Open Not What I Was Expecting

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Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Leonardo wasn't sure what he'd expected halloween to be at this school, but this was not it. He'd turned up in his uniform, full robes, buttoned up shirt, believing that he was to attend a formal samhain dinner and it would be all very polite. He realised very quickly that this was not the case, this was not what the event had in mind. People were in costumes, there were snacks, dancing a fun house, popping for apples. He frowned at what he saw in front of him. Was this how people celebrated halloween or was he just at some kids event. But in the crowd he could spot older kids. No, this was the halloween festivities. Leo was surprised, left standing at the entrance to the hall, trying to figure out if this was even worth sticking around for or not.
Sky wouldn't exactly say that she had dressed up for Halloween. or maybe she had dressed up as herself. she had thought that Halloween would be a party but with a lack of a costume, she had put on her clothes, the clothes that had been pushed to the back of her wardrobe since she had arrived at the school. the clothes that made her feel most comfortable. she headed down to the great hall. and peered looking into the room. sometimes she loved magic. she looked around as ghosts and ballet dancers and rockstars passed her by in wonder at how people made their costumes half vanish. she noticed one other person paused at the entrance like her, and like her he didn't look like he was in a costume, or maybe he was, some formal gentleman from a gook or story, or maybe he was waiting for someone who would make the costume make sense. but unlike her his expression was one of shock not awe. "Hello leonado. you look like you have seen a ghost." she said as a well-timed couple of people dressed as ghosts complete with some spell to make them translucent where their dresses hit the floor walked past.
Leonardo looked up as he heard someone speak. He looked at the girl in front of him. She seemed vaguely familiar, but he wasn't sure what her name was was. "I don't think there are any ghosts here," Leo told her with a little frown. That would've made the event better, ghosts were a real thing in this world and would've been interesting to learn about when they were at their strongest. He looked at the girl and at what she was wearing. "Are you dressed up...or...," he asked.
Sky looked at the boy when he said that there were no ghosts here 'Oh, I thought I heard that there were house ghosts, or maybe there aren't. but ghosts are real" she said she had met one when she was younger. she had visited it a few times when she had been younger. a secret friend one summer when she didn't have many friends.
when asked if she was dressed up she bit her lip slightly. "I didn't realise there would be a costume party and didn't have anything. so I just wore some of my clothes from home. maybe I am dressed up as me" she said. "did you have a costume or..." she trailed off. not sure how to end the sentence.

