🌹 Rose Giving Oh Yuck, A Yellow One

Brevity Boone

brainy; messy; wasted potential
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Whippy Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
06/2043 (19)
@Professor Mallory Corrins

Brevity was very curious about who would send a professor a rose. Thankfully this was just a yellow rose, she couldn't imagine having to look a professor in the face before handing them a red rose. The girl knew the professors enough and it was far less difficult to find them. She came to the professor's office and chapped loudly on the door.
Mallory was just getting back into her reading when there was another knock on her door. Again? She set her book aside, smiling softly. "Come in," She called.
Brevity stepped into the office, and then glanced around. Of course she had never had this professor and would likely never have her. "I have a rose for you," she said, taking out the yellow rose and moving to hand it to the woman. "It comes with a note. Feel free to wait till I leave before you read it," Brevity didn't think she should stick around but maybe some professors minded less than others.

Thank you for taking me under your wing when I first came here. You have been a great friend.
From: Noelle
Mallory chuckled softly. "Thank you, my dear." She offered easily. "Would you like to sit down for a moment? Running around must be stressful. Why don't you take a few moments, have a nice cup of tea? I have a few cats that would love some attention." She smiled easily at the girl.
Brevity wasn't sure why this professor would invite her to tea, especially when she didn't know her at all. "Why?" she asked, pretty directly. She didn't know why a professor would and before she said no - which she was likely to do, she'd ask the why.
Mallory chuckled softly. "Because I care about all of my students. You may not have been in one of my classes, but you are still a student here." She offered easily. "You've been working hard. It's alright to let someone look after you for a little while."
Brevity scoffed a little at what Professor Corrin's said, she wasn't and never had been her student, she didn't need to be looked after. "Do you moonlight as a therapist?" she asked rather bluntly.
Mallory chuckled. "Tempting, but no, I just like to share tea and biscuits," She gave the girl an easy smile.
Brevity gave a little chuckle. "Fine, I will join you," she said, moving to sit in one of the chairs. "But I'd rather a coffee," Brevity got comfortable in her seat and just looked towards this professor.
Mallory smiled, getting up and moving over to her tea station. She opened a drawer and did a little digging for her coffee collection. "What sort of coffee do you like, my dear?" She asked. "I'm sure I can pull out something yummy."
"I like black coffee, with a little sugar," she said, it wasn't always what she went for, but she was a little bit looking to impress this professor. "Do you offer everyone who comes to your door tea and biscuits?" Brevity asked, with perhaps a slightly rude tone.
Mallory chuckled, getting the coffee prepared. "My office is an open, safe space for anyone who needs it." She offered easily, coming back with the cup and giving it to the girl before taking her seat again. "I realize that this school can feel very isolating and overwhelming, so I like to try and do what I can to help." She explained, tucking her feet back up under her.
Brevity raised an eyebrow. "A safe space?" she was surprised any professor would offer such a thing. She was sure that the younger years that this professor taught would probably like that. "Did you go to boarding school?"
Mallory shook her head at the question. "No, private tutoring," She countered. "But I'm fairly certain all the dorms here are shared, and it's not a guarantee that students will always get on with their dorm mates," She offered with a small smile.
Brevity raised her eyebrow at that. "Isn't private tutoring just the worst," she said with a laugh, having experienced it herself before she'd come to school. "Dorms are rough, school is rough in general. Can't believe you opted to work in a place like this,"
Mallory chuckled. "It was," She sighed. "Especially since I had to work more than the tutor did to help my siblings keep up," She rolled her eyes, though fondly. "Why?" She asked, cradling her tea and considering it. "Well..." She took a sip, choosing her words. "I grew up rather isolated. I thought that it would be better to try and make changes here to help other kids, rather than sit at home and pout that I hadn't had it myself."
Brevity gave a smirk. "That was nice of you, I hung my siblings out to dry," she said with a smirk. "Before Hogwarts I was homeschooled. It was my parents but tutors," Brevity said. Though there were parts of what the professor said that she agreed with her. "Wow, how noble,"
Mallory chuckled. "Well, in the end we just need to take care of ourselves," She agreed gently. "I find my work here fulfilling. Though it does have it's drawbacks." She sipped her tea, thinking of Atkin. "Have you thought about what you'd like to do after graduation?" She asked.
Brevity smirked a little. "What are the draw backs? Awful students?" she was almost referring to herself, but this woman had never taught her. "God no, I think I'll just spend some time not worrying about school, or responsibilities,"
Mallory chuckled at the girls question and again at her response. "I can handle the students well enough, it just... gets a little lonely, sometimes. I have a boyfriend outside of the school, and I don't get to see him enough," She sighed, before sipping on her tea. She smiled at the question. "Well, you certainly don't need to have any plans right away. " She offered easily. "It's good to just enjoy yourself and find out what makes you happy later on,"
Brevity could imagine it got fairly lonely in this place. Brevity had a couple of people that she liked, and was good at occupying herself. She sipped her coffee and nodded. "Not being at school used to make me happy, so it'll be that as soon as I leave school. Working seems boring,"
Mallory chuckled. "Work certainly can be boring, but unfortunately you have to work to survive," She smiled softly. "The freedom after school will definitely be nice. Hopefully you can find a job that will make you happy as well." She sipped her tea. "Have you made any friends, at least? I've found that good company can make even the worst situations seem better."
Brevity laughed lightly. "I dunno, I think as wizards we could live in a forest self sufficiently without having to work," she replied. They couldn't create food, but there were lots of other things that they could do that made survival easier. "Oh sure, it's really easy to make friends at a boarding school, when everyone's already known each other four years," Brevity did have a friend, but she wasn't going to tell a professor she had a friend, she didn't to come across as too pathetic.
Maisie chuckled. "We could do that," She offered. "Though a lifestyle like that isn't for everyone." She sipped her tea. "If someone doesn't want to be secluded, they have to figure out a different way to blend in the outside world," She smiled softly, not pressing the issue of friends. "Oh, I know a few kids in your year, some of them should be rather friendly."

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