Oh! It's you!

Phoenix Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Domino :)
Birch Wand 14 1/4"/ Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Phoenix walked down the halls of Durmstrang, looking for a familiar face. His name was Alois. They had met previously and told each otter they would be attending the same institute. She had all her books in her bag and had just had a very uncomfortable talk with one of the male professors. She was minding her own business when this boy called Ethan Cordoba disturbed her...
"Hey Phoenix." he said, slurring his words.
"Hello, Ethan." she replied very formally. This boy had a huge crush on her...and he was a year above her.
He kissed Phoenix's cheek, and Phoenix being Phoenix, she slapped him. Several laughs from his friends hit Ethan's nerve and he pushed Phoenix up against the wall, her head hitting it hard. Ethan started to harden his grip on Phoenix and Phoenix tried to push him off, hoping someone would help her.
(OOC: Hope you don't mind :p )

Jack wandered around Durmstrang, on his way to his next lesson. His thoughts were occupied on many things, and it was only when he realised that he had ben standing in the same spot for over 5 minutes, that he decided to go and find out what the hold up was. He reached the front of the crowd of about 5 people and witnessed a guy in the year below him kiss a girl and then her slap him. He raised his eyebrows, realising that he didn't normally see that sort of fiery temper in girls that much now. He stopped smirking when the guy pushed the girl up against the wall next to Jack and hold his grip harder. Jack noticed that she hit her head quite hard, and feeling a surge of anger at this boy, drew out his wand. He flicked it carelessly and a shot of red light flew out, taking the boy by surprise and the stinging jinx that Jack had conjured made him let go of the girl. He raised his eyebrows at the boy who he now recognised as Ethan Cordoba. He had had a problem with him the year before and Ethan now knew what Jack was capable of. He smirked as Ethan stepped back and Jack waited to see if any more danger would occur before he left for his lesson again.
Phoenix snuck away before anyone could notice and carried on her search for Alois. They said they would meet each other but who knows. She had only met Alous once in her home, and that meeting ended up, disturbed. She looked at the older boy who had helped her. He looked like a doosh, ad they would say in er country but here, it was idiot.
Jack sighed as the girl walked away from the scene. A thank you would have been nice. But apparently he couldn't even have that. He carried on watching her, wondering why she hadn't said thankyou for saving her from the fate that had awaited her. Sighing with frustration, he pointed his wand down the corridor at no particular target and sent some red lights down the corridor above the girls head, scaring about 10 first years. Laughing as they all drew their wand and looked for the source. He hadn't identified himself by the sparks because he had done the spell non verbally. They couldn't have done anyone any harm, but it was just funny to see people's reactions.
Phoenix watched with anger when the boy cast red sparks at her. She laughed and withdrew her wand. "Expelliarmus!" she held his wand in her hand. "Jerk." she called before shoving both wands in her bag and walking again. She would expect him to run after her for his wand but her bag had a charm on it. Only she could put her hand in it.
Adalyn was leaning against a wall watching a confrontation with a boy in her brother's year and some random girl she didn't know. She smiled as Jack came in and saved the day but was dissapointed when the girl just walked away. Following her she noticed a few red sparks come from behind them and watched as the girl turned around and used expelliarmus to take Jack's wand and continue down her path. Running infront of the girl she stopped a few feet ahead trapping her inbetween her and Jack. "Excuse me. I can't help but notice what happened back there, and it's very rude to walk away from someone when they save your life. Then to go and steal the said person's wand is even worse. Don't you know you're never suupose to take another wizard's wand while at school, it is punishable," she told the girl her face dealy as she stared down the older girl. Adalyn hoped Jack would catch up to them soon. Jack was her friend, she wasn't about to let some crazy girl steal his wand after he protected her.
Phoenix looked at this girl. "If he uses magic to scare younger kids, he doesn't deserve a wand. She pulled out his wand, throw it on the ground and stepped on it, leaving a crack in it. "Oops." she said sarcastically before pushing past the older girl.

"Don't play with fire, especially a Phoenix." she called at them.She didnt mean to be horrid but after last time she got too emotional, she burnt someone...really! Plus she promised to her uncle not to show her emotions, it was a sign of weakness.
Alois was just wandering along the vast halls of Durmstrang, his school. Actually, a lot of things had had happened over the few months that he had stayed there as a fifth year, and not all of those memories are good ones. With a sigh, he continued to just walk, not minding anyone else who had happened to greet him good day. Honestly, a lot was going on in his mind at the moment that he had no time to act nice and all.

