Open Not So Bad

Zerrin Fergusson

Soft- Quiet- Dorm Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
17 (2/24/2046)
Zerrin was still recovering from splinching in apparition- he'd been bandaged and wrapped and left to rest. He just hoped Fraser didn't hear about it- he didn't want his brother to worry. Zerrin was sitting in one of the beds, leaning back against the wall and just resting. He'd lost a good bit of blood, and he'd have some wicked scars, but he was all in one piece. More or less. He was dozing a bit, comfortable under the blanket. He hadn't been in the hospital wing before, and he didn't want to make it a recurring thing, but he was glad it was nice. Hurt people deserved this bit of comfort, he mused. He'd have to make sure to volunteer to help out here when he could.
Fraser had of course heard about what had happened in the Apparation class, he wasn't in it, but he had friends in sixth year and had immediately set off to go sit with him in the hospital wing. He had plenty of things he needed to be getting on with, but Fraser knew there was nothing more important than family. he had stopped by the gardens to pick some of Zerrin's flowers, and haphazardly made a card before coming to the hospital wing. He spotted him immediately and headed out. "Hey," he greeted, his tone tinged with worry. "You okay?"
Zerrin was half awake, shifting a little when he heard a familiar voice. "Mnf," He grumbled, stretching a little- the act jolted him awake and he let out a sharp cry of pain, jerking automatically. That hurt too, and he froze, stiff, breathing through his scrunched nose. "Ow," He complained, slowly peeking open one eye to look at Fraser. "Hey, Fray... I was hoping you wouldn't hear about this," He teased lightly.
Fraser gave a concerned frown as he heard Zerrin cry out in pain. he stepped forward and then gave a little smile when Zerrin looked at him. "Of course I heard about it," he told him. He had enough friends and connections in Zerrin's year that of course he had heard about it. "I brought you these!" he said, holding out the flowers he'd brought. "How are you feeling?"
It was hard to tell time as a ghost, not to mention that Evan was already old to begin with before he ended up as an observer of sorts to these younglings wandering the walls of Hogwarts. It was a different time he knew, but it was always curious to see how children were prone to injuring themselves. He floated up from the floor, intent on conversing with one of the nurses when he heard a cry which made him change directions to an occupied bed. "Are you in pain child?" he says as he stops beside the bed, leaning down to examine the boy's injury - perhaps a little too closely but it was hard to tell the distance sometimes. "Splinching I see, let's find you a potion to relieve some of that pain," he says as he floats over to where the potions are kept, passing through the two boys. Incorporeality has its convenience.
Zerrin smiled at Fraser- he barely had time to register what his brother said though, before a ghost had appeared, declared he'd helped, and then floated through him. He shuddered, feeling cold, and looked back to Fraser. He gave a slightly shakier smile. "Thank you, Fray," He moved gently, setting the flowers on the bedside table and looking at the card. He smiled again, a bit wider. "This is really sweet. I didn't want you to find out, really, I didn't want you to worry," He held out his hand. "But I'm glad you're here.
Fraser shivered when the ghost went through him. He smiled at his brother and just shrugged. "Well, I was going to," Fraser reminded him. Because there was nothing like school gossip to quickly go through every person to get to him. He didn't say he would've rathered find out from Zerrin than someone else. "Well, I'm just glad your okay," he told him as he took his brother's hand. "Do you think you'll try to still try the apparition exam?"

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