On Our Own

Liliana Matthias

Well-Known Member
Hemlock Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Veela Hair
Liliana figured everyone was going to be unhappy with her decision, but she just had to do it. Blind or not, she wanted to travel the world and a different life than the one she had become accustomed to. She wasn’t going to do it alone of course; she needed to find someone willing to travel with her first. Liliana was prideful about her disability at times, but she could admit to herself that traveling around the world without at least one person with her, would be stupid. The only reason she could make her way around London like she did was because she had grown up here. This area was familiar to her. Liliana couldn’t see so she relied on her other senses and what she knew about the area to help her out. "If Zinnia is willing to let me walk around London without supervision, I don’t understand why she’s so upset about me going other places." Liliana was tired of being coddled all the time. Everyone treated her like she was some little baby who couldn’t take care of herself. Especially Zinnia. It drove Liliana absolutely nuts. So she decided that she was going to get out and see the world so she could get a taste of freedom for a little while. Then she would come back and allow Zinnia to coddle her all she wanted. The smooth sound of jazz music and roaring laughter brought Zinnia to pause. She was right outside that pub she really liked. Perhaps she should stop for a quick drink. Clutching her white cane tightly, she used it to feel around for the door. It made light taps against the concrete until it finally hit the wooden door she had been searching for. Liliana didn’t hesitate to reach out and open the door. The smell of warm French fries immediately made a home inside her nostril’s. Oh yeah, she was definitely at the pub.

Most of the regulars that came here, knew that Liliana was blind. So they minded her space and were always sure to be careful around her. It could be annoying, but also kind at the same time. Liliana continued to use her cane to feel about the room for the little bar that she liked to sit at. Liliana thought she must’ve been close when she heard the clinking of glass and a cash register being opened, but instead of her body coming into contact with the wooden surface of the bar, she felt herself collide into another human body, seemingly a man due to the large stature of the body. "Oh goodness!" Liliana used her hands to steady the person she had bumped into and herself. "I apologize. They must have changed the layout of this place since the last time I went here. I um….oh shoot where is my cane?" The place didn’t change at all. Liliana was just trying to do more by herself than she probably should be in public, and she knew it. Liliana realized halfway through her conversation that during the collision, she had dropped her cane. Without that, there would be an even bigger mess possibly happening. Forgetting the stranger for a moment, she lowered herself onto the ground and began to feel around for the chilly plastic feeling to glide across her fingertips. But all she felt was dusty wood. This was so embarrassing! Liliana was glad that she couldn’t see the room around her, for fear of all the eyes in the room being locked on her and her struggling form. People always seemed to pity the disabled, and pity was what Liliana detested most in this world. The thought of someone feeling bad for her, meant that they thought they were better than her. That was her opinion at least. So she preferred no pity from anyone.
Damian Metzger arrived to another country, and this one he was settling in. The breakup was not going well for Damian, and he knew that he would be able to do nothing about it. He wanted to go beg for her forgiveness, but he had other things in planned. Right now he was going around the world, and he was playing music. But he would need someone that could sing that would really make it worthwhile. Damian walked into a pub and he decided that he was going to have to get something to drink. He had gotten used to drinking alcohol and getting drunk. It did help with dealing with the fact that he was single now. He did not remember a time without Ostensia, and he was struggling. Damian looked around at the people, before he went over to the counter. He figured that he would get something to eat while he was here too. If they offered it at least. He would not mind either way. Getting a seat at the bar, Damian looked up and he asked for a tall glass of soda. He did not want to drink alcohol right now. He just did not feel like it. 'Maybe I should go back and get Ostensia to forgive me,' thought Damian with a sigh. He knew better though. She would never forgive him for leaving. So he was stuck here. He could smell the food here too and he ordered some fries. He didn't know what else he could have. Soon enough he received his food and his drink. He smiled a bit and he nodded at the person serving him. The Part-Veela male popped a fry into his mouth and he almost shook with the amount of salt that they placed on the fries. He shrugged and got used to it with the soda flowing down his throat. It was a cool relief as the liquid sank down.