He was just about to round up the corner when he saw a familiar face, no, scratch that, several familiar faces just near where he was standing. Adalyn Jez, a enigmatic girl that he had met before, and Phoenix Smith, a girl that he had met just by coincidence, well, there's another guy with them, and he can't quite remember where he had seen him, but he does look familiar, hopefully though, his intuition was wrong, it cannot be him, can it?

Approaching them, Alois had had noticed that they were in some sort of an argument, with Phoenix trapped in between Adalyn and the guy, and well, someone else's wand lying just under Phoenix's feet, and well, it seemed to him that Phoenix had intentionally broken that wand, and what more, she had just pushed Adalyn. Frowning, he had blocked her way, stopping her from leaving the scene. "Phoenix, what did you do?" He asked, looking at Adalyn and the guy rather than at Phoenix, he didn't really know what had actually transpired between the three, but he figured that whatever it was, it's not nice.
Jack frowned as his wand disappeared out of his hand. He hadn't been paying attention to what was going on and he hadn't expected her to fight back. Seeing a passing first year whom he knew, he whispered something to him and the boy handed over his wand without a fuss. They had met last year when Jack had gotten the boy out of trouble and now, now he owed Jack a favour and was more than happy to lend him his wand. Smiling at the boy and promising its return, he jogged over to where the scene of the crime was. He smiled at Adalyn who seemed to come to his aid and stick up for him. However, he was furious as the girl and pointed the new wand at her. Keeping his gaze on her, he picked up his wand and the new wand pointing at it now. It had a crack in it now and Jack was furious, his best wand ruined. Pointing the wand at the girl, he also disarmed her and took her wand. Using it, he conjured up a bubble around him, a shield to protect from any spell cast at him. No spell could penetrate the shield and the only one that could possibly do it, they wouldn't know in their younger years. Smirking he turned to the girl. "An eye for an eye, a wand for a wand. You can have it back, yes, but only when i get a new one." He said, his tone sneering and mocking her. He frowned as another boy arrived, one he didn't recognise. However, he had a dreading feeling that he knew who it was. He needed to talk to this boy if it was so.
Phoenix rolled her eyes when the boy took her 'wand'. "Truth be told, that's not my wand. That, Scaro, is a charmed fake wand and my real wand is where you do not need to know." she laughed at there faces. She was trying to act mean because her uncle had said if she didn't...he would......she would rather not say, but let's just say, she wasn't wearing a bandage for nothing. Her eyes squinted at Alois. "Well, I must go now. Seems my uncle has a....surprise....for me." she spoke in fluent French. Her breath tensed around the word surprise because, she would surely be needing a second bandage.

On her hard had 3 big deep cuts from what her uncle had done when she refused to tl him why she was still talking to Karl, a Beauxbatons boy. The bandage was visible, but only to those with a keen eye. She grabbed her wrist and, once again, went to mind her own business.
Jack laughed coldly at the girl who seemed to be strange. He had lived in France all his life when he hadn't been to Durmstrang and knew the language better than English. She also sounded fluent and this surprised Jack. "Right then. Oh, and next time you get yourself in trouble, i think you should say thank you to the person who saved your pathetic neck because otherwise, next time, they won't come to your aid. And you could easily get yourself hurt, especially if they decide to join in with the amusement." He said, his tone fluent as he spoke his favourite and native language. He noticed her grab her wrist and saw a bandage there. But, he wouldn't do anything to help her if she needed something, because she had been rude to him. "And you. I take it that you are Alois Eisler. Ive heard about you and we need to talk. So, go to the abandoned classroom tomorrow if you would care to." He said in English, gazing at the boy with a penetrating glare. He turned on his heel now, and swept away to his next lesson. As he was about to turn the corner, he held the girls wand in his hand. If it was a fake one, it couldn't do magic. But she had disarmed him with it. It didn't make sense. Holding it in his hand, he threw it on the floor and crushed it into a fine powder of wood with his heel. To finish it off altogether, he sent a few curses upon it so that it would never be a wand again. Smirking coldly, he entered his classroom.
Alois raised an eyebrow when he heard what it was that Phoenix had said, surely, he had met her uncle, and he's not someone whom one would want to cross path with. "Again?" He asked her in French, having already a vague idea of what might happen to the said girl. Looking at her wand now, which she had said was supposed to be fake, he cannot help but to frown, really, he was getting a tad confused.

