Nowhere else to turn.

Jessi Emmeton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Summer has stolen :P
Jessi knocked on the door of the house belonging to his cousin Teddy. He stood and waited with his other cousin Alfie, the boy who was more like a brother to him. He had brought a bag of things with him, most of which he'd had to borrow of Alfie as the only things he now owned for himself was his wand, his guitar, his phone and the clothes on his back. Jessi's face was void of any facial expression except for the red rims around his eyes that gave away what he was truly feeling. The scene of his burnt down house, people crowded outside giving there apologies and saying there was nothing that could be or could've been done, simmered in the front of his mind.

He stood and waited at the door hoping Teddy and his family were in an ok position to take them in. He hadn't seen Teddy in year's, neither had Alfie as far as he was aware but they had been on good terms when they had last met up. Jessi wanted so badly for Teddy's family to accept them and take them in, he didn't know what he would do next if they didn't. Maybe Alfie will have a better idea, he's the more rational one, Jessi thought.
Alfie was waiting just behind Jessi as he knocked on their cousins front door. He had a small bag of things thrown over his shoulder along with his guitar. He was holding Jessi's guitar in one hand and the other hand was clenched into a tight fist. Tear's welled in his eyes but he used all the will he had to stop them from spilling over. Alfie was full of anger and felt he was about to explode. He had just lost his family, and so had Jessi, Jessi had also lost his house. Alfie tried hard to understand why it had to happen but couldn't, it made him more frustrated that he couldn't understand. He found it hard to stop himself venting his emotion on all the sorry people that crowded Jessi's house.

Hurry up, he thought as he waited for someone to answer and let them in even if it was only for a short while before they had to move on, find somewhere else to live. He knew it would be foster care if it wasn't here, and he didn't want that. He hoped and hoped that they would be taken in here. Their cousin couldn't....wouldn't turn them away, surely? Not now. Even though the three hadn't seen each other in a long while they were still on good terms....weren't they? He really wished they were. It would be really bad timing for them not to be.
Teddy looked up from the chaos that was feeding time for the midgets when there was a knock on the door. He had an Oscar in one hand, an Olivia throwing a paddy in her chair and a hungry Tracey waiting for her dinner. He sighed and turned to his sister pleadingly. "Trace, can you please get the door?" He could tell what she was about to ask and answered before she had the chance to. "If you don't know them or like them say we're about to go out or something."

Teddy had been trying to handle the house since Kevin's tragic passing. He had dealt with it, grown up, and become the responsible adult in the family since their actual guardian was drinking herself into a slumber most of the time. He managed to put Oscar down without him crying for long enough to calm down Olivia and get Tracey's food out of the oven when he heard a girly squeal that could only come from one person.

Teddy didn't know what to do, on the one hand he had two infants here that he couldn't leave alone. On the other, however, his sister was squealing and he couldn't tell if it was happy or scared, she made the same sound either way. He turned and grabbed Stacy's wand (the only way he could do magic without the ministry turning up) and cast a small bubble shield around the children, protecting them if they fell over or something. "Be right back. " He smiled when Olivia showed her toothy grin.

Teddy made his way down the corridor and looked over in time to see his sister pounce on one of the boys at the door. As he got closer he recognised them and, for the first time in a while, a genuine grin passed onto his face. "Alf, Jessi?" He was so happy to see his cousins that it took a while for their appearance to click. They were at his door with their stuff, red rings around their eyes and looking not themselves, like he had been months earlier. "What happened?"

Teddy gestured for them to enter the house, smiling when Tracey grabbed both of their hands and dragged them to the kitchen. The brunette boy undid the charm on the infants and began to feed Oscar his formula before turning to the other boys. "Well?" The last time Teddy had seen his cousins was back when they thought Tracey was a muggle and Stacy wasn't even in the picture. They would have no idea who Olivia and Oscar were, or Stacy if she got up at some point.
The door opened and a squeal was the only warning Jessi got before being pounced on by a small blonde child. It was Tracey. He caught her, hugged her and put her down just as Teddy turned up at the door. He returned his cousins grin with a weak smile of his own, " Hey Teddy, it is us." Then they were asked what had happened and the whisper of a smile faded completely and Jessi had to look away. Tracey grabbed his hand and Alfie's dragging them both into the house then on into the kitchen.

Now Jessi couldn't hold back an explanation of why the two boys were here any longer. He glanced at Alfie before turning back to Teddy and taking a deep breathe. He let his breathe out slowly before starting. "I don't know how i can put this, or break it to you lightly. There was a house fire at my house. The whole thing has burnt to the ground." Jessi paused, he didn't know if he could continue. Tears flowed down Jessi's face uncontrollably and after a a pause that seemed to go on forever he started once again. "Everyone has g-gone. We are the only ones left."

Jessi hoped his brief explanation would be enough. He wasn't ready yet to be able to say anything much more yet. As the tears continued to flow even more aggressively now and turned away from everyone and looked at the ceiling trying to calm himself down. He wondered how Alfie was going to act, what he would do, as all the way to Teddy's he had looked as if he was going to explode in a fit of rage. With a number of small children who he assumed were Teddy's siblings, he hoped that the outburst wouldn't happen now, having never seen Alfie's anger he didn't want to experience a grief fuelled rage now.
Teddy's heart stopped for a second. He took a breath to calm himself, something he did a lot more often now he was around the children almost twenty four seven. "Wait here a second." He turned to Tracey who was looking at him confused. "Honey, I need you to do me a favour. Can you take Olivia upstairs to your room and help her get ready for bed. Remember not to wake up mummy. You can take your food up with you" He watched as the small girl smiled and then handle Olivia like a pro, technically she was now. She held the other girls hand on one side and with the other she managed to balance two plates. The nine year old was too mature for her age in Teddy's opinion but there wasn't anything he could do about that.

Teddy held Oscar and sat down in his seat, rocking the small boy back and forth while rubbing his back. It wouldn't be long before the boy burped and then could go to bed. "Do you guys need to stay here? We have a spare room if you don't mind sharing." He couldn't ask them to leave. They were his cousins and, apparently, the only other family he had left that didn't live in this house. He heard Oscar burp and smiled slightly. "Good boy." He swung him up in the air as he stood, listening to the baby's laugh, and placed him in the cot at the side of the room. There was a cot in every room of the house except Stacy's so that Teddy had the baby with him at all times. He had taught Tracey a variety of shield charms so he trusted her and Olivia around the house but Oscar couldn't defend himself.

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