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Naveen Khatri

professional worrier 🌿proceed with caution
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
10/2049 (12)
Naveen liked school most of the time. But homesickness was not foreign to him. His sister and his cats helped, but there were still times he wanted to be home more than anything else in the whole world. Usually he would curl up in bed until the feeling passed, but that didn't always work. When it persisted he would find his way down to the kitchens and throw something together to at least distract him for a while. More often than not he'd get so frustrated trying to find the ingredients he was looking for, that his homesickness would be long forgotten. Today he was trying to make some cookies, it was a recipe his dad had worked out with him and now he couldn't find an egg to save his life. "Come on." he groaned as he grabbed a step stool to try and check one of the upper shelves.
As much as she tried to relax, Dhivya felt like the weight of her classload was always bearing down on her shoulders. She had tried to keep up with dance and chess in her own time as well, and was regretting not joining the gobstones club - it wasn't quite chess, but it would have been something to keep her gaming mind active. It was a lot though, especially with keeping an eye on her brother. She needed to relax, and grabbing a quick sweet snack to nibble on while she did her homework didn't seem like a bad idea. She was surprised when she entered to see her twin, grinning brightly. "Naveen!" She said, hurrying over to him. "What're you doing?"
Naveen's less that solid footing was really pushed it's limits when he heard a familiar voice call out to him. He wobbled slightly and gripped on to the shelf to steady himself. "Maybe don't shout when I'm on standing on some rickety stool." he warned as the adrenaline still flooded his system. He took a deep breath and got down, back to steady ground. "I could ask you the same thing." he said with a grin now. "I was just trying to throw something together but it's impossible to find anything in here." he sighed.

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