Damian got up to throw his trash away when he felt someone bump into him. It did not do much, but he looked down to see the girl struggling to get something. He raised an eyebrow, before looked around to see what she was doing. He set his little tray on the counter and then heard the girl speak, and it made him loo down at her in disbelief. Her voice was amazing. He heard it, and then saw that she was blonde, and then the words really connected to him. She was looking for her cane. 'Her cane?' questioned Damian in his mind, before he realized, she was blind! Damian bent down and he got her cane, and he used his other hand to take hers, and placed it on the cane so she would take hold of it. Damian looked at her and saw that she was simply gorgeous. He could recognize traits of being a Part-Veela by now. He himself was one, and so was this young woman. Damian grinned, even if she could not see it, "No, it was my fault. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. Are you okay?" Damian wanted to know more about her, because mainly it was her voice that drew him in. He bet that she could sing if she really wanted to. He shot a look at the others that were staring. Thankfully he didn't look at all that nice right now, and they turned away immediately. It was rude to stare. "I don't mean to pry or anything, but what's your name? You are kind of the only person around my age that I have met so far, so I can't pass up the opportunity." He wouldn't mind a friend, especially right now during the point of his break up that really needed someone to talk to. Maybe even a girl. Would this one even stick around him enough for him to tell her everything? He was not going back to New Zealand right now. He just couldn't.
Liliana didn't want to agree with him and say that it was his fault for not keeping an eye out, because it would be too mean. But seeing as she couldn't see, it kind of was more his fault than hers. At least he was sweet enough to admit it was his fault instead of yelling at her, or asking why she would go out into public places if she couldn't see. Apparently people seemed to forget that blind people liked to have as much fun as people who could see did. "Oh I'm fine, thank you so much for returning my cane to me. That was you right?" Liliana asked as she gripped her cane tightly. There was no way she was going to lose this thing again. As much as she wanted to try and say that she was capable of getting around without it, she knew that she wasn't. Her other senses were good, but not good enough to keep her safe all of the time. Her cane really helped her out when it came to places she didn't know as well. "Do you mind if I take a seat next to you?" Liliana asked as she brought her hand out and felt carefully for a stool or chair that she could sit on. Eventually she found one and pulled it close to her. Liliana set her cane upon the bar top and carefully sat down next to the pleasant guy who had just helped her out. He sounded like he was awfully young himself, but she didn't want act like she knew for sure. Voices could even be deceiving sometimes. Liliana would have to rely on asking him questions if she wanted to know how old he was for sure. Liliana could always use another friend in her life. Especially one who was willing to be so polite.

"I'm Liliana Chamberlin. I'm twenty years old, and yes...I am indeed blind. I've been blind since birth. Sorry, I know you only asked for my name, but usually those questions seem to follow. So I figured that I would save you the trouble." Liliana replied sweetly as she asked the person who worked at the counter for a root beer and some onion rings. They were what she and Zinnia got whenever they came here to eat. This time Liliana was all alone though. Which she kind of liked. It was annoying having Zinnia always hounding her to be careful. "What's your name? You seem like you're not from around here. Are you on vacation or something?" He made it seem as if he wasn't from around here. Liliana quickly assumed that he was traveling or taking a vacation. He could be moving in too. If he was moving in and decided that he needed a friend, Liliana would easily do her best to be a good friend to him. Liliana had a few friends back at Beauxbatons, but they rarely ever wrote to her now. Liliana's food and drink arrived, and she carefully felt around for the glass so she could pick it up and bring it to her lips. The chilled taste of root beer greeted her taste buds with the first sip she took. Liliana wondered if the guy she had run into, was uncomfortable hanging around a woman who couldn't see.
Damian was still quite amazed that she seemed to be able to get around really good like someone that could actually see. It was just the way she was looking out of her eyes. That was how he could tell, but he was actually drawn in by her voice. She had such an amazing voice. He thought about asking her to come and sing while he played guitar. However that would be strange since they did not even know each other. What could he really say to her? That since he could help her out, that he could very well use her singing as repayment? Now that was just cruel. Perhaps when they were friends, he could ask her. "Yeah, that was me. You are welcome, too." He was being as polite as he normally was. Just looking at her made him kind of forget Ostensia, which was something he really wanted right now. He wanted to forget the pain, the hurt and the depression that all came down with him breaking up with her. Then she asked if he minded if she sat down next to him. Damian chuckled and he answered, "Not at all. Have a seat." He was going to help her get a stool or a chair, whatever was nearest, but it seemed like she had already found one. He found his seat which was not taken thankfully. And now he was sitting next to the girl with the really nice voice. He made the trash he made disappear to avoid getting up and making someone else fall and possibly hurt themselves. He could avoid that now, and he wondered if she was his age or not. She sure looked around his age, and he found himself looking at her body before he shook his head and thought that it was wrong to check out a girl, a blind one that could not even see!