More confusion had dawned unto him when he heard the other guy speak to him, now, his suspicions had been confirmed, it was Jack Evans, from the looks of it, and well, from his tone, he didn't seem to like him just like him. "What is it that you would want to talk about?" He inquired, calling out to him even though he had just started to leave, surely, he's not looking for any trouble, or, is he?
Phoenix SmithTurned and looked at Alois, saddened by his question. "Yep." she whispered just loud enough for him to hear. She felt again when the boy said he wanted to 'talk' to Alois. She knew whenever he wanted to talk to someone, they got hurt. "If your going to beat him up, don't even think about. Everyone knows your reputation, even if they dont know your name." she spat at him, angered. She stood by Alois. "Ypur reputation us to say you'll talk to someone, but in fact, beat them up..and Alois here, he's my friend, and if you know my reputation, anyone who hurts my friends, gets hurt themselves." Of course everyone knew Nixie's rep. She was a world-class, 7-star, CFC Champion fighter, acquired in almost all fighting skills.
Adalyn Jez glared at the girl, she was being a royal pain in the butt. First insulting Jack by taking his wand and then going and breaking it. She almost laughed when Alois approached of course the two were friends, they both were pretty strange. But she thought her and Alois were friends though she had ratted him out to Jack. Glancing at Jack when he mentioned that he wanted to talk with Alois she remembered the way he had tensed when she said Alois' name the day they had met. "Jack doesn't beat people up. He saves them from beating up, or falling, or hurting themshelves. So why don't you take your accusations somewhere else and if I see you break another person's wand you'll be reported and kicked out. Everyone knows the older classmen scare the first years, it toughens them up for the real world," she said glaring daggers at the girl she now considered to be stupid. Her mouth let all the words fly out of her mouth and she didn't even realize how much she had just said till afterward and she smirked with pride.
Phoenix Smith looked at the (what she thought) was a gothic emo. "Oh really? I don't think laughing at them 'toughens them up' and there just kids! They have plenty of time before the real world. Just give it rest." Nixie was getting angry now, and someone always got hurt when she got angry.
Adalyn let out a long breath as the girl mouthed back to her. In all honesty her words didn't make much sense to Adalyn, she knew what they were but how the girl thought that it was logical didn't. "In this world they don't! 6 year olds get murdered in our world, anything that the older students can do to help the younger ones prepare is good. And if that means shooting harmless, H. A. R. M. L. E. S. S, spells at them so they learn to Duck, so be it! Even the teacher shoot spells at students in the halls, get over it!" She told the girl almost getting the point of screaming just to get her point across. Moving her hand in lightning speed, it seemed, she slapped the girl across the face and tore the girl's bag off her shoulder where she saw her put her wand. Throwing the bag to Jack she moved a few steps back before the girl had time to retaliate. She held her wand in hand ready to use it if the girl came near her.
Phoenix laughed at the girls pathetic slap. "You are in possession of my birch wand....my worst wand..." she trailed off and pulled up her other wand, and she quickly put a charm on it so it was stuck to her hand, and it couldn't be taken off by anyone but her.
Alois was getting really confused yet frustrated at the same time, everything was just happening too fast, and honestly, he didn't understand a thing, he wasn't even sure who it was that had started the fight, yet, he knew that it should be stopped. Sighing to himself, he walked just so he'll be between the two, blocking each other's view, hopefully thought, it wouldn't intensify the already brewing fight between them. "What's wrong with you?" He asked the two, his eyebrows raised in real confusing, he hoped they'd answer, just so, everything would clear up, he didn't even know which side it is that he should take.
"Silencio!" she said, pointing her wand at the girl. Before Alois could look at her with a gaze she started: "I was walking when Ethan came and did...things and them he came and said he protected me and I snuck off, before I could do something I would forget...THEN he fired sparks at the first years and I took his wand to give to the headmaster because I find it horrid casting spells at first years. Then she came and had a go at me and then we got in this huge argument when you came." she gasped after that and rook a deep breath in. She pulled a cute ace which was irresistible but it was unrecobgisable so no one would know she was pulling it on purpose.