(does sky have a friend who is a ghost? of course sky has a friend who is a ghost.)
Leonardo frowned at her, "I know ghosts are real," he assured her, since while he'd never met any, he knew they were real. his grandfather had taught him about the house ghosts of the other school, and he was sure that there were ghosts in this school too. The hufflepuff nodded with what she said, it was a little like him. "No. I thought...this would a dinner or something....," he said. "Celebrating like's.....a little," he didn't finish the sentence, he just didn't know how halloween was celebrated, with his grandfather it was a somber affair to reflect on the dead, on the darkness of the holiday and in part he knew it was a remembrance of the end of the first war. But this was more muggle...more childish than he was used to.."Childish," Leo finished with a serious tone.
Sky listned as Leonardo said that he knew that ghosts were real. she was glad that she wouldn't have to explain theimselded
When leonado said that he had expected there to be a meal or something she nodded. she usually spent Halloween with her dad. they would watch a movie and eat take away food and liquorice. but if he was away with work she spent it with her mum, when she often visited auntie rosie and both very different ways to celebrate than each other bt both fun in their own way. had been to celebrations a couple of times when she ad been younger. ithad been fun. but it was also different here. back at home this time of year was the start of winter with the hour changing to make the sun set at three instead of four but here they were heading into spring and towards a summer that actually had darkness and away from a winter that had light. it was weird and backwards. "Thre is a food table over there. did you want to come and eat dinner with me? she asked. some company would be nice and he was good to be around.
Leonardo considered what she said, he looked to where she was motioning to and after a beat of silence nodded. "Okay, let's have dinner," he said. It would be more in keeping with how he had thought this event might go, and he liked this girl, she was a bit odd but that didn't bother him. "What's your name again?" he asked, feeling a little awkward but having forgotten what she'd introduced herself as the first time they'd met. Leo was already half moving towards where she'd motioned to as he asked it too, hoping to get them sat down and the event actually happening for them and he could stop watching the nonsense that surrounded them.
Niamh was glad that Leonardo had agreed to have dinner. he was cool. a little formal at times, like most of the time. but not as intense as her other friends. molly was great but only in small doses. when he asked her her name she smiled. her name was confusing. she had three though she only used two of them "My name is harmony which I hate. it isn't a bad name but it doesn't feel like me. so I go by my middle name Niamh or by the name I chose sky" she said. she usually thought of herself as sky but used Niamh too. they had reached the table and she passed him a plate looking at the spread of food and started serving herself. "So Leo where are you from?" she asked.
Leonardo couldn't imagine hating his name so much he went to the middle name. Perhaps because Leonardo was a fine name, and people could call him Leo and his middle name was Sebastian and that wasn't much better than Leonardo. He wanted to call her Harmony as that was her name, but knew if she wanted to go by something else he should respect it. "Niamh," he repeated. Leonardo took a plate as she handed it to him and then looked at the food. It felt a little....wrong to fill his plate up and then sit down but perhaps this was just how these magical people did it. "I live on the outskirts of Brightstone," he told her. Though he hadn't been born in New Zealand, that wasn't really the question. "What about you?" he returned.
Niamh loaded some roast pumpkin onto her plate as well as carrots that were cut to look like fingers and a couple of liquorice wands. "Brightstone, that is the city just down the street where we were allowed to go last weekend" she said. before she added a half baked potato with a skull on the top and some stew on her plate. listening as the boy described that he lived in brightstone. "I come from Norge I mean Norway" she said quickly remembering that the English name for her country was not the same as her name for her country. "But my family moved to Dunedin last year as my dad got a job there" she said. adding a little quiche that looked like a coffin.

(edit, changing the food as i realised that sky would likely be vegetarian)
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Leonardo took some food and put it on his plate, he was modest in his choices, not taking a lot and ensuring that he could still hold the plate with ease. Overtaking the food wouldn't be a problem, but being greedy was wrong. "Yes," he said in response to where Brightstone was was. He nodded too at her explaining she was from Norway. "Skal," he said, knowing that was cheers and though they were still picking food he thought it was a way to show he knew where she was from. He looked back over the food and his plate and stepped a little away deciding he had enough. "Did you speak English before you moved?" he asked, only noting that her english was good for someone who'd moved only a year before.
sky chuckled as Leonardo said skal. "du kan norsk. Skal" she said picking up a cauldron cake and deciding that she had enough food for now. she noticed how careful he was with picking his food. being deliberate with his portions and loading them neatly onto his plate. "Do you want a drink?" she asked looking at the big bowl of punch. it looked nice. at his next question, she bit her lip slightly. she had grown up speaking both Norwegian and English and while technically she was bilingual she certainly felt more comfortable in Norwegian, especially to people her own age. and she was a little worried that she had messed up putting the wrong word into a sentence or not paying attention and speaking a whole sentence without realising it. "Yes. my mamma mainly speaks English and we learn it early in school. I also learn german at school and some Irish" she said. as she waited for him to finish getting his food before finding a table.

((you know norwegian, Cheers)
Leonardo felt immediately awkward as the girl spoke a little norwegian and then returned his cheers. He wasn't sure he'd been expecting her to say much back apart from that. "Oh no, all I know is like skal, and bra," he knew a few other words but he didn't know how to form a sentence. He nodded at the question, before helping himself to a drink, they were able to find a table. He motioned to an empty spot with two chairs, a little away from the festivities where they could keep speaking and spending time. She explained the languages she had learnt, thinking the inclusion of Irish in her education was a bit odd, but then again he'd spent his language classes at home doing Latin. "I can read and write in Latin, but that's about the only other language I can do," he said with a little shrug, as he headed towards the table for them to sit at.
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