Off the Rails

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair

This is Sara. Her relationship with Jake Simpson, who was her long-term boyfriend has fallen apart, and she's gone a bit off the rails. I'd sort of like (not sure if that word fits, but oh well. :r ) for her to go even a bit further when she leaves school, and start drinking excessively, and possibly have a few flings? By flings, she wouldn't be sleeping with them, but she'd kiss random guys at clubs, and flirt a lot. I'm planning for her to become a bit of a tease. Perhaps there could be a friend she makes, who doesn't really approve of what she's doing? (I don't know why, but in my head this friend is a guy-Sara often gets along better with guys, it's just her personality.) Also, if she got afew drinking buddies? People she hung out with. The sort her parents would probably refer to as "The wrong crowd." Anyway, I'm open to suggestions. So thanks for reading! I look forward to rping with you. :D
Clickeh. (Credits to the owner!)

I thought that this idea is perfect for my mischievous boy, Kiefer Harris. I still don't know where Kiefer will settle down after he finishes Durmstrang, so maybe we can talk about that so they won't have to travel to the other side of the globe just for both of them to meet. Kief is half Canadian and Bulgarian, so maybe he'll settle in the States? I dunnooooo.

A little about Kiefer here. This guy is adventurous, flirty around the ladies, the almost-perfect charmer, a realist and he expresses his emotions sincerely. Being a guy, Kiefer loves is in love with Quidditch and I plan to make him a professional Quidditch player one day then when he grows out of it, maybe as a journalist or something related to Quidditch.

Both of them could maybe see each other in a club and drink some, then they will have a clean conversation with some flirting. Then Sara can get tipsy and Kiefer can bring her somewhere safe (maybe in some motel) then yeah, he'll stay whilst she's sleeping then in the morning they'll sort things out. Then probably a week after they'll meet each other again unexpectedly (a cafe?) then that's where their brother-sister relationship starts. Kiefer can invite her for friendly dates then he'll notice her bad habits and yep, that's how I thought their adventurous life would begin together.
That picture. :wub:

That sounds pretty much perfect (especially seeing as I love Alex Pettyfer :p ) He seems like the kind of person Sara would get along with, and so I think he'd be great for her to be friends with. She loves Quidditch too, so that would be something to talk about.

I like the idea of Sara getting a bit drunk, and not being able to handle it. She's never really drunk much before, so it would sort of make sense. Should they perhaps meet at the Christmas holidays, or would it be better to wait until the end of the year?
I have a few options for you. ^_^

I have Faxen Lowart-Kozlova. She's close to Sara in age. She has also been going through a difficult break up recently. She is the shopkeeper for Quality Quidditch Supplies, but her true passion is music. She has been playing gigs trying to get a record deal. She has also been going out and drinking. Faxen is headstrong and stubborn, but she is also a generally nice person unless you get on her bad side. I don't know how they would go together, but I think there is potential for them to be friends.

I also have Audrey Love. She is slightly older as she is twenty-two. She is part-veela and certainly loves to party it up. She's also a musician, but she actually has a record deal. She started in Europe and her music moved to the USA. She's well-known in both of those places. I would say that her most popular songs would be known in New Zealand, but that people might not know her. I think she would be someone for Sara to party with. Maybe a friend. Audrey likes to be the center of attention, but not like she pushes her friends out of the way to be that. More like she drags them into the spotlight as well, so it would depend on how much Sara minded that. Audrey is very lively and carefree which makes her lots of fun to be around.
Sara x Kiefer - Well, screw fancy coding. Anyway, I don't know which is better but my senses say that it's best if we wait until the end of the IC year comes along. However, since I'm too excited and yeah I thought that we could perhaps make a little twist to our plot you know? I say this'll be exciting if we have this little "story" behind our plots.

What if Kiefer's dad knows Sara's dad (or mom. Whatever works for you) and the teenagers are vaguely aware that they are family friends? We can say that they met each other during a small gathering three days prior to their meeting in the club. Just to spice things up, knowing the fact that both know each other's parents and still, they try to keep their bad habits a secret. Sara won't tell Kiefer's, whilst Kiefer won't tell Sara's.

