Old Acquaintances

Asparuh Zhefarovich III

Ex-Death Eater / Horcrux Creator
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 17" Core of Crow's Feathers and Poplar 16 1/2" Core of Basilisk's Fang
October 31st, 1949
It had been about eight days since Asparuh sent the letter to his old friend, Valcan Drage. Asparuh was six years his senior, but both had history. Asparuh had spent the last days, in a location unknown to any of his family members and managed to lock Arnost inside the house until the matter was properly taken care of. Asparuh had to confront Thorine, but wanted to wait and speak to Valcan about it. Asparuh grabbed his robes off the rack and slipped them on. His damp blonde hair was tied back nicely, being damp from showering.

He walked out the door, only to be confronted by the blizzard. He apparating, in hope of possibly calming down before he would go on a killing spree, again. Asparuh knew that killing people so soon would be unhealthy, and the first two on his list would be that moronic brother of his, and his one night lover. Asparuh was in no mood to deal with them at the moment, or else possibly losing a child that could be destined for greatness, since Apostol failed with that.

Asparuh glanced around him to see an office, and felt somewhat relieved when he arrived at the Herrogard. Asparuh could not recall if it changes much since his last visit. His black eyes went onto the man he was seeking. Valcan Drage, sitting behind a desk reading. Not much as changed... Asparuh folded his arms across his chest, and his icily voice cut through the air, but his friend would know that he meant no harm or threat, as his spoke in his native tongue, Bulgarian, "You received my notice about my arrival, have you not?"

Asparuh remembered writing the note, but did not specify on what he was needing to speak about. Of course, Valcan would have heard about Thorine Dolohov, and perhaps find this whole affair either amusing or something else. Asparuh found it all irritating. It was obvious that he did, or else he wouldn't have come here in the first place. Asparuh was not known to stop by a person's house.
Valcan was becoming increasingly nervous about the visitor he was expecting. Under normal circumstances he would have welcomed Asparuh Zhefarovich with open arms. Now that Julie, Eliza and Erik were under his roof, he did not look forward to attention from any of his colleagues. Asparuh, a man of reputation, would not appreciate being in the same vicinity as a muggle. After receiving the man's letter, Valcan had warned Julie to keep herself and the children away from the lower levels until he told them otherwise. He didn't want to be raising suspicions or to make the people he worked with think that he was going soft.

The large man was a bit startled as a pop reached his ears. Fortunately he was a good actor, and was careful not to let his composure betray this. Closing his book shut slowly he set it on the table, his ice blue eyes meeting his old friend's. "Good evening, Asparuh," he started in rusty Bulgarian. Valcan had not been required to speak much Bulgarian ever since he had graduated from Durmstrang, but he knew more than enough to make conversation. "Indeed I did receive your letter. If you would like to take a seat, feel free."

He gestured with a giant hand to a chair that had been placed on the other side of the desk. He was curious as to what Asparuh had to tell him. The man didn't make visits often, so it had to be of some importance.
Asparuh glanced around the area, taking note of everything. He was extremely observant, and heard nothing out of the ordinary. With a smooth motion, he sat down in the chair and stared at the rather large man. His own long, slender hands were barely visible when he folded his arms across his chest. He spoke, “I know you must be curious as to the fact that I’m here. Nonetheless, I’ll get straight to the point.” Valcan knew that Asparuh was not the type to small talk before getting down to business, unless he had forgotten that. Asparuh does manage to vanish from time to time for an extend periods of time. That was because of him being so busy in ridding the world of filth, and also on missions all around the world. Asparuh hated to be cooped up in one place for long.

Asparuh released a sigh, and said, “Surely you must remember Arnost, my little twin brother.” Both Zhefarovich brothers were Death Eaters, but one had joined much later than the other one. All it took was one event to turn the man around. Asparuh said softly, “I’m afraid I have some rather…disturbing information about him. He has a newborn on the way, which I believe will be born sometime in June or July. This is his first pureblood child. The mother of the child is Thorine Dolohov, I’m sure you know or heard of her.” Asparuh waited a moment for the news to sink in before he would continue. After all, Asparuh just needed to talk with someone, to ensure that he doesn’t become reckless.

