Oh look a newbie

Ryan Porter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
better than yours
It was almost eleven o'clock at night and its was very dark, the only light was from a few street lights scattered around. It was quiet, everyone was in bed or in their house instead of being outside. Everyone knew the people who came out around here at night. It was not somewhere for the weak hearted. Ryan sat in the Poison Ater with a butterbeer in his hand. Tonight instead of being at home with Noemi and his son Ryan found himself waiting for a newly made death eater to show up as he had been asked to go with him on a job. It was nothing major or exactly dangerous, just something to see how well suited the guy was and how he acted on the job. In this line of work one must not loose his head, Ryan had learnt that even the most simple of jobs could turn out sour. He had recently worked with a more experienced death eater on a job which had led them to France, that had been a very simple job although it required some thinking and planning out to make sure it went smoothly and safely, safely for him and his partner that was they could not have been suspected by any filthy muggles. This job was just a simple package delivery, nothing which should take up too much of his precious time.

Sipping his drink Ryan looked around the bar. It was quite empty tonight although he would soon find himself in Germany to start this waste of time job. It was so simple, even a newbie could do it alone. He sighed. He would much have preferred a proper job which involved causing someone pain, they were the ones that e liked. Still it was orders and he knew better than to go against them. He would just have to hurry everything up a bit
Being out past midnight was becoming a regular occurrence for Troy Adams these days. It wasn't quite 11 yet, but Troy didn't plan on going home that early tonight. Infact, he didn't plan on going home at all. He had stuff to do, people to see. Well, it was more of meeting people than just seeing them. This whole Death Eater business was tough and Troy was beginning to wonder when he'd meet one of his colleague's. Dressing in a bright white top probably wasn't the best way of notifying someone that he was a darker character but Troy enjoyed being misleading to the general public. He was deceiving and pure evil now and using people was what Troy did best. He had done it with Maddiie, although he hadn't seen her in an age. But that just proved how long Troy hadn't been his old boring self. The evil side was much more fun.

Troy slipped into the Poison Ater and went and joined a guy at the bar. Only a particular type of person had the courage to hang around in these areas. It was a rough place and if you couldn't look after yourself, you were practically standing on death's door. Troy ordered himself some alcoholic beer before turning his neck to look at the guy next to him. Debating whether to speak or not, Troy sipped at his drink as he rested his elbows against the bar. "Alright?" He said quietly as he finally found the courage to speak.
Ryan's glass was half empty when he was joined by another guy. He did not saying anything until he was spoken too. With his reputation here not many spoke to him unless they had too, if this was Troy then he instantly had a bad feeling as he had taken so long to talk. "I take it your Troy?" He asked confirming his identity. It was a beginners mistake to start talking about a job before knowing who you were telling it to. Especially with his job, for all he knew this could be an Auror sat in front of him although he had not known many Aurors to come to this tavern. He noted the firewhiskey which he had ordered and shook his head, he had never drank before a job, he liked to have a clear head one hundred percent. Alcohol never helped when he was working. Which was why he had a Butterbeer in his hand right now instead of something else. He also noticed the brightness of his jacket, not exactly inconspicuous. It was not the objective to be seen a mile away. He sighed to himself, this guy had quite a bit to learn but then again Ryan was a perfectionist and always thought things through before doing something
Troy guessed that this guy had already been informed about him joining the Death Eaters as he spoke. He looked at him seriously as he replied. "Correct." Troy said cautiously. He had only just met this guy, he didn't want to say anything out of place, especially in this business. He could end up dead. "And you are?" Troy took another sip of his drink, he noticed that the guy has a butter-beer, he obviously didn't drink on the job. Troy wasn't usually one to drink when doing work, but it was his first official job as a Death Eater, a small drop of alcohol to settle his nerves would do him no harm. Troy didn't want to mess this up, he had already proved himself to Link as an evil guy by setting the shop on fire, but living up to the standards of a Death Eater was a whole new world. A world that Troy still needed to be accepted in if he was going to stand any chance of being respected by the other Death Eaters. Troy knew this all to well and was willing to do his best. After all, who wouldn't do their best for the mpst threatening people in the Magical Business.
"Im Ryan, the person your going to be working with. Iv been told to see how you perform and i assume you have already been told about the job yes." He said sternly, his voice a void of any emotion like usual. He didn't need to be emotional in any sense around him, Ryan did not know the guy and he had no intentions of making any new friends tonight. He was here strictly on business and this guy was just some new person who was nothing to him. "Just a package delivers, nothing major, nothing dangerous. Something even a newbie like you can do." He said with a slight smirk. Unlike Troy here Ryan had been told the whole plan, including the secret details which were only for him to know. Which was that this plan was not so safe as he was told to make out, the people on the receiving end were dangerous wizards who were told to attack when given the package. The handling of these wizards was the real test, not the sill package.
A package? Was that all they thought he was capable of doing? There must have been more to this job than Ryan was letting on. But Troy said nothing, he would act clueless, but be prepared for anything that might crop up infront of him. It was his very first job, he didn't want to act like the know it all, that would just get on people's nerves, it didn't take an experienced Death-Eater to know that. "Fine...where we delivering it too?" He asked, he had been told that there was a package, but not much else, he was still being accepted in this business, no-one was letting much onto him at the moment. It was something that was testing Troy's patience, but he would just have to get used to it if he was going to get anywhere.
Ryan finished his drinking quickly before answering the guys question. "There is a gang of people who want whats in the package. Its simply a hand off." He said briefly. He would not go in to much detail seeing as they were in a pub with other people in it. Standing up Ryan looked at Troy. "You going to sit around like an old woman all day?" He asked sarcastic as he made his way to the door. Only took a few long strides for his tall frame to reach the door so he could step out side. He leant against a wall as he waited for his partner to join him. He hoped for the guys sake he knew how to handle himself in a fight, then again it would be entertaining even if he didn't. But Ryan would have to help after all they were one of the same whether he liked it or not
Troy didn't appreciate the sarcastic comment, but nevertheless he had to respect this guy so he ignored it and followed him out of the door. He was only a few strides behind Ryan, so it didn't take him too long to catch up. Troy still didn't know what to expect of this delivery, it seemed too easy for him, like there should be something more to it. But he would soon find out. "So where's this delivery happening?" He asked, wanting to just get on with it now.
Ryan turned once out of the pub and looked at his partner. He wondered what he had done with his sorry little life before joining the death eaters. Ryan had gone about making his name known. Being a professional Quidditch player meant he was famous, to an extent to his team fans and people who followed the sport seriously. "Germany. So you better be able to apperate." He said giving him a little piece of paper which contained the location he would need to apperate too. "The location is there, il see you there." He said before apperating the the assigned destination. As his feet made contact with solid ground once more after the familiar pulling and tugging sensation of apperating Ryan took out a package from his deep jacket pocket and waited for Troy to join him
Troy had, had enough of this guys sarcastic comments. "Of course I can apperate..." He trailed off, deadly serious in his tone of voice. "In a bit." He told Ryan. Troy waited for Ryan to disappear before apperating himself, he didn't want to be the first there. He wasn't one who was going to be made a plonker of, standing there by himself for ages whilst he waited for Ryan. Waiting for Ryan to go first meant that hopefully he would already be there by the time Troy arrived. Troy felt his feet land back on the ground as he arrived in Germany. He turned to face Ryan. "So?" He asked, wondering what to do next.

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