Not That Dangerous

Amy Rosemary

mother of 3 • dept. of int. magical co-operation
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual (Matthew)
Knotted 14 1/2" Chestnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
9/2027 (27)
Amy Rosemary loved everything about this place, Hogwarts in New Zealand of all places, her brother and herself had made a plan to meet in different places around the castle if they ever needed to find each other for whatever reason. It would've been often, had she not made friends so soon and she hoped her twin had too. He was a natural at making friends. The girl shook her head to clear it; she focused on what she needed to do today. She had nothing. Wonderful. She could think about anywhere she wanted to go exploring, maybe taking her mind off things would help. Her thoughts were on home and family way too often than she would want them to be. Even on her twin who was here with her. She was in New Zealand, not England, she had no way of getting there - not that she really wanted to leave now. Not until the summer anyway.

Amy had been wanting to do something all day and had no idea what, until something popped into her head. There it was, it could get her thoughts away from the UK. She smiled at herself. Making her way through the castle and the grounds, until finally reaching the Forbidden Forest, she noticed that there were a couple of other students already there, including her brother. She waved at him. Huh, guess the forest wasn't that dangerous if so many people came here. Of course Amy assumed they all went here without the professors' knowledge. After meeting Orwell, an older Ravenclaw student who was promoting a club, Amy had been wanting to come to the forest for a while. And now she was here. She smiled, despite the forest having been called 'forbidden'. That would only make a student want to enter even more until eventually they did - like she just had. Amy walked away from the students until finally being alone. She spread her arms wide and looked up, breathing in the fresh air. She definitely had a favourite place besides England now. A second home. She liked the sound of that. She stopped; glanced around. There were a couple of rocks nearby and Amy started skipping on them, before she got distracted and slipped. Her feet made way under her and she landed on her back. "Ouch," she muttered, sighing. Looking at her hands, she could see that they had a few small cuts and she had a bruise on her left arm. "Thanks for that, Amy. Look what you've done to yourself. Now I'll have to explain to Daniel what I did." She closed her eyes for a moment ignoring the throbbing pain on her hands and arms. She didn't even notice the figure who was making their way towards her. The girl didn't bother getting up, what was the point now really? The fall had made her lose her fascination of the forest, she wasn't as open-minded about exploring it now as she was moments before. Amy was more wary about what the Forbidden Forest had in store for the poor girl after the unexpected fall.
Christian Marshall was glad to have finally begun his years at Hogwarts. The boy had to admit that he had been terribly nervous when he had made his way into the Great Hall together with the other first years, having to stand quietly at the front of the hall untill his name was called and he would be sorted. The fact that he had spotted his sister in the crowd of students had made most of his nervous disappear and when he had heard the Hat call out Gryffindor they disappeared completely. Christian was glad he got to be a Gryffindor for the next seven years of his life, it was the house he had hoped to be placed in, however he wouldn't be mad if the Hat had placed him in Hufflepuff either. Ravenclaw or Slytherin however weren't Houses he'd see himself in, but the fact that it often happened people got sorted into a House they didn't expct themselves to be in was one of the things that had made him as nervous as he was.

Luckily for Christian all of that was over and classes hadn't started yet, which gave the eleven year old the perfect oppertunity to explore the castle and its grounds now he had the time for it. This particular day he decided to go outside and for some reason there was one thing that caught his attention the most, the forbidden forrest. The fact that there seemed to be multiple students wandering around close to the forrest made Christian wonder if the rules concerning the forrest being off limits to students were handled as strictly as they should be. Not paying a lot of attention to it himself the boy had already made his way towards the forrest and was now made his way around the trees. The forrest was quiet and he could understand why people might find it scary. Taking another few steps into the forrest Christian suddenly noticed a figure close to the ground. For a moment the boy stopped in his tracks, but after a few seconds he started to see that the figure was shaped like a person so he decided to walk towards them. Being only a few steps away he noticed that it was a girl around his age, she was sitting on the ground but it didn't seem like she was enjoying her time down there. "That doesn't seem like a very comfortable spot to sit down," The boy looked at her sticking out his hand, hoping that she would accept his offer to help her so he wouldn't be embarrassed. "Are you okay?"
Amy could've seen this coming. She knew she would have fallen, and yet being the adventurous person she was decided to skip on the rocks anyway. If only her brother was here then this probably wouldn't have happened. In any case, if he were and Amy did happen to fall, it's not like it would've really made a difference. None of them knew any spells, at least not yet, and especially not a healing one. She hoped that they'd learn useful spells very soon in her Hogwarts education. It would come in handy if she had to fall over rocks - or something equally as painful - and no older student was around to help. Luckily there were other students around; the only problem was that Amy hated attention, and if she asked for someone to help her she'd probably attract it which was something she was not in the mood for. She sighed, and heard footsteps behind her, this time she was sure someone was there. She wasn't alone.