When the girl introduced herself, she said her age, and that she was blind, and has been since birth. He would have asked those questions too if she had not beat him to the punch line. He smiled and he introduced himself, "I am Damian Metzger. It is a pleasure, Liliana. Thank goodness you told me about the blindness, since I would have asked it." Damian was thankful that she did save him the trouble of him asking her about the whole blindness. He would not have known how to word it otherwise. He might have made it sound really rude or something. "I am traveling around right now, playing guitar. I was born in Germany but raised in New Zealand." She might not have asked for his life story, but he gave out a general idea. His name was German, but his accent was New Zealand. So he decided to tell her what she had that brought his attention out. Damian stated warmly, "Even if I had not bumped into you, if I heard you speak, I would have talked to you. Has anyone told you that you have one incredible voice?" Damian was really good at complimenting, especially when he meant it. He sounded very sincere. How could he not be? She also liked root beer and onion rings. Both of them sounded good but he had already eaten and he was not thirsty. Give it time though, he could become thirsty really fast.
Liliana listened intently to what he had to say. It was about the only thing she could do. It wasn't like she could see him, or watch the way he looked when he spoke or gestured. Voice and tones were about all she had in order to tell how someone was feeling. This guy sounded like he wasn't mad at her at all for running into him, nor was he upset that she was still talking to him. In her opinion, he sounded like he was a bit lonely actually. Was he here all by himself? "Damian Metzger? I like the sound of it. It sounds different but at the same time, not too out of the ordinary." Liliana had heard some truly odd names in her lifetime. Most of them belonging to people she had gone to school with at Beauxbatons. Then again, at least their names were interesting enough to catch someone's attention, not at all like plain ol boring Liliana. "So what made you decide to travel? Did you want to become famous with your guitar? Not to intrude, but you sound kind of sad. At least your voice does. Are you happy traveling?" Liliana was mostly asking because she wanted to travel to. If this guy had a normal enough reason for traveling, maybe he wouldn't care if Liliana tagged along. The blonde didn't even need to pack. She had her cane, and some money. Liliana could pick up some traveling supplies on her way. Liliana just didn't want to travel alone, or with someone who would likely get her killed because they were just freaky like that. This guy sounded like he was a pretty good guy, other than the fact that it seemed like he was suppressing something bad. Maybe he lost his house in a fire or something. Liliana had no idea.