OOCOut of Character:

Silencio - makes the victim silent
Alois listened as Phoenix started to explain things out, her side, yet, he knew all too well that he should listen to Adalyn's side as well, so without further ado, he turned to look at Adalyn, asking her to explain her side too, hopefully though, the spell casted would wear off. "You shouldn't use spells against a student Phoenix." He said firmly, looking at Phoenix once again, he wouldn't easily fall for what was being said, he needed to see both sides after all.
Adalyn rolled her eyes at the girl easily blocking the girls spell but remained silent acting the part. She was outraged by the girl's spin on what happened. "Densaugeo," she said flicking her wand at the girl while she was still talking, distracted by Alois no less. The girl's teeth would grow now and she'd have to go to the nurse to get it all fixed. "Alois. That Ethan guy was bugging her and Jack came in and got rid of him protecting her," she said pointing to the girl, "who ran out not even saying thank you to Jack. Jack was upset and sent harmless, HARMLESS," she said glancing back to the girl a smirk on her face when she saw the enormous teeth growing, there was no countercurse for this spell, "red sparks over her head towards some first years, and you know everyone attacks everyone here. So the stupid girl takes Jack's wand and I stopped her so she 'dropped' it," she said using finger quotations, "and stepped on it breaking his wand! And then accused him of trying to hurt the first years, which I explained to her, that the sparks don't even hurt you!" She exclaimed finishing her long speech. Her brain hurt after all the work she just put into what she had to say.
OOCOut of Character:
I hope you don't mind me joining.

Dianna watched everything happen. In all honesty, this girl, Phoenix was completly in the wrong. But Dianna watched everything happen, and didn't say a word. Phoenix was being and idiot, and Dianna just wanted to punch her. when she decided to use a spell on the other girl Dianna snapped. She pulled out her wand. "Finite!" Dianna yelled, pointing her wand at the girl who was made silent. "Phoenix, your an idiot. Just to let you know." Dianna said Fluently, in Italian. "Expelliarmus!" She yelled at Phoenix, pointing her wand at her. Phoenix's wand flew into Dianna hands. She dropped it and stomped on it, breaking it in half. "Now, lets hope, you won't use spell's on other students." Dianna smirked.

OOCOut of Character:
Finite - Finishes a Spell's effect.
OOCOut of Character:
haha.. it's fine :D

Alois tried to figure out who it was that was telling the truth between Adalyn and Phoenix, surely, they had different versions of the story, and actually, it makes him kind of confuse. He knew from experience that Adalyn was blunt and way too honest for her own good, she'll say what it was that she needed to say, but even so, he wanted to give Phoenix a benefit of the doubt as well. Before he could even say something, Adalyn had had to just fire a spell against Phoenix, really, do they have to be so violent? Sighing, Alois tried to make himself think straight. "Do you really have to do that?" He asked to no one in particular, for actually, the question was directed to the two. "And phoenix, I did saw you break that guy's wand, and actually, I think that what you had done was not a good thing...a student can only have one wand at a time, and usually, the first wand that they get to have are the ones that are most suitable for them, so, don't you think that what you had done to that guy's wand was wrong?" He then added, this time, looking at Phoenix, he wanted her to understand things out, not just herself, just before he could add something else, another girl came into sight, this time, conjuring another spell against Phoenix, and well, she had had to break Phoenix's wand too. "Jeez.. what did I just said about wand breaking?" He muttered, frowning now, what's with it with them anyways? Everything was just going all too wrong.
OOCOut of Character:
Thanks :p

Dianna Shrugged. This boy did make some sense, but Phoenix was being an idiot. "I know, but she deserved it. If she wasn't an idiot maybe I would not have done it. But its just what she gets." Dianna, said, crossing her arms. "and, now She won't have to use spell's to try to hurt student's! Glorious right?" Dianna laughed. She may have been just a bit conceited at the moment feeling strong, of what she did. "Well, anyways, I agree with this girl. Thats what happened. Oh and by the way, Phoenix you should really brush your teeth!" Dianna winked at Adalyn. "Also, would you mind telling me your name?" Dianna asked this girl.
Alois sighed, really, these girls wouldn't just get it. "Even so, it's unethical to do such thing, and besides, I think that enough is enough now.." He said firmly, his voice holding authority in it as he picked up the broken pieces of Phoenix's wand. It was such a wreck then, and he knew for a fact that Phoenix was hurt by the actions around her, but he knew that she was probably a t fault too. "Learn your lessons." He said to her, being all brotherly like and so. He didn't like seeing anyone to be overly emotional, and hopefully none of these girls would be so.

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