She turned around rather quickly and almost gaped at the boy who had just spoken to her. Almost gaped, thankfully her mind was working. The boy didn't look ugly at all. In fact Amy thought he had the potential of being quite good-looking when he grew up... her thoughts were interrupted when he told her that the position she was in didn't look comfortable. It really wasn't, that she agreed on wholeheartedly. She swallowed and sent a small smile his way. "It isn't, not really," she replied honestly. When he offered a hand, she took it gratefully and as she stood up she winced. She would get bruises on her knee and calf soon enough, maybe on her whole leg if she wasn't careful. She could feel it. It was painful, Amy had to admit. "I'm fine," she lied unconvincingly. Amy had never been good at lying; she wouldn't blame him if he didn't believe her. She was possibly one of the worst - if not the worst - liar in the entire world. "I sort of...fell," she explained, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. By the colour of his robes she noticed he was in Gryffindor. She felt a wave of relief. She liked Gryffindor House along with her own. She felt another rush of pain, on her arm this time. "Ouch," she muttered though he could probably hear her. She definitely didn't convince him she was fine; on this she was positive.
Christian smiled as she replied to his question and he easily helped her to get back on her feet. Once she was up however he noticed her wince and a small frown crept upon the eleven year olds face. The girl told him she was fine and he slighly shook his head. She didn't look fine. She winced, she looked like she was in pain and she semed to be quite a bad liar. She was definetely not fine. "I don't think you are." The boy simply said, before she started to explain to him that she had fallen and that explained why she had been down on the ground. "Did you hit the ground hard?" As soon as the words left his mouth Christian felt like hitting himself for asking a stupid question like that. He wasn't sure what he should've asked, but he was pretty sure of the fact that anything would've sounded better than what he just said. The boy looked up when the girl muttered something and his frown started to change to a more worried face. "Are you in a lot of pain? I mean, where does it hurt? Can I help?" Christian rambled on before realizing what he was doing and shutting his mouth almost immediately after. The boy shrugged it off however, he meant it well and he figured she'd understand that too. He just wanted to help.​
Professor Justin Cliffeton was doing a routine walkthrough of the Hogwarts Grounds, the first stop of which was always the Forbidden Forest for him, he knew that anyone who found their way in there could instantly get into a dangerous situation; it was extremely dangerous inside the forest, and he made it his mission to make sure that nobody would ever find themselves inside there and hurt. As he approached the forest he heard some voices from inside, and ran to find out what the heck was going on. One of them seemed to be hurt and he went to check on her first, "Is everything alright?" He asked, when she confirmed that she was okay, he quickly turned to the other person, "What in the hell do you two think you're doing out here? This place is forbidden for a reason and you're lucky that this is all that happened to your friend." He said, furious. "You will both be coming with me to your heads of houses, and since there isn't a Hufflepuff Head right now, you're going straight to Professor King." He said, an annoyed look on his face. Why couldn't people just stay where they were meant to be?
Amy smiled faintly at the boy's concern for her, she didn't mind it at all, of course and she replied with a simple "Yeah, I'm a little hurt but I'll be okay, I didn't hit the ground too hard, although I did end up on the rocks and my arm hurts just a bit. I don't think you can do anything to help me right now, first years can't usually heal others - if you are of course a first year. I do appreciate the help and concern though," she smiled at the Gryffindor boy. "I'm Amy by the way." She didn't really want to worry him even more by telling him she was in quite some pain on her knee and hands, she thought it wouldn't be any good for anyone. Amy also assumed he was a first year, she didn't really think about what she had said; he did look eleven years old - her own age. Before she could say any more careless words, a voice sounded behind them, this time a deeper and older voice than what she'd heard earlier. She turned around to be met face to face with a...professor. Professor? Oh now we've done it. The Hufflepuff girl stole a quick glance at the other student. More like I've done it this time. She nodded when he asked if everything was alright since it wasn't anything too bad. "Sorry professor, it wasn't his fault, it was all me," she spoke quickly before her new friend could interrupt her. "I was curious so I came to the forest to look around but I didn't realise that I would slip and fall on these rocks, thankfully if he didn't come in time to help me up I probably would've still been sitting on the ground."

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