Liliana could feel a flock of fluttering butterflies and a tingling in her cheeks take over when Damian complimented her voice. Liliana used to do choir when she was younger, but she kind of quit after she found a dislike for the people who were also in the choir with her. They treated her like a toddler who was unable to do anything for herself. "No. Most people just focus on the blindness and asking me weird questions about it. Like how I use the bathroom and stuff." Liliana shook her head. It used to be funny for her to have to answer those kinds of questions. But when it became about the only thing people asked, she became fed up with it. Thankfully Damian had yet to ask it. For that, she already could tell that she was going to get along with this guy pretty well. "But thank you. It means a lot to know that someone likes my voice. When I was younger I used to do some singing in a little community choir. Not to much anymore though. I bet you're a real good singer youself." He had a nice soothing voice for a male. It wasn't too deep, and it wasn't too high pitched. Liliana liked it. It was one of the things that really helped her feel comfortable around him. That and how friendly he seemed to be.
Apparently the girl named Liliana thought that his name was nice sounding if she had liked it. It sounded different, but not too extraordinary either. From where he had come from, Liliana was an unusual name, and he had never heard of it before. It was the same way with her last name. He had never heard of the Chamberlins, but when he was looking at Damian, he was positive that she was a part-veela. Her name was not familiar, and he was positive that they were not related. It had to be a different veela heritage. After all, well, his mom was a Saenger, and that was from a different place than the Chamberlins. Damian blushed and he stammered ever so slightly, "Th-Thank you for the compliment. Your name is pretty, I've never heard your name before and I find it lovely." It really matched her face too, because she really looked lovely too. Like someone he could see himself with, but then he felt a wave of guilt wash over him. Damian heard her ask what made him decide to travel, and if he wanted to become famous with his guitar. Then he sounded sad, and if he was happy. All the of the questions were coming out at the same time, so he cleared his throat, hoping he did not miss one, "Well, I needed a break from life. I, um, recently broke up with my girlfriend of several years. I don't care if I become famous with my guitar or not, I just want to play music. I would probably be happier traveling if I wasn't alone doing it, you know?" He also wondered if she was wanting to travel. Though she would not be able to physically see the world, but maybe try exotic foods or something? He was not really sure. It would be cool.

Apparently people asked her weird questions which he raised his eyebrows at. He shook his head and he commented, "That is stupid of those people. I imagine you would...do everything like a normal person minus one sense. But your other senses go into overdrive too, so it is like you have superhuman hearing or something." Damian was positive that she would put his hearing to shame because of her lack of one sense, her other senses would overpower them to make up for her seeing. It was really cool too, at least, to him it was really cool. When she said that when she was younger, she used to sing. Though not much anymore. Damian didn't think he was a good singer. He could write songs, but he couldn't match the notes that he needed. That was why he needed a singer to help him out while traveling. And it seemed like he would be asking Liliana, though running away with some stranger one bumped into seemed to be really foolish. "I wish I could sing, but I can't really match notes. If I could master that, then I think I could. But right now I am just wondering, looking for a singer to travel with me to play some music." Damian paused for a moment before he chuckled, "That doesn't sound too insane, or creepy does it?" Damian did not even know where his love of music came from. Dietrich was into Quidditch, as was his dad, and Krystin was into animals.
"This is going to sound weird, but I would love that. I have been planning on traveling, and you just gave me the perfect excuse to get out and travel. So if you're really okay with it, I'd love to travel with you! We can sing and visit major cities and stuff!" Liliana confessed. Her had taken her desire to travel and get away from the life she currently lived, and played it to his own interests. Liliana never found herself to be too good of a singer, but there must have been something he found nice about it though. Why else would he have invited her to come with him so they could play music together? Liliana had Damian sit next to her as they began to iron out plans for their trip, and Liliana's one way ticket out of her old life.
Some Months later....

Liliana couldn't be any happier that she had decided to travel with Damian. They had visited so many different places, and Damian didn't once treat her differently just because she was blind. There was actually times when he seemingly forgot that she was blind. Liliana liked that about him though because it made her feel like she was above her disability. It was also what made her become slightly attracted to Damian. It had been a couple of months since they had met, and things had slowly but surely advanced between them. First they became casual friends, then close friends, then something more. Liliana wasn't sure what it was exactly, but a couple of weeks ago, Liliana and Damian had kissed each other after one of their performances. It might have just been one of those heat of the moment kisses or something, but Liliana was pretty sure that she had felt sparks when they had kissed the first time. Damian was really kind. It was easy to see that Damian really missed his ex-girlfriend. Liliana couldn't even see and she was able to tell. Liliana tried on several occasions to get him to go back to her, but he just wouldn't listen. The only thing Liliana could think of was to help him move on with someone else.