The Death Eater inquired, “Should I take care of the matter, or allow nature to take its course? Hopefully, you have not been in this position of which I stand, being the Head of the family.”
Valcan leaned back in his seat as Asparuh took the one across from him. He was careful to keep the man's gaze. Partially because he viewed Asparuh as one of his few equals, and partially because he didn't have to look down on him. Most people did not reach his height. It was rare when he could truly look someone in the eye. His comrade was about as tall as he was, albeit being considerably thinner.

He nodded as the man indicated that he was going to get right to the point. Valcan did not expect anything less from Asparuh. The Norwegian man himself did not like to sit around and make small talk, unless he was harassing someone or the occasion called for it. He very much liked to have things done and over with.

His blond head of hair declined in another nod as Asparuh asked if he remembered the man's twin. Of course he remembered Arnost. When together, it was impossible to tell them apart. Their personalities differed slightly, however. Asparuh was much more driven than his brother, and definitely had more of a reputation. He had made the Zhefarovich name a force to be reckoned with once more. Valcan had always wondered why Asparuh never took a shot to be the Head of any ministry, but the Norwegian man supposed that politics was not a path the man wished to travel.

Valcan's forehead wrinkled up as Asparuh explained why he was here. The former did not speak, intent to let the latter finish out what he had to say. Arnost had gotten a woman pregnant? If the situation had been less pressing he would probably have burst out laughing. The man was over seventy years old. The chances of him being able to sire a child should have long since gone out the window. His hands fell to the surface of the massive desk as he regarded one of the people he could consider a friend and comrade- well, after since Bearse had been murdered.

His voice was level as he took his turn to speak. Thick with accent, he started, "In all honesty, my friend, I would allow Arnost to deal with the situation on his own. He is not one of your children, but your brother." Valcan knew that Asparuh took his family very seriously, but Arnost in all respects was his equal. After a moment he continued, "Arnost is not the only one who has fallen under the wiles of the Dolohov woman." He gestured to the piece of parchment behind Asparuh, encouraging him to take a look. It was confusing to piece out where Tristan was concerned, but the name of Thorine and her pureblood son were connected to him.

"All I can suggest is that you watch out for your brother. The Dolohov woman will go to great lengths to get what she wants. She is not beneath using even love potions." His voice was coated with disgust. Not only did he find love potions appalling, but the fact that his son was currently waiting on her every whim was embarrassing. Already putting aside that he was a traitor and an idiot.
Asparuh had long grown accustomed to the man’s rather large and intimidating body. Though both were at a similar height, Asparuh was muscular, but also lean and slender compared to Valcan. Even if Asparuh did not respect him, Asparuh would not pick a fight with the Drage, nor do anything to get on his bad side. Asparuh was somewhat similar. Though not large and daunting, but he could make someone disappear easily. Something Asparuh rather took pride in, his maneuvering and fighting abilities.

The point had been said, and Asparuh did not look forward to his reaction. However, it needed to be done. At least Arnost was not the father of a half-breed. That thought alone made Asparuh disgusted. He was a man that believed in pureblood supremacy, and though he despised his late wife for telling him that she was pureblood just to get with him and have his children.

It was revolting, and though Kalif turned out to be a worthy son, the other two were just failures. As for the other pureblood children of his, Asparuh had no interest in the youngest, and couldn’t stand the oldest. However, he had a soft spot for his youngest daughter. She was blunt, but easily manipulating. And he if had things the way he wanted for her, then she would be the best, with the best pureblood man. Asparuh however just kept an eye on her from afar, and tried to not interfere with her life. And so far, she was making something of herself.

Asparuh managed to pull out of his thoughts, and saw Valcan’s expression. This worried him slightly. Asparuh could not handle laughter, not in this mood. He heard Valcan’s suggestion, and though he wanted so much to argue with him over it, he did have a point. Arnost may have been an idiot this time, but Asparuh did need him around. Only Arnost and Kalif in the family could manage to keep Asparuh from doing anything rash.

