Closed On edge

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Ever since he found out early February that Amethyst was pregnant, it really did not settle in until today when Killian Borisyuk saw that she was actually showing. She had a baby bump now, and likely could see what the sex of the kid was. Killian was trying to remain calm and not panic. He didn't know what he was doing. Once they were on holiday, he had just a few months to get everything that they needed since she was due to give birth late winter (would have been summer in Russia). But he was still just nervous over the entire thing, which was why he was outside on the lawns, just pacing back and forth. He made sure to come out during a time that students would be having their lunch. Killian needed the quiet, and needed the time to gather his thoughts. But so far, not much was working. Not at all.

Killian was honestly pale. He kept thinking what would happen to Amethyst, what if he accidentally hurt the kid, dropped it, was a sh*t father. All the thoughts happening at once and it was driving him mad. He had yet to even tell Kaelan, and felt that even if they had reconciled, to some extent, this would damage what they might have. But he was a healer. Maybe not in that department, but it was still better than nothing. It was because of this that he was unaware of his surroundings.
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Mallory was out for a walk, just enjoying the day. She was dressed comfortably- a pair of dusty rose pink capri pants, and an off white eyelet lace top, her hair pulled back in a long braid. She was just appreciating the breeze on her skin and the warmth of the sun, when she noticed a mountain pacing out under a few trees. Killian? She paused a moment, before changing course to walk over to her fellow Professor. "Killian?" She asked, stopping a bit away, giving him space. "Is everything alright?" She tilted her head a bit, studying him. He looked like something was on his mind. She wondered what it was.
Killian barely heard his name, but since it was his actual name and not 'Killy', he knew it was not Amethyst. He stopped pacing and glanced in the direction of where the voice came from. Right, this was Corrins. She was another Russian person, but from the opposite end he was. Since it should be obvious now, he looked up at the sky. "The nurse with pink hair is my girl, and she's pregnant. She told me last month, but she is showing now and it finally hit me that, well, there's a kid in there." Killian pressed his hand against his forehead as he finally just sat down on the ground, not caring about getting grass or dirt stains on his pants. "I planned on shopping for a ring, but that was put on hold." She might get, well, bigger than normal pregnant women, so having a wedding dress anytime soon might stress her out more.
Mallory moved to sit with Killian, folding her legs under her and placing one hand on the ground, leaning against it a bit. Her brows raised as he spoke. Of course she had noticed that, but she hadn't quite connected that it was Killian's baby. She took a deep breath, considering what to say. "Oh, Killian, that's wonderful!" She told him, smiling warmly. "I'm happy for you. Although, I realize how big of a change this must all be. It's certainly all very... jarring," She chose her words carefully. "Are you alright?" She asked him.
Killian glanced down at her when she said that it was wonderful, and how happy she was. It was hard for him to explain why he was feeling like he was. "Honestly, no. She wants me to meet her parents. I have no idea how to be a dad. The kid will be part-giant and she is a small woman, even by human standards. I could potentially drop the kid. There's a lot running through my head honestly and I can't get it to f**king shut up." Killian realized that he rambled a bit, so he clasped his hands together and stared ahead, mainly avoiding eye contact. "Guess I'm worried."
Mallory listened to Killian, and couldn't help the soft smile on her face. "Well... for what it's worth, I think that being worried just means that you care, a lot," She considered her words carefully. "Personally... I don't think my father ever cared about any of us. I won't say you'll be a perfect father, or that there's nothing to worry about... but I do think that caring already puts you a few steps ahead." She had her legs tucked under her. "Maybe you shouldn't look at all of it all at once... maybe just try to take it one day at a time... or even just a week or so. Maybe this week... just arrange that dinner, and maybe talk to her about seeing a healer? If you can get a good healer involved, maybe that might ease some of your worries about the birth?" She offered. Killian seemed like a logical man, so she thought that perhaps talking to him about logical steps would be better than blanket platitudes.
Killian likely should have thought of that. As worried as he was, yeah, he did care a hell of a lot. But Mallory brought up her old man, and how he was already a few steps ahead of him. Killian rather not bring up his adopted father or his birth father at all, but just from his actions alone, he was lightyears ahead of them. At least she was giving him the logical look and not the emotional look, since he would not be able to look at it in that manner. He was always described as emotionally constipated. "My brother is a healer. As much as we don't get along, I wouldn't trust her with anyone but him. Even if that isn't his specialty. He's part-giant, so he might know about these things, more so than me." He did apologize to Amethyst, but Killian was still weary of him - as was Kaelan still fearful of Killian. If anyone could make sure and think of ways for Amethyst to safely bring their kid into the world, Kaelan could figure it out. "One day at a time... I'll keep that in mind." He did know that if they were having a girl, whoever would end up dating her would be in huge trouble.
