Older Fellow

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Maddiie Holland

Al. Hufflepuff | Werewolf
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Maddiie could be a bit dramatic but what's rp without expanding your mind and using your imagination to be able to create anything you like to be. Yes I know a bit to much but I can't help it. So let me just tell you what's been going on. Maddiie been at war with her mind for as long as she could remember. Ever since she was young she never thought she was ever good enough for anyone, self image a big problem for her. She hides it well as you could probably tell, her mother had that Puerto Rican pride so she still has its, its just been ups and down for her. She hasn't been able to make much of a connection with anyone really, except Kasey and maybe Alex but even with him she feels the need to be isolated. She's a girl with issues, she trying to be content but its not working. So enough with that, she looking for someone a bit older probably someone she could look up to. That's what she missing really, she never had that before even though she had friends etc, she wants someone who has enough wisdom, probably take the dark clouds away. So if anyone interested let me know. I'm also up for any other plottage, oh and the title says it all. Thanks!
Okay, so I have Izaak who is slightly older than Maddiie =))
Anyway he's a real sweetheart and a great friend, not to mention heaps of fun :D , plus he has some serious problems of his own. So I guess they could be a shoulder for each other to lean on and become really close friends. If you're interested, perhaps they could meet during the Brightstone weekend?
Aww sweets I don't mind rping with Izaak. Maddiie been needing a older brother type thing, if you read her bio which I have to update you know why its been really bad for her. She lost a bother before Hogwarts and her mother during Hogwarts. So its cool I don't mind them meeting ^^

I should of put mature adults to cause that's what Maddiie needs also, a mother but a friend to also be able to talk about relationship. She hasn't establish that with Lila yet, so its open to anyone. ^^;
Thanks will post when I can :)
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