Of Sisters and Strangers

Beatrice watched the leaves drop off from the orange tree as she sat motionless at the Middleford Estate garden. She fumbled her red dress, brushing off the pink highlights with the back of her hand. How tedious this afternoon is! There wasn't any call from Beatrice's friends. "How could this be?!!!!" she hollered. In no doubt, no one could have heard her. With the exception of the house's servants and her parents, that is. "Or my siblings." Beatrice added to her self conversation. "Or not. They're probably out again because mother is rattling inside the mansion again. As always." She pondered about the habit she and her siblings share. It's their mother's fault, anyway. She should stop talking every once in a while. Quite suddenly, Beatrice got the urge to leave the house, too. "Oh, but you just got home from Mira's party! And you're pretty tired!" she said, talking to herself again.

All of a sudden, a servant was standing beside her. Beatrice faced her with concealed shock. Maybe Beatrice was thinking too much that she didn't even notice someone getting out of the mansion. "What is it?" she the girl who appeared to be rather scared of Beatrice. And no wonder. Beatrice was glaring at the servant with her sharp blue eyes as though the servant did something unforgivable to her. When the girl told Beatrice that Charmaine had arrived, Beatrice gestured for the girl to leave. And she did. For there was no reason why she'd stay with a bored Beatrice. "Finally! I wonder where big brother and Pierre are, though."
It was six in the morning and Charmaine was awake still wearing her nightgown, yes she woke up early and slept earlier than any other people in the mansion. As she walked to the living room, she could hear someone opening one of the doors in her house. "Who is it?" She could hear a familiar voice wondering who woke up early. She walked up to the stairs and found his father standing, wearing his tux ready to leave the mansion. She smiled and gave him a hug and a kiss as she got picked up by him. She loved him, he was so much different than her mother. Surprisingly, the little girl was asked to change into something nicer and accompany him to go out of town for several hours. Of course Charmaine was thrilled, she had never had such an honor to accompany her father working. She quickly ran to the bathroom and showered, wore a baby purple dress right after she dried herself. It took her 15 minutes to get ready and she was sure her father was pleased because she wasn't wasting his time. She quickly ran down and wore her shoes and coat, ready to leave.

After a while, Charmaine was ordered to go back home because Victor had to catch up with some work and he didn't want her to stay around and waste her time with him while she could do something even better at home. She was apparated to the mansion by an assistant of his. With a smile on her face, she walked to the front door and waited for someone to open the door. As soon as the door was opened, she could see her sister walking and started talking. "Hmmm where were you again Beatrice?" She was wearing something nice, Charmaine was sure that she just got back from somewhere, after all who wanted to be all alone locked up in the mansion with the mother of theirs.
Beatrice grinned when she saw her sister coming. "I was with Mira! She had this very pretty party! And there were so many clowns! It's so unfortunate that you weren't there. How about you, Charmaine? Where were you this morning?" When Beatrice woke up, her sister wasn't in the mansion anymore. It wasn't odd, considering their habit, but it was the first time that Charmaine didn't tell Beatrice where she was going. Beatrice got a little worried and all. But now that her sister's home, she forgot all about her frustration and was clearly excited to tell Charmaine about Mira's party. "I looked better than her, though! She was wearing this pale dress and... well... it was too simple for a birthday girl."

The grandfather clock resounded, a signal that it was already 5 in the afternoon. Beatrice looked at her watch, making sure of the time. Pierre isn't home yet. Forget about Laurent, he's old enough to take care of himself. But Pierre was only 8. Maybe their father took him somewhere? "Are we supposed to go inside? Mother's still there, though. I don't want to hear her voice yet." she said, giving a rueful smile.
Charmaine had completely forgotten about Mira who was throwing a birthday. She felt bad for not being able to attend the party, but she had a pretty good reason or in this case, excuse. "I was with father, he was about to leave work at six this morning and I had the honor to accompany him working" She said smiling probably showing off a little? Probably not, she was just too excited since this was her first time accompanying her father working. "Beatrice" She looked at her as an eyebrow of her rose. "Honestly, when will you stop making other people your rivals?" Honestly Charmaine never really care if she looked much better than other people, she had no interest in competitions anyway. She didn't care, but Beatrice was the contrast of her. But both loved each other and took care of each other.

