Oh sister Dearest where for art thou?

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Delphi King-Dixon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cap'n Criss
Well hello there my little angels.
I have dear old Philidelphia [Call her Delphi. Often called Elle or Adele. NEVER called Philidelphia] and she needs two lovely people.


Priority goes to her twin sister played by Megan Prescott. Her name is up to you but Indiana would be preferable [Nicknamed Indie.] She's a bit more of a ***** than her sister, she steals her sisters clothes, would happily flirt with a taken guy [once she's old enough] and thinks of rules as 'guidelines'. She's older and a bit more mature than Del, but still loves her little sister. The two have always shared a room and they aren't really away from each other for all that long so if they were in different houses it would be hard to tell what would happen. Neither is really dominant but when Indie wants something she always uses the 'older' line. She isn't actually a ***** but she's the more rebellious of the two atm.​
[ul] [li]They were born in Wales and go back to visit family every holiday.</LI>
[li]They moved from Wales to a place called Morningside in New Zealand when they were almost three
[li] moved again to Kaitaia two days before their third birthday.
[li] went to kindergarten
[li] met their friends
[li] started primary school [Kaingaroa]
[li] were there until very recently when their parents moved them [and two little brothers and baby sister] down here to wellington.
[li] they recieved no warning, waking up for school one day to be told to pack up.
[li] landed here in Wellington two days later
[li] Mother is Muggle Born
[li] Father is Pureblood [or as pure as possible]
[li] didn't know about magic growing up
<LI>[li] about to start first year.


The other lovely girlie I would love is Lily Loveless. Name and all that is up to you. They become friends on the train and are close. Del will have a crush on this girl at some point. It would be nice if she had one back but it's fine if not. If you really wanted to have love and cookies then you could make her Del's best friend from back home. Her name is Kenzington and they met in childcare [when they were threeish]. Del moved away just recently when she was eleven. If she knew about magic growing up then she wouldn't have told Del about it.​
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