Mallory smiled. "There you are!" She stood, brushing off her pants. "Come on," She gave him an easy smile. "I've got some books on parenting back in my office- I could loan you a few. You can skim through them, maybe it might help put your mind at ease?" She offered, thinking that was another practicaly step he could take.
Killian raised an eyebrow as she told him to 'come on'. Yeah, no. Walking through the castle was hard enough, and he rather stay outside away from the students that he might otherwise trample. "Why do you have parenting books?" Killian decided to ask since he did not think that she was a parent. Then again, maybe she was. But that was a good idea. He could invest in some books. "I'll go to the Great Hall in a few. I prefer to head in when the rush isn't there."
Mallory smiled softly. She could understand that. She sat back down, brushing her hair back. "Oh, my sister just had a baby not too long ago, and my brother is very interested in a surrogacy someday for him and his husband. And I do hope to have a few little ones of my own, eventually," She gave him an easy smile. "I like to be prepared for things, so I bought several different books to try and get an idea of what might be expected,"
Killian did not think that she would sit down with him, but now she had to look up. Oh well, that was on her anyway. But she explained it, with a bit more reasoning than he thought. Not just because she wanted little ones, but because she might also be a surrogate, or get involved in that in some way, and then her sister. He could not imagine any of his siblings being parents. It might have been because if their lifestyles. "That makes sense. I doubt there is a book to prepare a normal human with a part-giant baby. The rest I will get from parenting books." He looked at his hand to wonder if a kid would fit there. Maybe a normal human premature baby. "Truth be told, I want our kid to be a daughter; one that looks like her."
Mallory smiled. Killian was an intimidating man on most days, but she was sure that there was a good heart buried in there. She brushed her hair back. "That's very sweet of you," She told him. "I'm sure whatever happens, it will be alright," She tried to offer, tucking her legs back up under her. "With the baby, will you both stay on staff?" She questioned. "I'm tempted to make a baby basket, would your girlfriend mind if I stopped by the nurses office to see her?" She asked him, wanting to be friendly but also not wanting to overstep.
Killian would have to keep reminding himself that it will be fine. Kaelan would keep him in the loop and make sure that Amethyst would be fine. He just did not know how far he could trust his brother. "I think she will take some time off but we both will still work." Killian did not want her to just quit and remain a homemaker just because she had his kid. If she wanted to, he would support it, but plenty of parents at the school had kids and worked at the same time. "That..." Killian faded off as he shrugged, "I would do it on a good day." Killian knew that his girlfriend could be grumpy, and honestly, he had no idea what sort of relationships she had with the coworkers.
Mallory smiled softly. "I can certainly try," She offered with a light laugh. "Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" She asked, tucking her hair back. "Or if you'd like, I can run and grab some coffee or something," She suggested, thinking that a nice cup of chamomile would be lovely. "When I feel upset, a nice cup of tea is usually soothing,"
Killian thought about anything else that he could even want to talk about, but then again, there was not much that he even, ever wanted to talk about to begin with. Killian was not much of a talker because of who he was. “Actually, I think I am going to head to the staff lounge and get some coffee, then meet up with Amethyst.” Killian stood up to his feet, and dusted his pants to get the dirt and grass off of them. “I don’t ever drink tea. Not my sort of thing.” He preferred bitter drinks, if he were being honest. Killian did need to talk to Amethyst about how he had been acting after all.
Mallory smiled and got up herself, giving him an easy smile. "Of course," She agreed, taking a note that he wasn't a tea drinker. "If it would be easier for her, would you mind giving Amethyst an invitation for tea or coffee in my office when she's feeling up to it? I do love making new friends, but only when the other person is comfortable with it," She told him. "And of course my office is always open if you want to stop by. Misha is by for tea a few times a month, and I often have students in studying or just resting," She told him.
Killian thought about it, and nodded. He might tell her later since she was pregnant, and the fact that she likely should not be drinking tea or coffee because of the caffeine amount. "Sure. I cannot promise anything," Killian shrugged since Amethyst was a bit moody and unpredictable. Luckily, he could just lift her up and carrying her around like a dog until she calmed down. He did not know if he would go out of his way just to talk to Mallory. Or that Misha man, but he was just unsocial. "I'll see you around." Killian turned to walk to the staff lounge on his own, and at his own pace, to get coffee and follow up with Amethyst. At least he felt better about the baby now.

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