Oh Yeah!

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9" Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair, Whippy

This is Giovanni Benenati De Luca. She is a single mother and a widow. She has been a widow for about one year. Recently, she became the Seeker for the Holyhead Harpies so she could get her mind off of her dead husband. She has a four year old son named Timothy Benenati Jr.. If you watch Jersey Shore then you know who her shortylicious play-by is. She graduated from Beauxbatons in 2025, and she played Quidditch for most of her years there. She has been at the height of 4 feet and 10 inches since her third year. She moved to New Zealand a year later after falling in love with Timmy Jr.'s muggle daddy. She is a very bright and mature woman, so she doesn't deserve to be so lonely! She recently got back into the wizarding world, and she needs help adjusting. That's where you come in!</COLOR>
Friends/Party Buddies!
Giovanni needs friends that will be by her side and help her through what she is going through. Hopefully, they would not mind if there was a four year old tagging along on some shopping sprees or walks in the park. Male or female does not matter. Someone who won't mind her being uber short and think it is adorable. Gio does not get out much, so if you have a character that is able to take her out and show her a good time, post! A few Quidditch playing friends would be lovely as well. She is very competitive when it comes to her favorite magical sport!
I am not looking for much in this area. Giovanni is not the type to have flings or one night stands. She thinks living like that would have a negative impact on her son, who observes everything she does. Long term relationships are more her thing. I am up for flirting. She is not a big time flirt, but she will flirt back if somebody flirts with her. If you have a character that does not mind a child and can be in a relationship with her or just flirt and get rejected in the end, then post here or PM if you have a super cool beans idea.
<COLOR color="#CC0066">
Giovanni has a big family! She is Italian, and most of her family live in Italy, but she does have some family members in other parts of the world. She keeps in contact with her family a lot, despite the fact that she lives far away from them. I only have a few family members listed in her unfinished Character Development. She could use another brother, sister, or a cousin. If you are interested then taking on one of the characters listed in her CD then post here and we can talk about it! If you want to make another family member or add an orphan/family-less character of yours (young or older) into the De Luca family then post! :) (Note: If you are interested in taking Timothy Benenati Jr. there are some things you need to know about him.)

So, post here or PM me if you have a character that will help not make Giovanni so lonely!

Selene Elizabeth Lovechild

Age:28 -29
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Location: California but travels

Selene is Liir's timid mother though now that her son is out on his own she is left to deal with her side of the family which is never a good thing. The beautiful heiress was forced to move back home with her father and mother after her divorce from Liir's father which was the last thing she ever wanted especially now she was an unwed mother, with a great deal of pressure for her parents to remarry Selene is forced to go back out on the dating scene to get her parents off her back. Selene is kind and steadfast woman who was unlucky to wed a man who at the end of the day did not love her which is something she struggles with making her more guarded with her heart though she is not cliche about it. She could use a few good friends that she go shopping or drinking with from time to time after all she is divorced not dead.

((I just copied and pasted from my plot thread lol))
But I can offer her as a friend even though she is a little older than Giovanni she would not what it feels like to be a single mother
I think Giovanni and Selene could be friends despite their differences in age. Would you like me to start something?
Okay, so I have Tess Kaster here who needs some more friends. ^_^

Tess Kaster is a new mother, she's currently dating a Chudley Canons Chaser and graduated from Beauxbatons in 2025 as well! So it's safe to say that they have probably heard of eachother, or even met. Tess is a shopkeeper and mostly hangs out in her shop, taking care of her new baby boy. Anyway, Tess is 5'9, so there is a giant height difference, but Tess wouldn't really care about that because she isn't as mean as she used to be. She also know what it's like to have to raise a child, because her boyfriend is often away, but she gets the support of family.

When at Beauxbatons, Tess was the typical b!tchy popular girl that thought that the world was at her feet, now that she's grown up and had a child of her own, she's more nurturing and caring, than rude and backstabbing. Being used to young children because she also babysits her younger siblings and niece, so having a four year old around wouldn't worry her one bit, she wouldn't be a party buddy though, because she's mellowed down since the birth of her son, but I think they could be friends that bond over the fact that they both have young kids, and that they went to the same school, in the same year.

So yeah, tell me what you think! ^_^
Cool beans! Another poster! :woot:

I think it would be very likely that they heard things about each other. Giovanni was constantly standing up to bullies while she attended Beauxbatons, so maybe they could have had an encounter with each other? That is only if Tess used to pick on people and stuff like that. I think the two could be good friends! Who would you like to start?
Well, on a good day and without her friends, Tess could be quite a nice person, but usually she was a brat that used to treat people like nothing and be a total pain in the butt, so I'm thinking that if they had of met at Beauxbatons, they would not have been friends. But Tess wouldn't really have any dislike for her now, because she knows she was a horrible person when younger. xD
Anyway, I've been lazeh, so I'll start it wherever you want. :p
Hehe. Okay. You can PM me the link when you have started something, okey dokes? :D don't rush yourself. :)
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