Asparuh nodded, “I believe you are right, though at times I find him more infantile than Kalif.” Asparuh did respect Kalif, as he had followed through with the teachings of the Dark Lord. He was not by any means immature, but Arnost was much older than he, and should be acting more along his true age like Kalif does, if not more.

The next statement caught Asparuh off guard. When Valcan gestured, Asparuh immediately turned his body, and narrowed his eyes. However, to see clearly, he had to get up and walk over to the parchment. The tree seemed a little confusing at Tristan’s end, and couldn’t help but think, I had more children than he, and mine isn’t this confusing. Seems like he enjoys females a bit too much. Sure enough, he saw Thorine’s name, and her son with Tristan. Asparuh muttered, “This is just…eccentric.” Thorine managed to sink her nails into Tristan – then again, how hard was that really to do?

Asparuh straightened his posture, and went back to sit in front of his friend. Asparuh shook his head, but a tiny smirk appeared on his normal, blank yet fierce expression. “Seems like she has a fixation with the male Death Eaters, or pureblood men.” The Death Eater gave Valcan an odd look. Though she did seem like the type to go to great lengths to get what she desires, but using love potions… That was just absurd. Though he did respect the woman because of her lineage, that was just extreme.

“She sinks herself low enough to use love potions. I must apologize that Tristan has to go through with that, despite your…dislike for the man, unless that has changed. I myself thought that he had straightened out and settled down. I’ll keep an eye out for Arnost, but I must speak with the Dolohov woman sooner or later. Surely she wouldn’t try anything on me. If she did like…older men like my brother, then I hope she doesn’t sink her claws into you. Though I doubt you would be dense enough to fall for any of her tricks.” Asparuh did not like talking of another comrade, but this was just… It was necessary. Necessary to keep both families from embarrassing themselves more than what they are now.
Valcan brought his meaty fingers to the desk, drumming the wood surface absentmindedly. Dolohov was of a respectable line, though the great majority of her family members had landed themselves in Azkaban. It would be a tragedy if yet another Dolohov succumbed to insanity. Attempting to pull together the pureblood lines was a long tried and exhausted idea. Some did not realize that there was an end of the road for being pureblood altogether. Most were related already, and it wouldn't be long before cousins were wed to one another. The thought of this both intrigued and revolted the Norwegian man. He was careful to lie low when it came to his comrades. Most of them had sullied bloodlines already.

"Eccentric indeed," he responded, his voice deep as he frowned at Asparuh. "I do not know how long this 'fixation' of hers would last- there are only so many men of pureblood lineage." There was possibility of Thorine simply being a lonely woman who was unfortunate enough to have gotten pregnant twice, but it was also likely that she had motives.

A malicious chuckle rolled past his lips as Asparuh gave his condolences. "I would not apologize for him- it is his own damned fault. He deserves it." If Tristan did end up returning, hopefully there would be a lesson learned. Better late than never, right? "Idiot- I would kill him if he did not have young children to take care of." Valcan did not say this in jest either. He had taken his son's eye, and he wouldn't hesitate to take his life either. The old man reminded himself to keep his temper in check as he turned back to Asparuh.

Valcan regarded his old friend with concern, though his expression was also riddled with amusement. "I hope the same for yourself. Speak to her with caution- I have a feeling that she will have more than one trick up her sleeve." The Norwegian man himself was not worried about being duped by Thorine- he had little contact with most of his comrades. He had not been assigned on any job for a long period of time. While the old man inside him accepted this with grace, another part of him craved for the glory of his younger days.
Asparuh's slender fingers rested upon his cheek once more, resting his arm upon the proper place on the chair. His stature, though more relaxed, still had the aura of authority. Asparuh had dignity, and high expectations, and both radiated from him. Asparuh nodded slowly, "Indeed. The pureblood race is weakening. My pure son, Chavdar, managed to find another pureblood woman in no relation to us, and made two more descendants. As much as I respect the choice of blood, the out-of-marriage relationship is rather unacceptable."