Lilian wasn't in love with Damian, but she did think he was a pretty good guy. He was good to her, and Liliana felt herself having some feelings for him. Enough to kiss him that day. As Damian left the stage for the show he had been playing for, Liliana instantly was there to greet him. He was playing a couple of his songs at a small bar, but it was still a really big step for him and his music. The moment Liliana felt an arm on her back she turned around and felt around for his broad shoulders. "You did so well!" Liliana proclaimed happily into Damian's shoulder. There were no words that could describe how proud of him that she was. This was what he wanted to do, and he was going out and making it happen! Liliana also loved it when they preformed together, Liliana found out that she had a fondness for singing still, even if she wasn't the best singer out there. Liliana wasn't even sure what was happening, but the moment she removed her head from Damian's shoulder, she found her lips connecting to his again. Liliana wasn't sure if it was her that had kissed him, or Damian that had kissed her, but in Liliana's opinion the kiss itself was euphoric. "If this keeps happening people will begin to think we're together or something..." Liliana muttered softly the moment their lips broke apart for them to get some air for their starving lungs. Her hands were still lightly grasping Damian's biceps, but Liliana didn't move them. A light smile grace her lips. She was happy.

Damian really enjoyed traveling with Liliana. Despite her being blind, she was really fun. During the months that they had traveled together, they were free to do whatever they wanted, and they even kissed a few times. That was enough to take Ostensia off of his mind, and he buried her deep within his mind so that he did not have to face the memories that he created that hurt him so much. They really made him feel bad, and being with Liliana was good enough to make him interested in her. He did not want another girlfriend, but he did want to do something, anything. He did have some urges, but he buried them along with Ostensia. When he thought over those kisses that they had shared, he had felt something. Like he was living again. He was no longer dead inside thanks to none other than Liliana, the blind singer extraordinaire. He often wondered if there was a man in her life that she liked before she came along with him. He did hope that her sisters were not against her traveling. After all, he was taking really good care of her, and thought that she was amazing. He made sure that she got around the stage and the hotel rooms just fine, and a lot of the times, she did not even need his help. She was still one of the most amazing girls he had ever had in his life. He wanted to keep her around. Would she mind if they remained good friends, or even best friends, after this? As soon as he was done with one of his shows, he was glad to be greeted by Liliana herself.

The guitarist placed an arm around her back, and she said that he did so well. He beamed even though she could not see it. By now, she could hear the smile in his voice, "Thanks! I could not have done this well without you." It was true, because he would not have made it this far without her by his side. Although he was not expecting what she did next, which was kiss him, Damian was still eager to return the favor with a kiss of his own. She was an amazing kisser. He was sure that she did not even know it either. So he made sure to show his appreciation for it with kissing even more heatedly for a moment, before he gently pulled away. However it was just nice. He shrugged his shoulders and he said, "So? I kind of like kissing you. Well, kind of is not a part of it. I really like kissing you. Sometimes I have to break it apart before I try to take it too far." He was implying that he might want to mess around, but he was not sure if she would want that. Although he would certainly love that. Damian kind of missed the feeling.
Liliana wanted to point out that she didn't help that much, he could have done it without her whether he believed he could or not. All he needed was a little push to get him there. "Lies. You've had the power to go out and there and preform all along." Liliana could tell that Damian was very charismatic. Or well, that he used to be. It would seem that since he had broke up with his former girlfriend, that he wasn't the same. But this was only a guess since Liliana didn't know what he was like before all of this. One could only assume that he was just as sweet and friendly as he was now though. Once the kissing ceased between them, Liliana was delighted to hear him say the simple word 'so' to the fact that people might think they were dating. On top of that he liked kissing her. Liliana smiled and brushed some of her hair aside. "I thought you didn't want anything serious? Or have you finally decided to let the girl you were with in the past go? She was the one keeping you from letting loose wasn't she?" Liliana asked as she leaned forward and kissed him again softly. Liliana meant it in the nicest way possible, that he missed his old girl in the past and that was what kept him from moving on. Maybe now it was different! "But Damian....maybe I want you to take it a little too far." Liliana whispered. Just because she was blind and sweet tempered, didn't mean that she didn't think about being intimate. Liliana was still human. He probably needed to get close to another person sometime soon, before he became a hermit and forgot how much fun it was. Or so Liliana had heard.

