Old friends

Lewis Kane

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Lignum Vitae Wand 13" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
The sun was hidden behind a think blanket of grey clouds, only peeking out for a few second now and then. Despite this sunless weather it wasnt too cold and Lewis could comfortably wear a shirt and jeans with out being too cold. He had a few days off work so he was making the most of it and meeting up with a close friend, although he would have liked her to be more but he had not actually got around to that yet. Besides what was the rush he worked with her and saw her all the time. He ran his and through his hair and sighed slightly, he was starting to get hungry so he may just go get a burger from a fast foods place after, one he had met up with Alexia. He leant against the wall as he watched people go by, getting on with their lives. He liked watching people rush around a busy place like this, you could always see different people doing different things and that fascinated his a bit. Still he wouldnt be doing this all day, he ad better things to do with his time
Alexia smiled to herself as she walked out the door of her apartment. She had cut her hair recently so it was a little shorter then it used to be. Which was all for the better really. She didn’t really like it to be too long. It was easier to look after the shorter she had it. Right now she was wearing a soft white dress that reached her knees. It flowed down over her torso so it wasn’t too tight. She didn’t often wear tight clothes as she couldn’t move around easily in them, and if she had to run it was really quite a nuisance. She started to hum to herself as she walked to where she was meeting her good friend Lewis. She hadn’t had much time off lately so she was glad for the bout she had now. She always did like a good holiday after all.

She smiled as she saw him leaning against the wall. He always did it, it really intrigued her actually. She walked closer and waved slightly. “Hey Lewis!” She said as she hugged him. “What have you been doing lately, haven’t seen you outside work for a while, not really since that time in the Leaky Cauldron” She said laughing. She had gotten pretty drunk that night. Nothing had happened of course, it had just been fun for her.
Hugging Alexia back as she greeted him he couldnt help but laugh slightly at her comment. It was true they had not seen each other outside of work in a while since the Leaky Cauldron but then again he had not been off work in while either. He was somewhat of work freak. "I know but then again I havnt had much time off work." He said with a chuckle. He loved how his mood always lifted when she was around. "Anyways we are here now so lets decide on a plan of action." He said s he stood up strait.
Alexia smiled at him as he told her about not having been off of work for a while. She was or rather had been in the same boat mostly. “Yes, I too have been stocked with work for a while, with the elections over though, I thankfully have some free time.” She said laughing again. She always did enjoy Lewis’ company, and she was glad to have it again now. “I really don’t know what we can do, although I’m quite peckish, so I suppose that we could go to a cafe, or something?” She said shrugging, she hadn’t eaten breakfast that morning and so she was hungry now.
Lewis nodded in agreement. The elections had made everything hectic. "Yeah the elections made everything so manic. At least we were not bored out of minds though. Thats something I guess." He said with a light shrug. Lewis had never been bored at work yet. He loved what he did and even the paper work entertained him. Wow he really needed to get a life.
A huge grin spread across his face as she mentioned food. "You are a mind reader" He laughed as he looked around for a nice looking place. "Well I guess we better get walking around to find somewhere decent." He said turning his attention back to her.
Alexia nodded as he spoke, it was entirely true of course. “Well, that is true i guess, I really can’t stand being bored, I always need something to do...” She added with a wink. She laughed and tugged on his arm. “I know I’m a mind reader, just another special talent of mine” She said flicking her hair over her shoulder. “And any way, I know a really nice place not far from here, and its a nice little walk there too, so come on, we want to get there before its packed” She said smiling as she grabbed him by the hand and proceeded to pull him to the cafe.
Lewis smiled crookedly. He knew her more than she thought, which in a way was a good thing. He knew when was sad and needed someone there. He knew what ho to make her happy. "Yeah another one turning into a cat and going grr." He joked with a huge grin. Of course he wasn't making fun at her, he admired that she was an animagus it meant she was good at transfiguration. "Ok but im relying on your knowledge ere so if the food it terrible im personally blaming you." He said as she pulled him along. He trusted her taste, they kind of had the same taste in food so it was all good
Alexia stifled a laugh as he made play fun of her. “Turning into a cat and going grr?” She asked as she turned to look at him. “Really Lewis, is that the best you could do?” She asked as she laughed again and proceeded to the cafe. Of course their food was good. She would never go near the place if it wasn’t. The only downside? It was a little on the expensive side. But for the food they make there. She would give an entire year of work pay to eat there. Yeah the food was that good. She smiled. “Oh Lewis, have I ever lead you wrong?” She asked as they came into view of the small cafe. She grinned. “And here it is, my favourite little spot of heaven” She told him as she walked in and sat at a table. “But I must warn you, the waiters are very good at their job. You could give them a multitude of orders and you still wouldn’t even make them blink” She laughed. She decided to try a different approach as a waiter walked up to them. It was Kane, her favourite waiter. If he hadn’t have been gay, she would not have been sitting. Not that she didn’t enjoy Lewis’s company of course. Infact she really liked Lewis, loved him infact. She just didn’t know how to bring up the subject, or if it got awkward, she didn’t want to mess up the amazing friendship they had. So she never said anything.

“Ah Miss Alexia, and what can i get for you today?” Alexia smiled. She had been learning a Spanish phrase for the better part of three weeks, all so that she could catch Kane unaware. “Sí, hola Kane, satisfaría como para ordenar, una ensalada, con salsa en el lado y un agua. Soy sí vegetariano ahora.” Kane looked at her and smiled. “Lex apesadumbrado, hablo español.” He said as he grinned at her. Alexia glared after him as he approached Lewis. “And what would you like sir?” Behind his back Alexia mouthed 'See what I mean' to Lewis refering to her earlier comment about the waiters.

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