The Death Eater was old fashioned. However, he had managed to pull out of his son's life, and that Mauven woman as well. He had nothing to do with the children, and he wouldn't start now. Asparuh was a busy man with a hectic life, and he needed no more added stress to him. "The obsession should decline with two children in Dolohov woman's life soon enough."

Asparuh could only hope that it does. Unless she found a man that would agree to be around with the children forever, the children would grow up as bastards, more so than what they already are. Although, he himself had not spent any time with any of his children, so it was like not having a father for the majority of them. Only Kalif knew what it was like to have a father there half of the time. If this man showed favoritism, it was toward that man of mixed blood.

Asparuh chuckled softly, almost inaudibly. It was almost all anyone could receive from the man. "Then I must take away my apologies if they are nothing more than a waste of breath." This highly amused Asparuh. Both of them had something in common. However, Asparuh came so close to killing his second youngest son, always expecting him to die out, but he never does. Asparuh smirked, "Wise choice, not eradicating him while he had children." When does he not have children? Asparuh mused in his mind. "I myself detest the presence small children, but I do understand your decision."

The second thing that got to Asparuh, mudbloods and muggles being the first, were small children. Asparuh said, "I doubt she would try anything with an unborn developing in her, but if she does, then that unborn won't be seeing much of life. I'll take heed of your word and be cautious." Asparuh would not be pained about losing a nephew or niece if he had to take measures that involved violence when it came down to confronting Thorine. However, violence erupting from the two of them seemed out of the picture. Asparuh was not quick to anger unless someone pulled the proper strings. At times, he could be downright nasty to others.
The four year old, as a general rule, never responded well to authority. Erik was catching up to the adults. Well, at least in his mind. If his behavior was stellar, it usually meant that he was up to something. He had made sure to be sweet before and after his mother was gone. Julie had told himself and Eliza that she was going shopping. All the better for him. He could have free reign as long as he could get past the house elf.

Erik had been quite offset by the fact that the house elf was setting himself and his stepsister down for a nap already. Persephone was not around for some reason today, and had been replaced as temporary caregiver by another house elf. The sun was out! The little boy caused no fuss as he was instructed to take a nap. Crumpling on the floor, he pretended to be fast asleep.

Sleep was not on Erik's agenda, however. The house elf, certain that the children were conked out, disappeared for a moment. Erik took his chance to tear out of the small suite. He had never been alone by himself in the halls of the Herrogard, and he savored the moment. He wasted no time in bothering portraits, overturning end tables and kicking up the rugs. When he managed to make his way downstairs, he got to the library. He pulled out book after book, flipping through the pages roughly only not to find any pictures. He left every one of them on the floor.

His little but stringy legs carried him from the room of books. Erik was bored easily. He was lost, but he didn't mind. This was all a game to him anyway. Time or solitude didn't matter to him. He frowned as he stepped into a hallway littered with shadow. Erik had never liked the dark. His fear soon evaporated as he saw warm light at the end of the corridor.

The room was partly ajar, and he could hear someone talking. His face lit up in glee. It would be fun to scare them. When he peeked in, he saw that it was the man he was supposed to call 'Bestefar' and someone else he didn't know. Grinning, he slipped through the door and made his way to a piece of drapery. He hid behind it, hoping that no one would catch him before he could have his bit of amusement.
A small smirk morphed Valcan's lip as he looked back to Asparuh. "It is good that she was of no relation," he chuckled. The man shrugged his massive shoulders. "I have given up hoping for some decency. So far, I've had only two grandchildren born within the confines of marriage. At least none of them saw fit to reproduce at a terribly young age." Valcan definitely did not approve of young witches and wizards having children at young ages. Even when they had graduated from school, they were still children themselves. His sister had married and gotten pregnant right after school, and she had not ended up in good sorts.

The sixty six year old nodded, grabbing a few leaves of parchment and shuffling them into a neat pile. Valcan didn't like things to be untidy. Persephone usually organized his study, but she was absent more often than not these days. He nodded to his old accomplice. "I am confident that you will find the best way to deal with the woman." Valcan knew better than to take Asparuh's threat lightly. Dolohov would not be smart to put herself any more out of Asparuh's good graces than she already was.