Liliana took a hold of Damian's hand and walked home with him, so the place where they were staying. A quaint hotel room that was currently their home base until they decided to travel again. Once through the door, Liliana set her cane to the side and ventured further into the room. She could hear the TV was still on, but her blind eyes prevented her from seeing what was on it. "I was serious about what I said earlier...if you wanted to anyways. It'd probably be good for us." Damian seemed tense. He might be like that for a lot of reasons, but maybe if he let loose for a little bit, it'd help him out. "It probably sounds weird because I'm blind and stuff, but you of all people know I'm not helpless. Plus I'm human too, I can't be sheltered forever." It was weird that she was the one trying to coax the guy into it. But she wanted to be adventurous. Liliana liked Damian a lot, he admitted that he liked kissing her and that he had thought about fooling around. So it couldn't have been that bad. Liliana hoped that Damian still wasn't letting his old love hold him back from all the great things, especially since he claimed he was over her. Liliana pulled her hair from the ponytail it had been held up in and sighed. Perhaps he was disgusted by the idea of being a blind girls first. Liliana figured a lot of people would be. But it wasn't like she was diseased. Just unable to see. It didn't make her emotions any less real. Liliana took the silence as a sign that the discussion was over and that Damian just wasn't ready. Oh well. It was worth a shot at least.
Damian knew that her words were just words of encouragement. She could not be any more wrong. He knew that he needed the confidence to get through the weeks, and she had helped dearly, more than she would ever realize. He shook his head and responded softly, “Actually I was a wreck before you came along. I would try and nothing. You helped me so much more than you realize.” She needed to know that, and he needed the step up that she provided, and it really helped him out. She was the encouragement that he needed, and now he could sing and play the guitar like he had wanted to before. She was right though, he did not want anything serious, but he did decide to finally let Ostensia go. Last time he had seen her, she was beautiful, but he could not get her back, even if she wanted him back. He knew that he was no good for her, and wished her the best. And for now, he would have to move on with his life. His life could not revolve around her like it had before. It did not bring about any happiness at all, and that was something that he needed right now to get through the days. The moment that she kissed him again, he murmured, “Yes, I have finally let her go, but nothing serious.” He did not want anything serious, and he knew that she would respect that. Then her words made him freeze in thought. Maybe she wanted him to take it a little too far. Was she serious? If she really wanted that, then he would definitely go for it because she was hot, a great kisser and they both had some serious chemistry going on. It was not something he could ignore.

