Okay, so..

Justin Cliffeton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
As you all may have noticed; I've accomplished about jack diddly squat on this site in the last say, two months? The simple explanation for this is; I've had no muse, and I currently can't think of anything in reply to any of my current topics. So, I've decided to cut them all loose, except for the admin approved one I have going to Kaitlyn, because we planned that for a good month. I will reply to that once I'm done with this post, the rest of them are gone though.

If you want to keep them going, or start a new topic where our characters roleplay, please feel free to PM Justin Cliffeton and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can. Sammy: Start the topic you wanted us to roleplay Justin and Dannii in, and I'll reply to that as soon as I see it.

Other then that, I'm back. So if you need me, I'll be a lot more active and stuffs.

~ Zach

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