On behalf of Shalamar and Avalon

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Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
Anne text me late yesterday evening and I so forgot to do it then, so...

For those who have rp's with Shalamar Ovanisse aka Ova or with Professor Avalon Traemore, Anne sends her apologies but she only began the night shift early this week and the first week of it is always the hardest to get back into a routine. She's wiped out completely and can't find the time or energy to get back on for now. She will be back though and hopes you will be patient with her. 12hour night shifts are not easy and getting into the swing of them after doing the 12hour day shift is really hard.

Another day or so and she should be settled into the routine again and be able to log on without falling asleep at the keyboard. :lol:

Missing you anyhow Anne. :)

Ok, I am really sorry I have to be the one to do this but Anne won't be coming back. She wanted to be the one to do this part herself but figured it'll be quite sometime before she could get back on again anyhow.
Her workload has increased and herself and Jim are also now expecting their first child. They're basically going to spend the next few months working round the clock to put some money away, that and she has also been having mad morning sickness at various parts of the day.

I for one have already congratulated her and wished her all the best and I know Patricia passed on her sentiments earlier too through myself. If any one has outstanding rp's involving either of her two characters, she has given the creator of the threads permission to godmod her having to suddenly leave.

WOW! Congratulations Anne!!! How wonderful for you, even if it is sad that we are losing you. But having a baby is amazing and wonderful and not an experience to give up. Come back and pop in when you can - if you can - and make sure to tell Linda to let us know all the details when you have your little wonder!! :)
Julie (Lily)
That is so awesome! It sucks that we'll be losing you, Anne, but congrats on your first kid and I truly wish you the best as a mom and at work.

Like Lily said, you'll have to pop back in sometime and post pictures when he or she is born. :D

Tis sad when we lose a member, but it's uber exciting that you are expecting a little one ^_^ Good luck with everything and I hope things slow down a bit for you. Pop in when you can to say hullo in spam and make sure that Linda tells us when the little bundle of joy arrives!! Best of wishes!!

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