Being around their mother wasn't what Charmaine wanted, she wished that she was working or something so that she wont have to be around them and start lecturing on them. "I... Well... What else can we do? I'd cling around Laurent if he's here sadly we're on our own" She giggled taking her sister's hand gently and started walking to the second floor. "Is the party over? I feel bad for not being able to attend her party. I've forgotten that the party is today, but then refusing father is just... Pathetic" Charmaine loved being around her father more than any other people beside her twin. She was her father's little girl and she loved it.
So it was their father. It is unfortunate in Beatrice's part that she wasn't able to be with him this morning. It's because she wakes up too late! "How wonderful! I wish I were there!" she told her twin, clapping her hands once, showing how happy she was with the news. Beatrice only snorted when Charmaine started talking about her making other people her rivals. "I'm not making them my rivals. I respect them in every manner you could think of. I was just... comparing?" She smirked. "Surely it's not that dangerous to compare people."

Beatrice was actually going to invite Charmaine to go out of the estate. But then Beatrice's twin had started to pull her inside the mansion. Too late. "Oh, but I thought you would rather be with father than with anyone else. Why'd you say he's pathetic?" she asked, curious but not at all angry. Sometimes, Beatrice just can't tell what her twin's thinking. "I would want to accompany him in anywhere he would take me."
Little Charmaine rolled her eyes as she heard her sister explaining herself to her. "Of course Beatrice, of course" She said sarcastically and opened the door which would lead them to her room. "And how many time have you compare yourself to her?" She smiled and looked at her sister with her eyebrow's level higher than usual. She giggled and walked toward her wardrobe getting a more comfortable outfit. Unlike Beatrice who'd rather be away from home, Charmaine loved being at home, she loved being in her room except if her mother came and started to lecture her.

It seemed that Beatrice misunderstood Charmaine. The blue eyed girl shooked her head "No that's not what I meant" She said as she took off her coat and hung it and changed into a simple white dress which was much comfortable than the one before. She clean herself before wearing the outfit and continued talking "I mean I can't refuse father. I'd rather be with him than Mira's party. I mean well father rarely have time lately" She said frowning hoping that her father would be there for them but he had been so busy lately and she couldn't blame him. She put on the dress and took a white hairband and place it on her head. "I bought it this morning" She said showing the hairband of hers.
Beatrice laughed at Charmaine's sarcasm. "Charmaine, Charmaine. Always correcting me whenever she can even though there's nothing to be corrected. Now let's leave this talk about Mira. It's getting confusing." Beatrice followed patiently as the twins entered Charmaine's room. It was never Beatrice's idea of 'comfortable'. It was too spacious for her likeness, unlike her room which was filled with clothes and books. And mirrors, of course. "This room is too cozy, don't you think, Charmaine? You'd surely miss this when we go to Hogwarts because it's all dungeons and bricks there." Beatrice laughed.

She nodded indifferently as Charmaine explained what she really meant when she said their father was pathetic. It was't big a deal for Beatrice because she doesn't really care much about the family. They're alive and well. That's simply how it is. "A pretty dress," Beatrice commented when Charmaine changed clothes. "I think this is the only thing we have in common, aside from our face. Sense of style." she added with a grin. And it was true. The twins are so different in personality that if they weren't identical, people wouldn't guess that they were siblings. Just close friends, maybe. "Hey, do you know where big brother went?" Laurent had been away far too long. At first it was only for hours. Now it was for days. And Beatrice couldn't hide the fact the she missed him. Besides, she and Laurent were the closest before. They had this meanness that neither Charmaine nor Pierre could have had.
What Beatrice said about Charmaine was true, she did try to act as if she was the best and correct other people even though they were doing nothing wrong. However, the girl was very friendly and she didn't dare to correct and offend other people than her own siblings. "Of course I will, that's why dear sister" She paused as she tried to reach the switch and turned off the lights of the bathroom. "I'm considering on not going to Hogwarts but then again, I don't want to be around mother who will lecture me whenever she can" She smiled as she walked out of the bathroom and combed her hair.