"If he gets his fat head out of his backside, he will realize that he has family to take care of," he said darkly in Bulgarian. His brow furrowed, his train of thought lost. He had thought that he had heard something, but it could have been just the wind blowing. Old establishments always made strange noises.
Asparuh nodded, but went into a deep train of thought. The woman was from Bulgaria, and of pureblood. How was he to know if she was not a distant cousin? Last time he checked the tree, she was not there, and the tree did in fact fork. Asparuh sighed, "I believe I might as well give up on decency as well. Only one of my sons managed to marry and then have children, when the others did that vise versa, and not doing the latter. Some of mine produced at a very, very young age, and I was not pleased." Asparuh managed to keep his tone of voice calm rather than almost growling at the end.

Asparuh thought of every consequence that could happen between the Dolohov woman and himself. The more he thought about it, the more he started to like the idea of simply keeping an eye on her, and not allowing Arnost around her without his supervision. Just to ensure that nothing happens to Arnost like something had happened to Tristan. That in itself would be nothing short of embarrassing.

Asparuh responded, "I suppose I can only hope for the well being of his family." Asparuh's smirk faltered, and his head turned slightly to the sound of abnormality in the room. Naturally, he had sharp senses over years of developing them. However, Asparuh turned to stare at Valcan once more. "I suppose I wasn't the only one who heard something." His own manor had plenty of odd noises, including the faint cries of ghosts, murmuring of portraits, or rather anything someone can imagine inside. Asparuh's expression was once more hardened by the mere slight sound, but only dismissed it.
Erik had to stifle a giggle as he listened to the men speak. It was more like listening to babies talk than anything. Except their language was not one that he was losing rapidly. His one objective was to be very, very quiet, and since no one had come over and yanked him from his hiding place, he supposed that he was still in the clear.

The little boy's cherub face was red with delight as he fell to all fours, trying to make the drapery move as little as possible. He just couldn't help taking this opportunity to reveal himself. He crawled to the massive desk slowly, and jumped up. Erik inhaled deeply to prepare for a show of windpipes. "BOO!"
Valcan considered offering Asparuh something to drink, but he had a feeling that the man would turn him down. If he remembered correctly, his old friend was always conscious about what he put into his body. Valcan on the other hand took care to indulge in life's simple pleasures. He had quite the sweet tooth, and it was obvious from the meat on his bones that he ate very well.

"I would not be pleased either..." Valcan muttered, his voice trailing off. He was fortunate to have all of his children in their late thirties and forties. The man was always unnerved by the idea of babies having babies. At least his grandchildren would have some chance of possessing competent parents.

The large man nodded, shrugging off the noise. His lips started to move but the words did not make it through his throat. Instinct jammed his hand into his pocket and tore out his wand, pointed directly to the source of the noise. Embarrassment washed over the man as he registered that the attacker was his four year old grandson. He lowered his wand as he miraculously managed to keep his composure. He felt as if a hummingbird had replaced his heart.

Staring down the four year old boy, he said gruffly, "What are you doing down here, Erik? Shouldn't you be upstairs?" The man had a feeling that he would find several things in his house trashed. Tristan had been energetic as a child, but Erik could be a downright terror. He would have to give the house elf watching the children what-for. He knew that it wasn't Persephone. He glanced at Asparuh, looking to see if the man heralded to reaction after all.
Asparuh said nothing more, silence coming over him. Asparuh fell once more into deep thought. Only his oldest children had grandchildren, plus now Chavdar. Hopefully, Chavdar and Rosaline will stop for now. Twins will be hard to handle, and though Asparuh disliked that son of his, he was still the Head of the family, and has to look over everyone. Asparuh's thoughts were shortly interrupted.

The drapery's slight movement caught the corner of his eye. His swift hand pulled his wand out of his robes, and pointed it to the source of the noise. The expression upon his face changed from icy to confusion. His ears were slightly bothered with the shout from the child - the very reason why he hated small children. It took him a moment to process the fact that a child was the source of the noise, and also the explanation of why his pulse raised a good twenty beats more.

