." Terror definitely would not hesitate to leave a person behind to save his own skin. And he felt there was no shame in that. Although, if he someone else he knew was there, would the decision be harder? That was a question he didn't want to answer. "You are definitely a black sheep of your house. Most Hufflepuffs I've met were dreadfully cheerful or naive." That was as much of a compliment as one would receive from Terror currently. To him, this was a breath of fresh air. Terror looked deeper into the forest to see if he could see movement. So far, nothing.

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