She took his hand and they started to walk to the hotel for the time being before he could comment on what she said back there. He was thinking about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he really liked the idea. It would be worth it, and there wouldn’t be strings attached, like a relationship. He could like her in that way one day, but he didn’t see it like that for now. As soon as they were inside, he set his things down, and knew that he would have to really think about what she said, that is, if she was serious. As soon as he thought that, she said that she was serious if he wanted to, and that it would probably be good for them. It would not be weird at all cause she was blind. It was all about the emotions and the feelings. It was a physical thing, not something one needed to see. Damian took a deep breath and released, approaching her as she let down her hair from the ponytail. His hands rested on her shoulders and he said, “Actually, I think that it would be great!” One could hear the excitement laced around his voice. It would be something good for both of them. He also did not want to just dive into it either. He wanted to savor everything. If it was her first time, then he would definitely take it slow, and just savor it. He reached around to tilt her head up so that his lips met with hers. There was a difference in this kiss though. It soon became heated, and the taste of her was driving his senses wild. However like he promised, he would take it slow, and get there that evening. He wanted to have some fun first.
Liliana wanted to cheer when Damian agreed to fool around, but she felt like doing so would creep him out. So instead all she allowed herself to do was give him a subtle grin. Goosebumps formed on her arm the moment she felt his hand on her shoulder, though it probably wasn't intended to be that way, it was one of the most intimate things Liliana had ever experienced. "Awesome." Liliana continued to smile until her lips met with Damian's in a feverish kiss. Liliana was somewhat surprised by how different this kiss felt compared to the one they had shared in the past. It was much more sloppy and wild, it was wonderful. Liliana scooted backwards so she could lay down and make sure there was enough room for both her and Damian. As soon as they were both comfortable, Liliana led Damian back over so she could kiss him again, even more feverishly this time if at all possible. It might have been the last thing Liliana imagined she would ever be doing, but she was more than ready for it. Liliana just hoped that Damian was as ready for this as he seemingly claimed he was.
This was one of those times that Liliana really wish she could see. Not only would it have been nice to wake up and be able to look at Damian's precious face, but it also would have been nice to find her clothes so she didn't have to wander around the room in her birthday suit searching for them. Needless to say, it wasn't exactly what Liliana had expected, but at the same time she was happy she had the chance to experience it. Especially with someone with like Damian who was sweet as could be about it the entire time. "Hey Damian? Could you help me find my clothes?" Liliana asked sweetly, hoping that he was finally awake enough to be able to understand her request this time. Otherwise she'd likely be stuck in the nude for a little bit longer. When all articles of her clothing were found, she wasted no time in slipping them on, then collapsing on the soft mattress next to her. "I'll tell you what. Your ex is really missing out on something. It wasn't what I had pictured, but it was pretty awesome. Thank you." Liliana still didn't know the full story about Damian and Ostensia, but Liliana did know that she was really missing out on a pretty wonderful guy. On top of that one who was willing to do so much to make a girl happy. Liliana felt around until her hands were on Damian's face and used that as a guide to kiss his face softly. The young woman had no idea whether this meant that they were dating or if they were still friends, but she was happy. Damian had done something for her that not many would have, and Liliana owed him a huge favor this. Especially since a part of her wasn't convinced that he wasn't over his ex fully.

Damian softly stirred as he was waking up from the night after spending it with Liliana. It was nice, but it also felt wrong too, which he knew why. He was not over Ostensia, and putting Liliana through that would not be a good thing, if they starting seeing each other, it would only be one sided. He could not do that to someone as lovely as Liliana. While they would not be in a relationship, maybe they can just do things like this and not have to worry about attachments. She asked him if he could help her find her clothing. Damian nodded softly, then remembered she couldn't see. So he said, "Sure you want to get dressed? You could just lay here without clothing for the next few hours." However he did get out of the bed and looked around for the clothing that was lazily cast aside. She did not need help slipping them on, that was for certain. He found his and got dressed as well, since he thought that it might be a little awkward if she had been dressed and he wasn't. "The first time is never what one pictured. But thank you as well, you really are something." Damian was speaking the truth about her too. She was one amazing girl. She used her hands to guide her lips to his, and he drank in the soft kiss like it were water. He enjoyed her kisses, they were something that he felt like he needed right now. "I think we should do this more often, but you know, I am not ready for a relationship. But I don't want you out of my life." Her friendship was something he needed to hang onto, before he would end up losing it. Without her, he would surely crumble into despair.


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