Asparuh finally lowered his wand and put it back inside his robes. His head turned to stare at Valcan, his expression mixed with confusion and amusement. Asparuh cleared his throat and said, "You have your grandchildren here... I must inquire, how many more are here currently?" Asparuh was very cautious and found himself tense while he was in the same area as small children. Teenagers, he could handle, but not small children. Asparuh folded his arms across his chest, and kept his cool eyes upon his old friend.

Asparuh did his best to ignore the child, but it wasn't working out very well. He kept glancing over at him through the corner of his eye, but overall, Asparuh was not very pleased with this. Though it wasn't very measurable to how displeased he was with his brother.
Erik snickered as he looked up to the two men. The one he didn't recognize was just as tall as his daddy. Shrugging his tiny shoulders, he responded to his grandfather in his high pitched voice, "I dunno! It isn't sleepy time!" He narrowed his eyes as he observed the stranger. Figuring that it was always a better time than never to make introductions, he hopped forward and wrapped his arms around the man's leg. His face the mask of innocence, he inquired, "Who're you? You talk funny."
Valcan couldn't frown for long at the small boy. Maybe he was going soft after all- he found it difficult to show any disdain with his grandchildren. He was not looking forward to the messes that were inevitably outside of this office. With a sideways glance at Asparuh, he responded, "Just two. They're staying here for a couple of weeks." He did not mention that Eliza and Julie were muggles, nor did he elaborate on the situation at hand. He had a feeling that the man on the other side of the desk would go into quite the snit otherwise.

Struggling not to laugh as Erik wrapped his arms around Asparuh's leg, he peered down at the little boy and then turned his gaze back onto his old friend, anticipating the reaction to come. It was near impossible to keep the chuckle out of his voice. Humor lighting his features, he said, "If it helps, Erik here is pureblood."
OOC: Sorry about the long awaited reply... Things are getting too hectic over here for my own good.

The right hand flew to his forehead, and the man closed his eyes. Asparuh murmured, "I suppose you have your reasons." His mouth closed into a thin, frown. Asparuh's left hand curled into a fist, as he tried his best to feel relaxed. Little children always made him rather tense, and uneasy. Reason why he never went around the newborn babies or Kailie. He just couldn't handle them around him. Something about the children made him revolted.

Then, he felt a presence wrapping around one of his legs. His body immediately tensed up, and his jaw went hard. Asparuh glared down at the lad, and finally, managed to turn away, and saw Valcan...enjoying this? Asparuh gave him an odd look, and sighed, "At least he doesn't have filth running in his veins." Asparuh debated on removing the boy himself, but then again, he might end up hurting the child. Asparuh inquired, his expression still hard, "How would you suggest in removing him?"
Valcan could only nod to Asparuh. He had explained enough of the situation with Tristan, and knew that his comrade would not appreciate the hairy details. The Norwegian man was quite pleased that his visitor had not behaved irrationally. He turned his gaze on his young grandson, his blue eyes stern. "Pry him off if you have to. Erik, come here." Hopefully the young boy would comply with his demand. Erik was usually good natured, but he could throw a hell of a tantrum if he set his mind to it.
Erik was a bit disgruntled. Usually, his charm worked on everyone. The tall man didn't even smile. His tiny mouth morphing into a frown, he unwrapped his arms from the man and stepped over to the man he called Bestefar. Crawling expertly up his grandfather's leg and onto the desk, he set his little backside on the surface. He brought his arms over his chest in a huff. "You didn't tell me your name!" he sulked as he stared back at the strange man.
Asparuh was relieved when the physical contact was removed. Asparuh raised an eyebrow at the boy, giving him an odd look. Rolling his eyes, he muttered, "Asparuh." He glanced over Erik and onto Valcan. He stated, "As you can see, children make me rather nervous. Perhaps I should leave before I do perform anything rash." He stood up, and folded his arms across his chest, and waited for Valcan to say something otherwise. The matter was taken care of, and he needed to be on his own way, and let Valcan deal with the kids.

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