Fashion and style was an international language for Charmaine. At least she didn't have to argue with her sister when they were shopping. "I know" She said and giggled after being complimented by her sister. "I've no idea Beatrice, I've been spending my precious time all by myself lately instead of clinging around him" Not that Charmaine hated or dislike her brother but she just loved having her time all to herself as much as she loved being around her father. "And we've been spending our time together so how on earth should I know where he is if I'm always with you, or at least by myself" Laurent was a pretty cool brother but sometimes he was just too much. "I dislike seeing him wrapping his arms around different girls. I do not respect that at all" Charmaine was a loyal type of girl, she dislike seeing casanovas. But again it was also their mother's fault, if she acted normally then the kids shouldn't be acting like this.
Beatrice gasped when Charmaine said that she was planning not to attend Hogwarts. She, on the other hand, was really excited to attend the school. "Where on earth are you going to study, then, if not at Hogwarts? Durmstrang? Oh, please!" Beatrice spat. She didn't mean it as a mockery, though the thought was really hilarious. The popular Miss Charming enrolling at a renown school because of gossips about dark magic. "And yes. Go to Hogwarts and accompany me there, my dear sister." she said with a grin. The thought of going to Hogwarts alone made Beatrice shiver. She hated being alone. It became some sort of a phobia to her, though not that severe yet.

When her sister said she didn't know where Laurent was, Beatrice couldn't hide her disappointment. But she quickly laughed when Charmaine said something about their brother wrapping his arms around different girls. "You might find it weird if I say this, Charmaine. But I want to be like big brother." she said this with her usual grin. "Big brother is so carefree, unlike mother or father. I want a life just like that. And he isn't the type who's going bitter about love life. I may not understand it that much yet, but I know I will never cry for a boy."
Charmaine rolled her eyes after hearing the word Durmstrang. "Of course not Beatrice, I dislike that school. But Beauxbaton wont be a bad idea and I'll get myself a cute veela" She winked and giggled, of course she was joking, first of all why on earth would she want to be away from her sister? And secondly, she had no interest in the opposite sex yet. She was a little young to be in a relationship anyway and she was scared having a broken heart, she could never imagine crying because of a broken heart.

Unlike Beatrice who was tough, Charmaine was fragile. She was sensitive and very kind, she reflect her father and was influenced by him. "I don't know Beatrice, I refuse being in a relationship with a boy for a day and then another one a day after." She said as she put the comb down and sat on her bed, getting the pink nail polish and put it on her nails. "I'd rather not grow up being a player, I don't like hurting other people's feeling" Sometimes Charmaine was too nice she would let other people hurt her feelings but she didn't dare to hurt theirs.
OOCOut of Character:
In this time setting, does Hogwarts Scotland still exist? :p Sorry, I'm kinda new, so... :)

Beatrice also thought that Beauxbaton wouldn't be boring. Since student there look all... decent. But Hogwarts was still her best choice. What a shame, though, that they weren't going to Scotland. But Beatrice believes that New Zealand would somehow be bearable. As long as this sister of hers would not attend another school. "Aren't veelas supposed to be girls?" Beatrice was never a fan of reading lecture books. That's why she has little knowledge concerning things about the magical world. Especially since it was their mother who was teaching her. Beatrice didn't listen most of the time. "We'd grow up and change, Charmaine. Three or five years from now, I might see you dating different people, too, like big brother."

Beatrice lied down on Charmaine's bed and closed her eyes. She could smell the perfume their father really liked. He ordered all the servants to at least spray it in every room everyday so as he can smell it. "I smell father everywhere! Even though he's not always here. I hate this perfume. It's making the surrounding so... surreal." Beatrice grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it just to stop herself from smelling the perfume.

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