On and Off

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Kiera Kaster

Well-Known Member
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12" Ash wand with tail of unicorn hair core
As some of you might have noticed, I have been missing quite a bit lately. I haven't been replying to my rps and posting lessons. All my lessons will be posted by tomorrow but I will still be slacking on my rps.

The course work has really been piling up on me since I have four English classes for read and write papers for. I have also been nominated to be President of my sorority. We are currently having elections and I'm not sure how everything will turn out. If I am elected president, my time on here will also be severely limited.

Please forgive me for any slowness of response. I promise I am not leaving. Things are just stressful right now. Hopefully they get better in the next month. If something comes up and you really need me, you can contact Julie or Katie. They both have my phone number and know how to get in touch with me. YOu can always pm Kiera too. I'll check hers most often!

:wub: Kait
No Worries, Leo's patient for Chloe. Hehe. :) :) :)

Hope you get things sorted. :p

President of your sorority? That sounds pretty exciting! ^_^
Good luck :)

I hope things with school ease up soon!

Good luck! :D We'll see you around!
Imma blow your phone up just for funz :r :p

Hope it gets easier for you sweetums!! If ya need to vent or scream or something just send me a text :D

Good luck Kait ^_^
Hope things ease up a bit for you!

Madz x
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