I think they can become the best of friends for two people who are of the opposite gender you know? Sara can spill the beans whenever she's irritated and so can Kiefer. Kiefer can also warn her about her health and Sara can give him so advice about girls. Also, where would you like them to meet? In New Zealand? Or in the UK? The Americas?
OMG. I'm so busy with uni but idc it's Sara. Lol.

Hey Maia! :) I can offer Yerik here as a friend, not like the one you posted but close enough. Since both are co-captains I think that the two should get along even outside the pitch and all. Perhaps they could share their interests, also both of them are in HM. So what do you think? :)
FaxenAndSara: I think they'd work, Sara loves Quidditch, and I think her and Faxen hve played each other before, so she'd remember her from school. Also, she knew Dymetris, since he dated a friend of hers years go, so she might be helpful if Faxen wants to let off steam about him. :p Sara loves music too, so maybe they could meet at one of Faxen's gigs?

SaraAndKiefer: It probably is yes, then they'll both be out of school, and I'm plnning on Sara travelling quite a bit after school finishes. Her Father brought her to New York when she was younger, and she loved it-so could they possibly meet there? Also, Sara's parents are muggles, and they work in business. Is there any way they could've met through that? Her parents have been working with wizarding folk (yes I said wizarding folk-I love that phrase.) since Sara and Kate went to Hogwarts, so maybe that could work?

SaraAndYerik: Yes! That'd be awesome. (I've actully thought that before, it's odd that they're in so much together and have never really talked. :p ) I'd love for them to be friends! Shall we start a topic?
Shall I start something in Ravenclaw Tower maybe?
Faxen and Sara: That sounds good to me! Maybe we could do this after the holiday forums open?
Faxen and Sara: Could we possibly wait until the end of the IC year? I'll be here for the very start of the IC holidays, but I'll be away from the 25th of February to the 1st of March, and I'm praying I'll have internet, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm back for good from the 2nd on-so maybe it would work? (I didn't realise there was a question about having internet, but I just asked my Mam about it, and she isn't sure if I can use my Aunt's. :unsure: )
Faxen&Sara: Yes, that should be fine!
Sara x Kiefer - I think yes, that is a great idea! New York it is! The city of lights can have a lot of parties so yep. Kiefer's dad, Stefan, works as one who coordinates with other people to sell magical artifacts... legally of course. We can say that they met in this party for pleasure because of a success of this auction or something then yeah, both of them saw each other and joined a group of teenagers their age. They could have said a few words to each other, but that's about it.

SOOOO. Since I have been thinking for the past few days I thought that maybe we could set up a place holder for Kiefer and Sara's letters to one another in the future. Sara can write something like, "Hey, can we meet in [place of choice]. I need to release some stress. [insert some kind of sarcasm here about her parents and whatever troubled her again] Don't tell your dad please." Then Kiefer can respond "Hey, what's wrong? Everything's been fine here... blah blah blah. Drinks will be on me. I won't let dad know, no worries Sara. Meet you there at 7:00 PM sharp."

But since it is a placeholder for future letters for future threads, perhaps we can indicate if the letter was sent two weeks after the latest one, or two months after the latest, or two years after the latest! The Fanfictions and Alternate Roleplay Forum can hold this thread so, you game?
Sara and Kiefer: I literally had to read that last paragraph three times, my mind isn't working today. :p Yeah! I like the idea, and plus, it sort of gives a lead up to them meeting up, and they'll know what they're meeting to talk about. (If that makes any sense.) I like the idea of them meeting at the party, so is it their Fathers who know each other yes?
Awh man, I really hate that I replied soooo late to this. :cry:

Sara x Kiefer - Yup, their fathers do know each other! Would you like to start the placeholder? And what do you think should they talk about first? Perhaps a day after their little encounter in the cafe three days after Kief brought Sara to a motel, Sara can thank him in the letter and explain her situation a little.
What do you thinkkkk?!​
Kiefer and Sara: Yeah, that sounds perfect, I'll start it this morning, because I'm heading up the country today, so I've some time now. :p
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